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Would you date yourself?


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I think if I were a female and faced with myself, I might have feelings for myself. I have really great blue eyes I'm told, so I'd imagine I'd notice that first. Then, my personality would come out as the male-me would come talk to the female-me. I know I have the sense of humor I like (sarcastic and not easily offended), so that'd be a plus. All and all, I'm pretty sure that I'd find myself attractive.


However, as far as a date goes, I don't know if I would ask myself out. I'd imagine that the feelings would bubble over and somebody would take some action on either side.


My head is dizzy.

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Yeah, I'd date myself!! LOL. I'd even call myself the next day to say "thanks".



See, I don't think this is always true. Perspective dictates, to a degree, personality and consequently, no two conversations would be identical either given the same location at different times or same time but different locations. So, the fact that you were looking at yourself, speaking, from a different perspective/location would mean that you could potentially really surprise yourself with what each of you has to say. Know what I mean??





This would have been a great way to describe relativity in my physics classes in University.

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I would be great dating material. I am very laid back although I do have my serious times (I think everyone does). I would even go as far as to say I would be a great husband.


The only problem I see would be approaching me and getting used to my physical aspects. Im 6'8 255lbs and I look like an ogre! I know that its the inside that counts, but there does have to be some kinda physical attraction and I don't see how ANY, and I do mean ANY, girl in this world could have any kinda physical attraction toward me. Plus finding me is a task all in itself seeing as I don't go to clubs or those kinda places.


Its all cool though, I have tranq. darts and the gun to go with it in the closet incase I ever feel the urge! =P

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A lot of people think how they would be dating themself while beeing who they are right now.

I am going to try to imagine that I am a guy with different caracter than I have.

Hm, let's say I am in a club and I see myself. Hm, I would start flirting with me if i didn't have too much make up, but my "shirt for numbers" would be necessary.

I would have sex with myself, because I am good.

Would I marry me - noooooo, all this things would be the reason why:

I love to criticize,

I need a lot of time alone,

I don't love cooking,

sometimes I am too lazy to go to the shop so I don't have any bread at my house (like today),

I don't like watching tv and I hate it when people turn on the tv right after they arrive home,

I talk too much,

I am picky when it comes to choosing a movie to watch,

I don't like sharing my private toughts,

I love shoping a lot,

I am a real * * * * * in PMS

and manyn other things

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In all seriousness, If I were single and met a female version of myself I still wouldn't date her. The reason... my sister and I look a lot alike, we are only a year apart and people have asked my mom if we are twins. We also have very simalar personalities and interests. So, if I met this female me, it would be like dating my sister. And that is just creepy.

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What an interesting question! lol


Anyway, thinking about it for a few moments, yeah, I'd date me! I'm cute, funny, smart, romantic and easy to talk to. Hell, I'd marry me! In fact, a lot of the qualities I look for in a mate would be the same as myself... while I'm tempted to say I'd just like a female version of me with boobs, that's probably not true.


But the problem is, if I were a girl... I know I'd be expecting the guy version of me to initiate the relationship. BUT...! The guy me is far too shy and cautious, thus nothing would ever happen. Both mes would be too shy to do anything, and keep expecting and hoping the other 'me' to approach the other.


So, in theory, I'd date me, but I don't see any way it would happen, considering both mes would both be too damn shy! (And I wonder why I'm single! Really now!) *rolls eyes*

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