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Would you date yourself?


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But are you interesting to yourself?

And how can you be unique if there's two of you

Imagine the conversations

The response to every story, comment or tidbit would be "I know"

You could sit there in silence and have the most rewarding conversation you'll ever have with yourself.


There is a duality that exists within me. Could be my Gemini nature...I don't know. A yin and yang, perhaps.


On another note, we often end up dating people with qualities that we desire but do not have (for whatever reasons).


PS...there are 'two' of me already. I have an identical twin sister...for real

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There is a duality that exists within me. Could be my Gemini nature...I don't know. A yin and yang, perhaps.


On another note, we often end up dating people with qualities that we desire but do not have (for whatever reasons).


PS...there are 'two' of me already. I have an identical twin sister...for real


I was waiting for someone to go for the twin angle. lol

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On another note, we often end up dating people with qualities that we desire but do not have (for whatever reasons)


Well that was the best way to sum it up I could think of haha. I think that is really true, because I really wouldnt date myself. I think that what I look for in people are my flaws and why would i want to date someone thats flawed. When you find someone that you love you find they are perfect because they have everything you lack like I would not date a girl that is a musician or a person that has no plans for the future even if the plan was a dream like being President I would be fine with that. Because I have no set future goals which I hate about myself and I am consumed by music two of me the same conversation the same ideals, morals, goals (or in this case lack there of) wouldnt make for afun friday night.

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Even though Tom Waits wrote an superbly halarious song about this subject, no, I would not date myself.


I couldn't have an intellegent conversation with myself because I know everything I would say, and so it wouldn't be very intellectual stimulating. I don't find myself very attractive either. I would annoy myself after a while, and I'M NOT GAY. Also, if I was dating myself my girlfriend would be all alone, and that would just be a crime.

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At first I'd be intimidated by myself and convince me that he's dating someone better, then I'd realize I am single and go for it all out. Even though I like me, I would probably be a bit of a jerk to myself because that's how I am when people are sending me the signals. Eventually I'd get over it and go all out.


I would then date myself for my good looks and outward appearance that I've got my life in order and really know where I'm going.


Then after a few months, I'd realize that I'm pretty unique, but not in the way I originally thought. I'd sort of crumble from the pressure of that whole image I project.


I'd be a bit disappointed, and fall in love with me and my quirks, but I wouldn't return my love because I'm a bit detached that way.

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At first I'd be intimidated by myself and convince me that he's dating someone better, then I'd realize I am single and go for it all out. Even though I like me, I would probably be a bit of a jerk to myself because that's how I am when people are sending me the signals. Eventually I'd get over it and go all out.


I would then date myself for my good looks and outward appearance that I've got my life in order and really know where I'm going.


Then after a few months, I'd realize that I'm pretty unique, but not in the way I originally thought. I'd sort of crumble from the pressure of that whole image I project.


I'd be a bit disappointed, and fall in love with me and my quirks, but I wouldn't return my love because I'm a bit detached that way.




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Yeah, I'd date myself!! LOL. I'd even call myself the next day to say "thanks".


I couldn't have an intellegent conversation with myself because I know everything I would say, and so it wouldn't be very intellectual stimulating.

See, I don't think this is always true. Perspective dictates, to a degree, personality and consequently, no two conversations would be identical either given the same location at different times or same time but different locations. So, the fact that you were looking at yourself, speaking, from a different perspective/location would mean that you could potentially really surprise yourself with what each of you has to say. Know what I mean??




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