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sex in the morning?

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Hey guys! I'm just curious, how do you all feel about having sex in the morning right after you wake up? Before I'd ever had sex, my mom and grandma both said that NO ONE in their right mind has sex in the morning and it's just something they do in movies. They said it's nasty because both people have morning breath and eye goobers, blah blah blah (BTW have no idea how the topic came up). Now that I'm sexually active though, one of our absolute favorite times to have sex is in the morning right after we both wake up (or one of us wakes the other). I like it because the bed is all nice and warm and cozy, I'm completely relaxed and still a little bit asleep and was sleeping all cuddled up with BF. I totally don't notice morning breath at all, maybe because we both have it, and he said he doesn't either. So, where do you guys stand on this? Do you love it in the morning, think it's nasty or don't think it's any different from any other time? Oh and when I was an exchange student in Austria, my host mom and host sister both said that the absolute worst, least sexy thing someone could do in bed is wear socks and I don't really get that one, either. My BF has like 1% body fat and gets cold really easily and usually wears socks... when we're in the throes of passion I'm not paying attention to his feet!

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Count me in.


I do like to at least brush my teeth and empty my bladder beforehand, but what a way to start your day!


True, normally I wake up first, so like on a sunday morning when there's more time...I've had my pee, brushed my teeth, cleaned my face.....And he will know that it's a BIG session coming up..lol

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Wow, this is a great thread..... I too am a fan of the wake-and-quake.

On those nights where marathon quantities of sex runs you down, theres nothing quite like rising up in the morning and getting reeeal close to your lover.

.....and even if the equipment isn't pre-set to its morning position, the rising sun glowing accross the skin on her body takes care of that

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Better then breakfast!!! My b/f and I have sex every morning that he stays with me. We just don't do a lot of kissing. I sleep with my back to him and his arms around me. I can usually "feel" him wake up and we go at it from that position. We're not facing each other so morning breath isn't really an issue. Sometimes I sneek out of bed right when I get up and brush my teeth before, then he'll do the same.

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