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Love it brit!


It's tough being the foreigner isn't it??


I remember being in a bar in London and this American gent approached me and said

"do y'all tip the bar staff staff here when you get a drink?"

Me "No, not unless you really want to"

him "thanks guy"

Me "but if you get information from a fellow patron of a bar you have to tip them..."

him *reaches for wallet*

Me "dude, I'm joking!"


Very cruel but I enjoyed it!


Don't judge me, I bought him a drink after!

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My heart today....


I am moving into the anger phase of healing! Found out my ex started seeing someone a week after dumping me and it is so obvious that this had been going on since before we split. So I have a wounded ego, the knowledge that it is for the best and a steely determination to do some excellent things for myself so that I actually feel what I know - that this break up has been a blessing!

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I sent you a PM earlier Brit, solidarity for my enotalone ex-pat friend!


Well I drunk many Stella's for you on the weekend and I did the obligatory drunken ex boyfriend phonecall....'How could you move on so fast?!'


Silly move


She said to me 'He is so good looking, really cute'


Fair enough if I had dumped her lol but I was the dumpee!


So now it is just a matter of accepting the situation and transforming the pain of all this into something positive and beneficial...and I will....

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Apologies for the very long post here, but I wrote this for myself and a few friends after a long conversation about how we could all improve our lives...


I call it PROJECT 2007!


Maybe this would be of some benefit to someone out there too!


PROJECT 2007 will be one of the hardest things you have ever done, assuming you do it. On New Year’s Day 2007, you will leave behind your vices, you will get eye to eye with reality and make the first step of a six month journey that will encompass every aspect of your life. It is all about working hard for change for the better. It is about realizing that only through difficulty and adversity do we achieve anything, it is about becoming strong mentally and physically. It is about expanding your knowledge and cultural horizons. It is about improving your whole quality of life. If you follow the plan, you will benefit in deep and far reaching ways, your relationships will improve, you will be more motivated, you will be more compassionate and you will know yourself.


This is not merely a New Years resolution, but a manifesto for the laying of a new stronger foundation for yourself upon which you will built a better relationship with yourself and others.


You must be prepared for the difficult transition into this new way of life. There is nothing easy or simple about it, though the plan is simplicity itself. Through physical exercise and meditation you will build strength in the mind and body. Mental strength is compassion and this is the focus of the meditation. You will strive to feel compassion for everybody.

Three times a week you will lift weights and become physically toned and strong. You will swim, you will run and you will climb mountains.


You will wake up early everyday and fill your day with action. Every difficult situation you face must be confronted head on and never retreated from.


You will eat better than you ever have, organic foods will form the centerpiece of your diet. You will replace sugar with honey. You will drink no caffine. You will cook your own meals. You will eat three healthy meals everyday. Breakfast will consist of fibre, wheat, oats and fruits. Lunch will be salads and healthy food. Evening meals will be hot home cooked food and there will always be vegetables. You must eat at least two pieces of fruit every day. You will drink fruit juices, mineral water and eat raw vegetables. No junk food at all.


In your everyday environment there will be order, your environment is a reflection of your mind.


You will broaden your cultural horizons by seeking out new music and ignoring all the music of the past until June. You will try to read a book a week, scientific books, spiritual books, historical books and well chosen works of fiction.

You will expand your social circle to a large degree and see an exponential rise in opportunities and possibilities.


The baggage you have carried around for years has no purpose now, take from it only any true and positive wisdom you have acquired, but leave the rest behind. It no longer matters and does not reflect where you are now. It exists merely as a burden you no longer need to carry.


You need nothing but yourself to do this. It costs nothing but discipline and time. You can be sure that it will be time well spent.


Fear must not stop you achieving happiness. Fear must be confronted as is it’s want


Cigarettes will become a thing of your past, an addiction you have beaten - to do this use whatever techniques you have to! Patches, chewing gum, hypnosis - anything to give it up - This is very important.


You are allowed to drink alcohol in social situations.


The money you save on cigarettes will be used to buy you an completely new wardrobe of clothes and supplement your organic food bills. Your old clothes will be given to charity shops to help good causes and you will seek out other ways to help those who need it.


You will set yourself achievable challenges and fulfill them, these are up to you but must sit comfortably within the project.


You will keep a journal in which you will constantly record your progress, feelings, fears, doubts, success and , in moments of weakness you will turn to other members of the project for positive reinforcement. You will keep in mind the big picture of the project, you are becoming yourself and unlocking your true potential in this world. Every day counts, every choice you make is important. You must focus hard on the goal and see every difficult moment for what it is...a heavy foundation stone that has to be lifted into place. If you cannot fill out your journal everyday, it must at the very least be done a few times every week.


There is nothing selfish or self indulgent about the project, the project is about making you into someone excellent for the benefit of others. In your positive attitude and success in self betterment you will encourage and help those who lack the motivation. You will try to bring harmony to all the situations you encounter and you will show by example what is possible in life, because by June you will be reaping the rewards of your hard work and discipline.


Simplicity is the secret to this. You will not embroil yourself in any destructive emotional situations or destructive acts. You will over ride your desires and lust and rather than craving or wanting things, you will simply get yourself to a place in which you will attract good things to yourself through positive mental and physical action.


This is Project 2007. It is daunting and far reaching, but it is possible and you know just by reading this that it is logical, real, true and achievable. So you can achieve it, or you can not, that is purely up to you. But on June 30th 2007, assuming you have worked hard and remained disciplined, you will realize you can make positive things happen.


So until that time, live your life as you are, enjoy your cigarettes, have a joint, drink with friends, eat what you like, try and have some fun, take stock of your twelve months, what you have learned, what you have achieved and look forward with optimism towards a New Year, a new start and a multiplicity of possibilities.

Then begins Project 2007!


Answer the following questions with complete honesty and in as much detail as you can. And then place the answers with the date in a sealed envelope to be marked ‘To be opened June 30th 2007’. Do this on the last day of each month and only on the 30th of June will they be opened and reviewed.


Do you percieve the world in a positive and realistic way?

Do you know there is a better way of living?

Are you denying yourself many opportunities to be happy?

Where are you emotionally?

What stresses you?

What situations in your life are adverse to your happiness?

What makes you feel content?

Are you a compassionate person?

Could you be more healthy?

What is life’s most important aspect?

When did you last have fun?

What do you give emotionally to other people?

Do you have an ambition?

What are your talents?

What areas of life do you avoid?

What do you aspire to?

Describe your ideal domestic life.

What qualities do you seek in your ideal partner?

What makes you anxious?

Why do you get angry?

What are life’s joys?

Do you want to make positive changes in your life?

Why do you want to make positive changes?

Does the idea of change scare you?

Do you have discipline?

Who do you admire and why?

Are you polite to everyone you meet?

Where do you find beauty?

Why will you succeed?

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Hi DYT, moved out of the garage yet?

So what are you doing for Christmas anyway since you keep wanting Sandy to come visit? (and I think Sandy should!)


Brit, oh no it's way more than two and two, we have people from everywhere

on this thread, Sandy is in Canada. (I love Canada!)

People sometimes say I have a southern accent, I don't hear it.

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Lone, I think we all decided to go to nomads for christmas. I'm way south...I've heard I have a southern accent too....BAH!


And yes, I left the garage...no thanks to you....it's freezing out. I moved in with the dogs, its much warmer in their house...thank you very much for asking and showing so much concern.....lol

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Oh Nomads huh? BUT what about...(leans closer to DYT).. cat?


Thats silly DYT, why I hardly hear an accent from you at all.


Ahhh the dog house, I spent many a night there myself.

"Motel 6 1/2"...bet they "still leave the light on for me."

Much better than the garage, and after a few weeks you won't even mind the slobber on the chew toy and finally you will do just accept said slobbery toy as your gift to hold while chasing slumber.



This thread always needs (or wants anyway) a booze up...your fitting right in Brit!

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