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Thats awful how these things happen to people who truly don't deserve it..... me I give up, before I met Jack (the ex) I was alone 2 years, cause I didn't want anymore trouble (either I hurt someone, or sometimes I got hurt)..... then I saw his face... and that was it...... I will be more careful...... build a wall around me.... sounds cold.... but I believe its the best until your sure of what your doing maybe?

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Hey Z~

where'd you get cake? I didn't see any cake. I ate a breakfast bar and a orange...

My ex text last night her Dad is in intensive care.

She also said she will be back in town for Christmas. Bahhhhhh


On a brighter note~My nephew Matt comes in to town tomorrow night.

(we are more like brother and sister, only 5years between us.) I really very excited.

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Reminding you of home am I Brit??


Surely you only need to go down the apple and pears, get on the old dog and bone and call the pope in rome??


Hey Lone, sorry to hear about your ex's father... that's such a difficult thing to handle, on the one hand you want to reach out and offer a helping hand to your loved one but at the same time they no longer deserve that from you.


Good news on the nephew front though... that's 2 pieces of cake I'll be mailing your way then!?

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I'm burning 27 but it's not my birthday, a nice lady in the office gave it to me because I've helped her out a lot recently.


Hey Sandy, you seem in much better spirits, good girl.



And desert, how's about all this attention for improving your self-confidence??

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Ohhhh I hadn't thought about how a bunch of women sitting around talking about how cute he is would upset him....lol, I think he'll be alright Sandy

You're such a sweetie, when you are ready, we're findin you a GREAT guy



A good change Brit. She'll go out of her way if she has too.

I bet your ex'es chin hit the floor. Be glad your not the next woman he is

with, because it sounds like she has a heartbreak waiting on her as well.


ehhhh....someone just pass cake.

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