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Single or not, happiness is what you make of it. I stay single and hardly date because I look for mentally healthy people to date, which is becoming a scarcity. I think the study should be done on the mental health status of these people before going into these detailed life state of actions.

Brilliant, and oh so true!!!!!!!

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Just what I needed.... I turn 24 tomorrow and I want to be single at least for a year I think before I enter another relationship. I want to be busy with school and finishing up my apartment. But at some point I do want to come home to someone.


Oh, and I'm not going to get fat after marriage!

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I have to agree to. My opinion on this is simple.


STAY SINGLE! STAY SINGLE! Do not get married or be in a relationship with someone who wants to get married.


When do you get married? You get married when you want to settle down and have a family. That is the only reason to get married in my opinion. When the time is right, and you want the joy of having a child, then find someone who wants the same thing at that time and go for it and then of course stay married. You make the transition at that time, and at NO OTHER TIME. You'll be happier, IMO.

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Well, I ask this. If we're talking about singleness as in no relationship period (not single as in not married) then what do you people do when it comes to that all natural urge for sex? I mean sorry but after a while masturbation gets old and loses its touch (pun intended).


The article is quoted as saying that singles have better sex. So, no, staying single does not mean staying celibate in this particular thread.

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I think that being single has a lot to be happy about. But I am still looking for that man that can love me like I really want to be loved. And makes me happy to return that same love. I would love to have that fairy tale relationship. The MR. RIGHT that wants you as much as you want him. I just can't seem to find a man that I want that much.

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I have to agree to. My opinion on this is simple.


STAY SINGLE! STAY SINGLE! Do not get married or be in a relationship with someone who wants to get married.


When do you get married? You get married when you want to settle down and have a family. That is the only reason to get married in my opinion. When the time is right, and you want the joy of having a child, then find someone who wants the same thing at that time and go for it and then of course stay married. You make the transition at that time, and at NO OTHER TIME. You'll be happier, IMO.


You can say that if you are a man and with sufficient amounts of money I assume that you are a man because you never mentioned about the female biological clock that is winding down. It adds a whole different dynamics to the problem. "Find the person who wants the same thing at that time and go for it", how many people do you see can find the right person at any point in their lives. Finding the right person is hard and rare, finding the right person when you timer is running low is a bigger challenge! Even if ouare ready now you might have passed up Mr right 3 years ago

Being single is so easy to say but so hard to do. Most of the time singles will hop into bed with someone just to get the intimate feeling and then move on. That doesnt make then strong and single, it makes them selfish and needy because they just take and dont give back unless they are so damn good in the sack (which i doubt cos F#$king is F#$#ing having great sex relies on trust)


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I am sold frisco. Singles life is the best!


I must be honest though, I have been the happiest in my life when I am single because I get to:

1) Pursue my education/career with no distractions

2) Go out with friends whenever I please

3) Not required to call someone or check-in

4) I spend more money on nice things for myself than paying for dinners

5) Life is GOOD!




I think in a healthy relationship you can have all those things - I do. I pursue my career in a more confident way because my boyfriend is a great sounding board/brain stormer for the things I am trying to do, we each spend sufficient time with our friend alone, and I love that we call each other to check in - it's a nice warm/fuzzy feeling most of the time. As for money, I'm not so interested in acquiring things.


not saying you should date but I don't think you need to justify the benefits of singledom by highlighting perceived negatives of being in a relationship - both have their advantages and disadvantages.

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You know while one or two things on that list may be right, the reason I come here for solace rather than go to one of the more well-trodden singles sites is that here there are real people who really know what being single is all about...


These sites seem to give too much of a 'Sex and the City' take on being single, that it's all about one night stands, looking smoulderingly hot and little black books. That can make you feel inadequate if your experience of being single is more about staying in because your mates are all with their girlfriends tonight, a cold bed in the moring and meals for one.

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I've actually lived the complete opposite of the spectrum, single to the extreme for a long time and that sucks as well. It's better to be playing the game whether you're winning or losing than to be just sitting on the bench. You've got to live life and to do that it includes getting torn up in relationships and being happy in others.

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You know while one or two things on that list may be right, the reason I come here for solace rather than go to one of the more well-trodden singles sites is that here there are real people who really know what being single is all about...


These sites seem to give too much of a 'Sex and the City' take on being single, that it's all about one night stands, looking smoulderingly hot and little black books. That can make you feel inadequate if your experience of being single is more about staying in because your mates are all with their girlfriends tonight, a cold bed in the moring and meals for one.


I haven't seen those single sites but I do know (remember) what it's like to be indoors on a Saturday night when I've wanted to be out. Your take is a lot more realistic for most people.

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RedQueen I think that when the right one comes along - it won't be hard work...you'll just love hanging out with them!


I bet you - that you are gonna fall and fall hard!!!(one day!)


Hmmm. must admit hate being single.......- maybe I'm in love with romance. But I guess I love that hop skip and jump an excited feeling when you've met someone new who you really like! No alcohol, no drug can make you feel the excitement!

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RedQueen I think that when the right one comes along - it won't be hard work...you'll just love hanging out with them!


I bet you - that you are gonna fall and fall hard!!!(one day!)


Hmmm. must admit hate being single.......- maybe I'm in love with romance. But I guess I love that hop skip and jump an excited feeling when you've met someone new who you really like! No alcohol, no drug can make you feel the excitement!


I love that feeling too. I am not sure that it works well to base a relationship on that feeling -- what happens when it fades a bit, and when your love for the person is strong and deep but more in the familiar/comfortable way. Then those who continue to want the thrill may feel compelled to look elsewhere. I've certainly met men who definitely were in it just for the thrill of the chase. I've certainly loved the thrill of the chase -that's the easy part - it's making the decision to stay in the relationship once you've "caught" the person and you see that all is not cloud nine and roses.

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