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Tell me the most ridiculous, illogical, thing that your Ex has ever said to you!

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I'll start it off: Had an Ex, who after breaking up with me, left me a message on my answering machine in hysterics because the guy she went back to (a guy that abused her for 6 years) had dumped all over her almost immediately after she got back together with him. She sounded totally distressed and I thought maybe he had beat her up or something and the call was a call for help. Plus, she had an 11 year old daughter who I had grown attached to and was worried about. The tearful call said, "(my name) this is (her name), you were right, you were so frigging right. Everything you said that would happen, happened. I just wanted you to know that you were right." I called back to make sure she wasn't laying in a pool of blood or something. Her excuse for calling me was, that she wanted me to know that she was in pain too, because she knew how much pain she caused me. What??? You leave me (someone that treated you and your daughter better than anyone ever has), for a fat, dead end, loser who has ruined your life for 6 years, who again dumps all over you (something I told her would happen), and you see it logical to call me up and share that with me?!

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Well my ex sent me an email saying she really missed the good times and good things we had but she couldnt come back because she already gave so much and had lost so much!? She lost so much because she left and if you gave so much why would you leave in the first place if you invested so much into the relationship?? Yeah she lost everything here all her possessions she left and all of "our money" that she left me to pay the bills. I just never could understand what she meant by that. Maybe she was just blowing smoke... it wasnt all that bad for either of us with plenty of happy days and moments. She too had a daughter who was 11 when we started our 4yr ltr.

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When I broke it off with my ex (we were in a LDR)the first time it was because she had been hanging around with her "friend" and the week before had slept in his bed. Being the cool understanding BF I believed her reasons.


A week later it came about that she wasnt sure how she felt about him. I gave her 2 days to think it over. When I called she was still unsure. Now in 3 weeks I was due to fly to her country to spend 2 weeks with her.


Upon hearing her uncertainty about her feelings I told her "well, I am not coming to see you then." Her reponse:




I promptly asked her "what turnip truck did you fall off of." And no I didnt go and visit her.

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My high school boyfriend didn't call me during christmas break at all, and didn't return any of the messages I left on his machine. We were supposed to spend time together, instead, I heard nothing from him! When he got back, I asked why he didn't call me.


He said, 'well, my family and I decided at the last second to visit my gradma in massachussets." I was like, "what, they like, told you you had to go to the airport in 10 minutes and get packed? no notice? and what? are there no PHONES in massachussets or at the airport? no e-mail? fax machines? fedex? messenger pigeons? does your grandma live in the middle of the WOODS or something?"




what a jerk. I broke up with him.

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Here's another one:


Me: Would you like to go out for coffee sometime?

Him: No, I can't handle a committment right now.


Me (thinking): Hm. I didn't ask you to commit to any sort of coffee. espresso or mochas or a cup of joe are all fine. or you could even have a cup of tea! or a soda!


(I should have said that out loud.) *sigh*

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Here's another one:


Me: Would you like to go out for coffee sometime?

Him: No, I can't handle a committment right now.


Me (thinking): Hm. I didn't ask you to commit to any sort of coffee. espresso or mochas or a cup of joe are all fine. or you could even have a cup of tea! or a soda!


(I should have said that out loud.) *sigh*


Was this your ex or a guy you asked out on a date?

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My ex new early on that I was thinking about going to college in the US. But when I actually got serious about coming here we started drifting apart, with good reason. BUt when she was trying to convince me to stay one of her reasons was that "Americans are Stupid."


IN the end she threadtened suicide if I didn't stay. She wasn't serious. People who do that usually aren't.

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Heres something illogical my ex(same one) DIDNT say. Broke up the second time around 5 months ago. She went home to her country. She had applied and been accepted to university here and I guess decided at some point she would come back here and attend university. I guess at some point she also had the great idea of:


Asking my good friend if she (the ex) could stay with her (my friend) when she came back here. Of course logicially WITHOUT asking me if it was cool.


My friend had the common sense to at least run it by me first which I said I dont have a problem with it other the ex not asking me. Logical.

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My ex husband said during the divorce:

HIM: OK, you get the bed, but I want the couch and the entertainment center.

ME: NO, you get one or the other, we are splitting things in half, remember?

HIM: BUT you only paid half price for it. That means I should get two things.


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The dumbest thing my ex (of 3 years) said to me was also one on the most hurtful. Lets call the ex H. H was a sexual abuse survivor, and when we met was seriously in need of psychological help and meds. It was often said it was our friendship that gave my ex the strength to not do something permanent. My ex would wake up screaming at night and have extremely violent dreams, and I would be the the one to hold H and say it was going to be ok, you get the drift. H also had serious anger issues I finally got H to go seek help, and even the therapist said I did all the hard work, lol. The "friends" H mentions in this havent been around for more than 18 mos or so and 7 of those montths H was living in another state, and for the first 3 mos or so back H didnt see them very much.


Here is the conversation, mind you H broke it off with me, and started seeing a friend of ours less than a month after we were offically over.


H: There is going to be a sexual abuse survivors awareness at the Stagger Inn. My therapist thinks I should be a speaker. J (new flame) will be there too.


L: That is great! I am proud of you for being able to talk more openly about this.


H: Yeah, I figured I should ask you because you have helped me in some ways just as much as my friends have.


The whole comment made me want to hang up the phone.


Needless to say, I didnt go ~ H had friends there, I wasnt necessary. Plus like I want to be there at the end, when it should have been me giving the congratulatory hug and kiss at the end of the speech, only to witness someone else doing it? Puhleeze!

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not my ex, but a guy who had wanted to date me. Keep in mind, he was the one who kept asking me to go out with him so I went to see a movie with him. Then this.


He: Hey, I had a great time with you and I want to go out with you again, but could you wait around for a bit, I want to see what happens with this other girl.


Me: WHAT!!!!!!!!


Needless to say, I never went out with him again. He went on a date with this other girl and she gave him the boot. He came back and asked me if I wanted to go out again. I ignored him.


How dumb in dating can you be, if you want to try it with someone else, you dont tell the other girl that you also want to date, to wait a bit because YOU want to try dating someone else. MORON!!!!!

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