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cute? beautiful?

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would you rather be consider "cute" or "beautiful"?


some people don't want to be called "cute" becuz the term is used for pets.


for me, i choose "cute". for me, "cute" person is more approachable and friendlier than "beautiful" one. that's the way i see it.


any other difference?

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I would rather be beautiful.

I just see beauty as more classy and appealing. Like, a painting. Or a model.

"Cute"...meh, I dunno. That could be used for so many things. Children, pets, etc. I feel as if I'm being childlike or immature if I'm called "cute".


There are lots of other words out there, though. It's complicated how each have their own connotations. "Stunning"; "Gorgeous"; "Hot"; "Sexy"; "Pretty"; "Adorable"...and more.


You could expand this question to include lots of other words.

Personally, I think "pretty" is more comparable to "cute". I see beauty as something that could be intimidating, whereas "pretty" would be more of an approachable beauty. More like, the girl next door. "Beauty" might not smile. But "Pretty" could be the girl that's always smiling.


Haha, it's all pretty subjective though. People have very different connotations involved with each word, I think.

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There are lots of other words out there, though. It's complicated how each have their own connotations. "Stunning"; "Gorgeous"; "Hot"; "Sexy"; "Pretty"; "Adorable"...and more.


You could expand this question to include lots of other words.


sure. you can compare other terms too, if you want to.

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Not to cheat on this question, but how about "striking" instead? Looks - both beautiful and cute - fade with time, but a striking appearance never really does, even if it ages.


You can be striking with an interesting hairstyle, your choice of clothes, and most importantly, how you carry yourself. Your aura, so to speak. As a long-ago boyfriend once told me, "When you look like somebody, people treat you like somebody."

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Hmmm. I have been told Im striking and beautiful.


Cute a few times but I don't see myself as cute. Cute to me is someone who is petite and bubbly like Katie Couric. I however am 6'0" tall and not as bubbly as someone who is cute.

I believe cute, beautiful, and striking are attitudes that can affect the physical.


I would say

cute = Katie Couric

beautiful/striking = Angelina Jolie (not saying I look like AJ but I do have her lips)

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I prefer girls who I would describe as 'cute'... just seems less intimidating.


The word 'beautiful' doesn't tend to get used for guys, but 'hot', 'sexy' and 'gorgeous' do... not usually when referring to me though, the most I normally get is 'cute' which I take as a complement, but one which means I look nice and approachable, not necessarily physically attractive though.

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Well everyone thinks I'm "cute." I like it. My boyfriend says cute too, but mostly "beautiful" and "pretty." I think those words show more meaning... I'm not sure why. It kind of shows more effort in his ways of describing me, I guess. I tell my boyfriend he's "cute"... I can't say he looks "beautiful" or "pretty". What else am I supposed to say to him? LOL.



That would be 'becutieiful'

That's so freakin' adorable.

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I like when my boyfriend calls me beautiful.. I guess from him I would prefer beautiful. I guess it would depend who the compliment came from or something. But I mean, to me they are both positive compliments.


One thing I've never really liked is the word "hot". I just never liked when guys would call me hot. It feels too immature to me, or something. It's hard to explain. But I would much much rather be called beautiful or cute than hot.

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I HATE being called "cute"!!!!!!! I would always tell my ex "stop calling me cute!!" lol...I get it alot though cuz i'm only 5"0 ft it makes me feel like a baby! lol. I wanna be called pretty or sexy or even better, stunning or beautiful. not that I think I am...it just feels nice to hear it

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I've been called beautiful, and cute, fine, hot, and striking, etc.


However since I'm petite people, even women, feel the need to tell me how cute I am all the time. And how cute my tiny little clothes are, etc.


My answer to the original question? I always prefer when I'm called beautiful. But it's all good. Ideally, though, someone will call me, 'becutieiful'


And I think I'll know the right man for me, because he will say I'm, 'becutiestrikefinehotiful'.

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I mostly get called cute. I'm 5'5 but I have a soft/baby face appearance. It doesn't bother me though. Once in a while I get called "hot", but that's more when I show some cleavage and wear a bit of makeup.


Only my ex called me beautiful. I honestly think that's more of a compliment than cute.

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i use the two words differently.

to me, beautiful is to do with appearance, while cute can mean something to do with personality or mannerisms. like i think my bf's laugh is cute, and the way he goes ga-ga over his sister's little furball kitten. beautiful would be something more physical to me, i think.

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i use the two words differently.

to me, beautiful is to do with appearance, while cute can mean something to do with personality or mannerisms. like i think my bf's laugh is cute, and the way he goes ga-ga over his sister's little furball kitten. beautiful would be something more physical to me, i think.


Yes, I think you have a good point there.


I know I've referred to certain behaviors or mannerisms as 'cute' that were done by people that I didn't find attractive at all. So yes it could be used just that way.

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