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Guys, what are your worst experience(s) during sex?

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Can men be abused during sex? What constitutes abuse and unfair use? Have you ever asked a girl to stop and she did not stop? Girls, I do not want ask you too many questions all the time on sexual matters, please make your own thread.


My worst experiences:


Most painful - Me on my back, a girl brutally grinding her clit on my pubis - no vertical motion. I said it hurt, she continued, after another minute, my eyes were watering and I was losing my erection, I asked her to stop, she said wait and continued for another 30 seconds or so until she finished her orgasm. My pubis hurt for two days. Afterward, she does not want me to continue on top.


Painful - Me on my back, a girl riding me very hard she pulled out to much, rammed down again and I felt a bit of pain in my groin when I slipped back in from the wrong angle, I asked her be careful, don' break it, she continues for another few minutes until done. Then she pulled out lies down. I want to get on top of her but she does not want to as she has enough. Nothing for me. It hurt a week or so at the base.


Painful, almost suffocate - During oral, girl rides my face. She grinds her clit on my nose and her V covers my mouth. I can't get enough air, can't talk, my nose hurts, I mumble, she continues anyway until done. I sort of see stars.


Also several times girls pulled me in after a said wait, slower, stop, also without condom. Sometimes it hurt me, OK some of them were surprised too.


Also several times girls kicked me off when done.

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Oh that sucks. Sex shouldn't be painful. Obviously these women didn't listen to you. Sorry to hear about your experiences. It's not fair and totally insensitive to hurt a partner during sex. That's why people need to be extra sensitive and have open commuincation while having sex.


I have yet to have a "Bad" experience. Though the oral thing, yeah my boyfriend has expressed to me that he wants me to sit on his face one day. But my fear is what happened to you ... that he won't be able to breathe!!

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Man, you've had it rough. Hopefully one day you will find someone who is a little more attentive in the bedroom.


I got walked in on once by my sister. As if that alone wasn't bad enough she (my sister) wanted to fight with me about it later. Then she told my mom and my mom had a fit too. (Keep in mind this was just last January, I was a big boy at the time.)


I accidentally poked my girlfriend in the eye once during sex. That was embarrassing. It really killed the mood.


This one other time we were in the shower and I slipped. We both ended up falling down and I hit my head on the side of the tub.


Man, I am laughing my a*s off typing this out...

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haha, i once got a nosebleed while on top of a girl and a big drop of blood splashed her on the throat. she enjoyed it at first because she thought it was sweat.


another time a girl got my foreskin (such as it is) caught between her front teeth. i saw stars and was done for the day.


had a big girl on top of me once and i thought the skin on my thighs was going to split. worst Indian burn i ever got.


most painful: doggie with a bony girl that left me bruised for several days.

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One girl decided to use some sort of "numbing" gel or something for oral. It was mint flavour. I don't know if she used too much, but I actually had to tell her to stop because it burned so badly. EASILY the most pain I've ever had down there.


End result was me booking it to the bathroom and splashing cold water on it. lol. So not funny at the time.

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I've had a girl like some have said, get on top and ride with no vertical motion. I mentioned it didn't feel good and I was getting no where with it. She continued to moan and act like I wasn't there and then rocked harder, only to my dismay I heard a "pop". Yeah, it popped. Needless to say I was done, and I didn't want her to touch me again that night..


I've even said to one woman before that I was tired and done and she continued to not be finished after 2-3 "events" that evening. I was NOT wanting more and she continued to try to get me aroused with oral until she about bit down on me and crushed me trying to get on top of me while I passed out.

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Some one tapping the tent and saying we are keeping there kids up.


O the shame


Oh hell... I have to tell this story now. My friends and I always go camping labor day weekend. It's a tradition. Well one year my one friend and his girlfriend were in the tent messing around. Well, they didn't realise that all of us sitting around the campfire could see everything going on because they had a light on in the tent and it was casting shadows. Sometimes we still tease him about that. Him and that girl aren't even together anymore.


Didn't mean to stray off the subject...

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umm. Sounds weird enough, but the first time I had sex was sort of in an empty dumpster. Every time I moved, I would slam my head against the metal wall. It wasn't that bad though.


Most embarrassing, I'd have to say the night that me and Ian got back together, we were parked accross the street from a chinese food place and there were people sitting on the stone thing watching through the front window of his van. Plus, people walking by the van on the sidewalk trying to look in to see why the van was moving lmfao.

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This thread seems very similar to one I started yesterday. Here are afew more peoples tales. Some people managed to brake bones and thats just the foreplay ! ! !




My most recent is a friction burn down my penis, taking skin off the head and shaft. I have also had friction burns on my knees and elbow.


As for girls trying to keep turning you on as someone mentioned I experienced that. My ex and I within 8 hours had had sex 4 times lasting about 3 hours. Then she kept forcing me to have sex with her. I mean I was totally drained. And within 16 hours we had had sex 8 times. It wasa case of fall asleep get woken up, forced to have sex although I said no then fall back to sleep then repeat. It was horrbile.


Erm just a general embarasing level. After I had sex with my current girlfriend and I had had sex. Ourfriend walked in the room, and we had left the condom on the floor. The girl first of all was like oh it smells funny in here. Then 10 min later she picked up the condom which we werehopingshe would not see(she has bad eyesight and did not have her contacts in) thinking it was some false teeth. Then she ran around the house screaming going ewwwwwwwww and stuff.

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I got that girl to stop harassing my penis when I finally found my boxers, rolled over on my stomach and put my face on the wall while I tried to go to sleep. She got the hint after I pulled my penis out of her mouth and pushed her away.


I guess thats what I get for a random hook up.

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Nottogreen, why didn't you manually stop her if you were in brutal pain? I mean if I was in bad pain and I said stop it hurts and they continued, I would smack her in the face and ask her if that hurt too and if she would like me to stop?


To answer, the worst time I ever had was hmmmm, probably something odor related because that is just the worst.

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Answering your latter reply.. I think he was joking. I don't think it's too far fetched for a woman to know thats she's doing more than pleasing her man, she's punishing him with pain. It doesn't take rocket science to figure it out sometimes when they go quiet, and just have the "please hurry" look on their face, if you can SEE their face.



As for the "pop" I heard. It was my penis. There's ligiments, and other do-dads in the penis, and when it's gorged with blood, if pulled in an awkward position, which is painful, you can hear a muscle in there "pop". It sounds just as loud, as say.. Popping your back or something. And it's relativly the same mechanics as popping your fingers, only no bone. Just a hurt boner.


Needless to say, it varies sometimes. I've had it "pop" on several occasions. Sometimes it's painful as all hell, and other times, it just makes me laugh. More often than not, it happens when ALL of it is pulled in a downward motion, very close to the base. As in, last week when my girlfriend's knees got tired of being on the coffee table, she got down low on the floor without mentioning her sudden movement to me, and pulled down, WHILE in mid stroke.



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What do you mean it popped?




Im sorry, but thats wrong. Who taught you that hitting women was right? Just because she it hurting you does not give you the right to slap her. You could roll over on top of her and take control like that, or just push her off. You dont have to hit a woman. You can take control of the situation in another way.


Lotsa Love

Rain Gate


lol I kind of agree with him saying that though. If he was hurting and she wouldn't stop, I don't see any problem with it. Plus, I don't think he'd slap her hard enough to leave a mark, just to get his point through to her.

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I guess everyone can, guys that is.. I know I've had friends tell me they broke their penises. Which is pretty much what it feels like, and sounds like..


No it doesn't feel good, at all. But sometimes depending on the force and how fast it was done, and what position, it varies in how much it hurts, and how much it just makes you go.. "Ohhh.. "

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Nottogreen, why didn't you manually stop her if you were in brutal pain?

Well, she was close. I could have rolled over, no problem, but did not want to upset her.


She was just too selfish, not had sex with her again and split up with her a few weeks later. Was my lousiest relationship ever.

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FCTex, One should be very hard when a girl is on top or when "going wild". I was quite hard at the time but sometimes do get softer when I "do nothing" and she takes longer. I never heared it pop, pain was at the base and mostly stopped after a week, how long took it for you to recover?


TheRedQueen, google turned up nothing, what is "vaginarid"? and would you please be so kind and start a thread for the girls, I am sure them have tales to tell too.

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I never really had to "recover".. I could still finish sex in some cases. In the one instance it was bad enough, I went limp, and just went to sleep. My penis was just sore for a day, I could still have sex, just kinda had that "you used me and over abused me" feeling as if I had sex like 14 times that evening before.

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I never really had to "recover".. I could still finish sex in some cases. In the one instance it was bad enough, I went limp, and just went to sleep. My penis was just sore for a day, I could still have sex, just kinda had that "you used me and over abused me" feeling as if I had sex like 14 times that evening before.

OK, by what you say I think it was the ligaments at the base which were overstretched. I was shy to ask a doctor.


Some people do not have concern for others, such is life.


Some girls do not know how to orgasm properly, (like the first and the third in my OP). Them made no sound and stimulated very hard. Them hurt too. And them never have enough. Both of them had no G-spot orgasms also during intercourse. Takes time to learn, and that takes a lasting relationship, which would not work out with them.


IME, girls which orgasm properly have enough with once a day. Them are also just too tired. Please keep this in mind.

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