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and i want black hair...

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and mum won't let me...


"no, you weren't meant to have black hair, only blond. you'll look like a ghost or a goth..."


"but mum can i just have it once or even a really dark brown?"


"no. people would kill for your strawberry blond hair..."


and to my friends...


"i so want black hair."


"well you're not sitting with us if you get it. don't turn in to one of *them*."


some people say its cool i should do it or it's adorable and some people say you can't sit with us if you change your hair colour. and my mum and dad won't let me.


well i will. and when i do, they're words are gonna bite back harder at them.




that was what i posted on another forum.


i really would like to dye my hair black or really dark brown, everyone i know is against it.


friends are even saying you can't sit with us then and as much as i appreciate them, it really makes me think about whether or not they even consider me friends if they are willing to chuck me away because of my hair colour.


i'm willing to widen the gap between myself and my family and break the friendships between me and my friends, my whole school social life. everything. as much as i don't want to, people are acting so shallow against me, it just makes me want to go forward with this choice.


they say i am turning "emo" or "goth" which is the stupidest thing yet. since when did a guy changing his hair colour have anything to do with creating scenes or following a youth culture.


should i? and are these people really even my friends if they are willing to lose me because i would like to look differant? i appreciate them as friends but it seems they don't want me around them just because they think it is embaressing...

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You know what? I went through exactly the same phase when I was about 14 years old. I wanted to have bleached hair, then I had phases where I wanted jet black hair. My mum would never let me do it either, but one day she did and I could have gone for my life... but in the end, I chickened out because I love my natural hair colour too much... just to waste on some dye really wouldn't have been worth it.


In the end, hair is just an extension of fashion. One taste comes in, it's popular for a few months... then something else comes into taste and what you have is left behind.


I think in a few months down the track and you realise that you have lost your natural hair colour, you'll wish you never gave into peer pressure.


I am so glad now that my mother never let me do anything too radical to my hair...


In some senses it is like your own virginity



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Let people look at their own lives instead of critising you. Even if your mom says no, just do it behind her back. DONT RUSH IT, read the instruction manual, or better yet let a professional do it for you. Grab a few bucks and get to a hairdresser who will do it for you.


You know there are 6 billion people in this world, you can't satisfy them all, so why should you worry about what they think of you? You define your own style of life instead. That will only give you more of a unique personality. And your own look on life.

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do it!! do it!!


i dyed my hair black and i loved it, then i walked into my house any my mom sed take off the wig nicole...

im like uhhh.

she fliped.

from that point on i was called pocohontas.. lol

but if you go black and and want to go back to your natural hair color, your going to have to do that professional so they can strip the black from your hair.. its a long process..

but i would do it again..

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It's only hair, it'll grow back. You can always experiment with your hair at that age.


When I was in high school, I had blonde, green, purple, red highlights (at different times of course.) Hair is temporary and you're a guy who (i am assuming) probably has short hair, so it'll grow back within a few months.

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I am a natural blonde when I was 15 I wanted black hair with blue highlights, my mom said "absolutely not, people would pay big money for blonde hair" and I said "but I would pay big money for black hair, don't you understand? they don't like thier hair and I don't like mine, same thing"


so that got me the black hair, and then a few weeks later I used the "this is the only time I can have blue highlights, when I am 18 it's too late I have to get a job, this is the only time I can do it and still be responsible"


and so I had blue hair, after that I went through every color of the rainbow.... but yeah, use logic, and if she still says no, you just gotta go with it.

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I am a mom and I actually see nothing wrong with changing your hair color. My kids are age 25 and 20 now, and they both have experimented with changing hair color several times in the past.


Both my kids have dark brown hair. My daughter at one time wanted a more auburn/ reddish color to her hair. It actually looked cute, even though I loved her natural hair color as well.


My son went from dark brown to the blondish color and it actually looked pretty cool too. My son had the permanent change in color but with guys if you have short hair it does not take it long to grow back out to your natural color, ( just a matter of a couple of months in most cases with guys).


How old are you? Sometimes parents think you are making a mistake if you are quite young. When my daughter wanted to change her color the first time she was 16 and came home with the color kit and showed me what she wanted to do.


My son was 17 when he first changed his hair color. He had asked me about it, and the only thing I told him was not to come home with rainbow colored hair, otherwise, I let him make the decision on his hair.


THere are different levels of hair dying, such as permanent and the semi permanet and there are some that actually wash out in a matter of a few shampoos.

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You go to be careful with black, can make your light skin tone look grey and your face like your dead. Try a temporary colour first at least. With permanent dye, it will make years to grow out if it's long, and roots showing look a mess.

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I am a 14 year old male.


Cacausin (sp) so I think my mum is worried that black hair will make me look like a ghost or a goth. In our city, goths are the ones that hang around in the city complaining and haiting their families and having issues. I think she's worried I'll turn into something she doesn't want.


Friends believe it's that I'll turn emo. I don't believe you "turn" emo, you either are or you aren't. And I mean, why would I choose to be something that would lose all of my friends, I wouldn't want that.


My hair is originally blond and having English descendents, my mum and my grandmother and relatives down the line had blond hair. Would this mean that black hair would make me look really you know "white pale skin with jet black hair."


Also if I wanted a temporary dye, which one should I purchase and how would I go about getting it dyed? Preferebly from a hairdresser? Also would it ruin my natural blond hair? A friend said people would kill for it and it might damage it's "texture" even though I want black hair bad.


Thank you in advance and so far.

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I would say either get a professional to do it or get one of those hair dyes from the drugstore (Clairol, etc) that are not permanent, until you know you like your new look.


I always had boring mouse-brown hair. I bleached it blonde when I was younger, but the process seemed to have literally fried my hair, it kept breaking and turning frizzy! Ouch!


Going darker is supposed to be less harsh on hair than bleaching it lighter. I have since tried out non-permanent red in my hair and liked it so much I had a professional make it permanent. At any rate, the darker non-permanent colours didn't change the texture of my hair and didn't do any damage.

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Honestly, if you're going from blonde to black then using a temp colour rather than a permanent colour isn't giong to make much difference, only that the temp will wash out sooner and leave your hair tinted with grey.


Going through such extremes it would probably be best to plan to have to shave your head if/when you get tired of it or decide you don't want it.

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