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NC Bandwagon 2, hop on n hope for the best

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I can't believe I am just now discovering this awesome thread! (as many people have already mentioned)


I had three weeks of NC with my ex, then i broke it when he called me the week of my bday and I picked up the phone. We tried to go out to dinner as 'friends'...that was a stupid idea. Its been 14 days of NC since then, two weeks exactly. I'm feeling more confident than i ever have that i can do this, not of course without its hardships, but i finally feel like my life can move on.


Alright, im shooting for 30+ days, no AIM, no Facebook, text msgs, etc.

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red, lemme tell you, after almost 50 days, it REALLY does get better. I find myself thinking, if at all, about her at the end of the day when I'm about to go to sleep. Mind you I was engaged to this woman and she lived with me. You have made so much progress, just look forward my friend.

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Day 14. I think I'm doing alright on my own, but I'm starting to feel lonely. Last night I had a great dream in which I fell in love with someone, and my ex was nowhere to be found throughout the whole thing. This morning when I woke up, instead of feeling like what happened is still part of my life I felt like it would be nice to find someone new.


Somehow, I think I'm ready for someone new. Its not a rebound relationship that I'm looking for; I want to find someone for something deeper, and not to help me get over my ex. She's no longer part of my life, I've accepted it, and now I welcome it. It would be nice to find someone to love, and who will love me. I think I've reached the stage where it couldn't hurt to date around a bit.

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red, lemme tell you, after almost 50 days, it REALLY does get better. I find myself thinking, if at all, about her at the end of the day when I'm about to go to sleep. Mind you I was engaged to this woman and she lived with me. You have made so much progress, just look forward my friend.


Thanks gaiden. I am feeling like myself again. Wish I didn't waste those 2 months though. I could finished any one of my projects(writing) in that time. Instead, I've pissed and moaned, when I could've taken the whole thing so much better. But this was the first time I lost somebody that I loved.


NC 24. Was thinking about her the moment I got up. about an hour later... I wondered why. I've found that writing does help me channel my emotions outwardly. This was one hell of an experience.


Now... I just have to feel comfortable being single. Lonliness is killer. Seriously, amidst it, I feel sick to my stomache, I think about her, and I find myself believing that I lost my one true chance to be with someone. I feel like crap, and I don't like it.


Phew... that felt good to say.

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Day 15- Kept busy at work, felt confident until random memories of that time floated into my head. I felt sick to my stomach. I usually like talking to customers at work, but it makes me sick everytime I wait on a young couple and they look happy together. I wish it didn't make me sick to see couples, or maybe its jealously I'm feeling.

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Limited NC for 2 months, NC for six days (no internet stuff, even!!!). Feeling weird! I know he's with another woman and it's driving me out of my mind. I have the same dream over and over again: we are packing up our home. I'm crying. He tells me he's about to meet the other girl, that he really loves her, that she's giving him everything I couldn't. This didn't happen in real life (I left him, he didn't start dating her until 2 weeks after we broke up, we broke up right before we were supposed to move in together).


Waking hours: the first three days were the worst. I thought about him constantly, cried, etc. I was the one to initiate NC. I have no problems with it. I don't miss him. I never feel the urge to call him or e-mail him. However, I have some perverse desire to look at the pictures he posts of his new girlfriend, although it makes me feel worse that she's not attractive and that we look nothing alike. Keep hearing from my friends about their run-ins with them, just makes me feel terrible.


Looking forward to the day when I can meet them on the street and not give a crap. Looking forward to a day when I stop comparing myself with someone I don't even know.

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Hi all, wasn't here for a several weeks. Because I decided not to let this break up & healing consumes me too much.

Because in some way if I would check this forum regularly, I (un)consciously put myself thinking about my ex too much. I'm still busy with moving on. I took a week vacation to Lisbon and it was very good to me. I needed to be away for a little while. And in Lisbon I was so busy and having fun ofourse, that I didn't think about my ex once.

I have to say I started to think about him right away when I came back. But I know it's the progress of moving/healing. My point is...guys/girls.. really pick yourself up and just do anything.

I booked my flight when I was still not sure, depressed and not really having the money. But I just did it and after all I am happy I did it. I has been the best week in this year for sure

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Day 16: Finally starting to work on myself-getting my life together, getting organized, setting goals for the future. I still think about him alot, but have realized that I don't miss him. It is the feelings of comfort, love, safety and security that I miss.


That's all I seem to miss as well. Strange... you take it for granted when you have it, but when it's gone... damn. It hits like like a bullet through the heart.

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Day 15. Recently got a call from the ex...no message. It's tempting but I won't call back, at least not for the next few days while I think about what to do. The fact that he didn't leave a message leads me to believe it couldn't have been anything too important anyway.

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Day 15. Recently got a call from the ex...no message. It's tempting but I won't call back, at least not for the next few days while I think about what to do. The fact that he didn't leave a message leads me to believe it couldn't have been anything too important anyway.


lady00, good to know that you haven't called him back. Talking to him would only hinder all of the progress you've made. Resist calling him. It doesn't matter why he called you, or if it was important...it matters that you're thinking about healing and moving forward. Do whats best for you.


music lover 88

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Day 17- though still painful, this is much easier the second time around. The first time I began NC with him, I was a mess, feeling uncontrollable sadness, pain, and anger. But now its different...now I feel like I'm on a mission, that he will never dictate how I feel, and that I will get through this. I feel more in control of my life and confident that things will get better.

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Day 17. I'm now able to predict my daily cycle, as it always goes the same.


1. Wake up in the morning depressed from dreams the night before, and the thoughts about reality they trigger.

2. Hop on the computer and read about how bad everyone else is doing to remind myself that I'm not alone in the world.

3. Still depressed, get dressed and cleaned up for the day.

4. Find an activity that will take my mind off of things

5. Feel better and stronger after a while of staying busy with other things.

6. Go to bed in a great mood, then start the cycle all over again.

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