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NC Bandwagon 2, hop on n hope for the best

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In one hour its day 8. The girl I was going with broke things off, but I think I can pull through it seeing as how the relationship lasted a total of three days. I'm still hurting from my previous g/f of three years, so perhaps it was for the best seeing as how I'm still depressed. Life no longer has any meaning. If only suicide truly was painless, I would welcome it, but all feasible ways are painful. For now I guess the best I can do is pray for death in my sleep, as life has lost all meaning without the love of my life in it.


Perhaps I'm going crazy? The second girl took my mind off of the first for a while, and the breakup had nothing to do with her; we really just didn't click and I have no complaints about that. But this depression has hit me really hard again. There's a lot to be said for the simple companionship of others, and I have no friends left with which I can spend time. The only two friends I have are always working and can't do anything.

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I found out today what she did to me; she cheated on me with the same * * * *ing guy. I'm breaking NC to tell her how I * * * *ing feel about it.


EDIT: Perhaps an overreaction. In the middle of writing the email I realized I had no good reason to contact her still yet. Now maybe I can cry, or find some sort of way to cope on here. Tonight there will definitely be no dreams of getting her back as I refuse to sleep. I also refuse to ever eat again. Let my body rot away until I'm no longer among these heartless * * * * * * * *.

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I don't know what day it is of NC but I'm hanging in there. I have cried and cried the last couple of days, and keep getting ghost images of when he was really sweet or sexy...and the pain is physical...so what I do is replay all the awful stuff he did to me and all the broken promises and the idealised images recedes for a while. So want to tell him how I feel but it is pointless as he won't reply and Im really starting to see how that is giving away my power to him all over again. Hang in there all you other NC warriors.


Big hug to ((Major))

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Nc 18 here. Getting sick of this. No person is worth this much trouble.


Don't forget, this is for you, not them...in time you'll feel much better and truly see that this is really all about you. They are not worht the trouble, and that's why NC is the way to go.

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Day 10, and going strong. Some of her friends came to where I work to harass me for some reason, but before they could bring up the subject of my ex I cut them off with an offer for a credit card. The only advantage to working on checkouts is that no one gets a chance to talk to the cashier for very long.

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Day 11.


Food supplies are getting low, and the next supply ship isn't due for two weeks. I have extended the supply by harshly punishing some of the men for misconduct by forbidding them their rations. The Shadow is still at large, and Base still refuses to give us clearance to leave.


Oh yeah, and my breakup isn't bothering me immediately when I wake up anymore. The healing process finally seems to be beginning

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Day 13. It truly is a lucky number, though this time its for bad luck.


Lately I've been doing really well coping, but this morning I slammed into a brick wall. I had another dream about losing her, which would have been fine, but when I woke up the first thing I thought was "oh thank God it was only a dream and I still have her". Then cruel reality came rushing in that my nightmare is permanent; God I feel horrible.

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