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I have more guy friends than girls......how do i make more GIRL friends ?

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I was looking at the invitation list to my party the other day and more than two thirds of the people are guys. im not a tomboy, im very girly. i dont know why i have so many guy friends but not really any girl friends. ever since coming to college, i've made a lot of new friends - but mostly guys. i only have around 4 close girl friends that i can confide in, and they are my high school friends. its not that i dont have any girl friends in college, its just that they are mere acquaintances. i have girls i go shoppin and drinking with but not more than that. on the other hand, i have so many guy friends and acquaintances its not even funny. i feel like my social skills increase when im with guys, but with girls, i feel socially inept. what's wrong with me, i wasn't like this in high school!!

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I feel like I have the same problem as well, candyKisses. I find my problem is mostly due to the major that i am in at University which barely has any girls to begin with. I find it hard to strike up a conversation with girls although I wished to have more close girlfriends as well.

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Friendships are usually based on common ground - that is, they enjoy the same activities, share a common goal(s), and typically live within a close driving range.


If you want more friends who are female, you will have to first meet them then establish common ground. The easiest and most effective way of getting someone to like you is to take a genuine interest in their life. Afterwards, you can share some of the things you have in common and your friendship will bloom from there.

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Girls can be snotty and rude as friends, I don't need that in my life. Life is too short as it is to be guessing who your friends are.


you're right, girls can be b*tches. i don't need more drama in my life. But it would be nice to have a close group of girl friends for that girls night out, etc.



i wish my life weren't so overprotected....i realize i had a lot of opportunites where i was invited to go clubbin and what not with girls but i had to pass them up each time because i have a curfew *pissed off*

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I've always had the same issue as well with having only a few girl friends.


The friendship between two girls seems to need a lot of tending to. It feels to me like a constant 'show,' and constant 'first impression.'


I would love to have kept in touch with all my girl friends from childhood. I feel like those are the ones that are the best friends. You can certainly make one or a bunch of best friends later in life, but it's so well established into growing up by having childhood friends.


The best thing you can do is just try to constantly be friendly, constantly be interested, ask them if they'd like to join you for coffee and things like that. That's really how it all begins and then you can see more of who they are and if they are someone you'd like to continue building a friendship with.

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And the dudes are just your friends for either 2 reasons:


1) They want to have sex with you

2) Just stay your friend because your too ugly to have sex with


No offense aggie, but i have to disagree strongly. There is a girl I know who has more guy friends that girl friends. She says it's simply because she cant be bothered with the social politics, backstabbing and b*tching that she went through with some of her female friends from a long time ago.


I'm sure the majority will agree that men are much simpler creatures than women. Some women prefer this straightforwardness and become part of predominantly male cliques. I for one, think it's a good thing, as the presense of a feminine entity often tempers the torrent of testosterone that runs through male groups. To the original poster, I wouldn't worry too much. If you're naturally drawn to guy friends, then have guy friends!

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The girls I have maintained some contact with over the years are girls I knew in younger years, like middle school/early high school.


I know you think "I haven't talked to them for years." You know what? They are probably lonely too. Phone one of them up and ask how things are, say you've been thinking about them and maybe they'd like to have a chat over coffee? It's easier than it sounds. I did that and it worked out great actually!

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I use to have female friends in high school but now as an adult(36 years old).I rather have male friends.Men don't care about most things and they will tell you straight up.What's on their mind.

Some women are caddy and take things too personal.I was on a message board where all the woman took my words too personal and most of the men didn't.I 'm fine with having male friends.

I'm not worried about my male friends wanting or not wanting sex from me.It's the friendship that counts .

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I like male friends as well. I also really like having a few good girlfriends - because yes, I agree, it does seem to take more 'effort' and maintenance with women friends. Men you can forget to call or not show up and they usually just shrug, crack a joke, and it's done. Women can be different (not all of course. Some men are high maintanance friends and some women are laid-back etc.)


I've found the easiest way to make new girl friends is to 1: Be around a prospective friend consistently, either through an activity or work or school.

2: Ask about HER and find some common ground. Even something as simple as "love your jeans. where did you get them? oh man, i can never find..." etc...Next thing you know you're out shopping.

3: Hmm...that's about it! lol. Really, it's not so different than connecting with a guy.

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me...definitely more guy friends than girl friends...

I grew up in hong kong...I went to all-girl schools from preschool till high school.

That was how I made my best female friends...But they r all in hong kong.


Now I have only 3 girl friends that I feel comfortable talking to.

All of my friends are guys...


But going out and eat dinner with 7 guys and I'm the only girl in the group...that feels awkward...


I want to have female friendships too.


I am thinking too much. But I dunno how I'm gonna get a team of bridesmaids when I have my wedding...

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i have only 1 girl that is a friend and i met her like a couple weeks ago. she has a bf and im kool with him and then i met her because she was supposed to hook me up with one of her friends. and now i hang with her and her bf a lot all the rest of my friends are all dudes. no big deal. i wish i could make more girl friends but i just have a real hard time talking to girls even about like homework assignments.

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