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1.Does your ex still contact you?


2.Do you respond when he does that? If he doesn't make any attempts,would you respond?


3.How do you feel when you see bump accidently at your ex on the street?


4.Have you moved on?


5.If he/she asked for you to try again,would you agree?


6.What has helped you most to heal from your break-up?

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1.Does your ex still contact you? no


2.Do you respond when he does that? If he doesn't make any attempts,would you respond? i would respond


3.How do you feel when you see bump accidently at your ex on the street? surreal


4.Have you moved on? sometimes yes, sometimes no


5.If he/she asked for you to try again,would you agree? i don't know


6.What has helped you most to heal from your break-up? time and the company of other friendly, interesting men

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1) Occasionally, we talk but we're not actaully talking...if u catch my drift.

2) Yes, unfortunately. Regardless of who created the downfall of the relationship, someone is going to have a hard time with it. I've found the minute I stopped calling her, she felt it was okay to call me. Then I call her one day and everything goes back to silence. Unfortunately in situations like this, your better off not answering and let it go to voicemail. Then if u feel strong enough then call then back later on.

3) I hate bumping into her. Ran into her the other day coming out of a video store. Broke down after I got into my car away from her.

4) Nope. Dont have any false hope of her coming back, but still am in love with her. kinda sucks

5) Yes, but on conditions. We would need to take it slow and work out the problems which plagued our relationship. I learned many things after she left me...but unless we talk about these changes and what we both need out of the relationship. Most likely the same problems will reappear and getting back together would be pointless.

6) Boxing up all the things she left in our apartment and giving them back to her. Listening to emotional but forward thinking music...ie something thats kinda upbeat. Moving into a new apartment. Going to the gym almost every other day. AND painstaking, my friends and family and whoever wants to listen to me, lol.


This is my life, and how I approach all ur questions. I don't know about anyone else.

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Background info:


She's my only ex

3 year relationship

I'm 20 she's 19

She dumped me because she wanted to see what else was out there.

Broke up a little less than one month ago.


1.Does your ex still contact you? She has contacted me a few times but not in 2 and a half weeks.



2.Do you respond when she does that? If she doesn't make any attempts,would you respond? I did respond when she contacted me but then i found out about NC and now i will not respond to her calls, texts, or instant messages until i am healed.


3.How do you feel when you see bump accidently at your ex on the street? Hasnt happened yet but i will be friendly without showing any emotional attactchment. I would excuse my self and be on my way.


4.Have you moved on? Nope, which is why i'm still doing NC


5.If he/she asked for you to try again,would you agree? No not right now. We both are still young and are not ready to actually settle down yet. Who knows..maybe in the future...anything is possible.


6.What has helped you most to heal from your break-up? My family (especially my mom) and my friends from college. They stuck by me and heard my stories for endless hours.

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1.Does your ex still contact you?


Nope, the once she tried i told her to stop doing that.


2.Do you respond when he does that? If he/she doesn't make any attempts,would you respond?


Nope and Nope ( blocked her mails and ims...never heard from her for 1 month now)

3.How do you feel when you see bump accidently at your ex on the street?


I will tell you that when i really bump into her haven't seen her this year as of now. broke up on Jan 2nd.


4.Have you moved on?


yes, probably


5.If he/she asked for you to try again,would you agree?


Nope, definelty not.


6.What has helped you most to heal from your break-up?


being with my parents , talkin about it here and staying away from her and focussing on what i want to do right now.

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1.Does your ex still contact you? Yes, at times but not in the last month or so?


2.Do you respond when she does that? Most of the time I respond.


3.How do you feel when you see bump accidently at your ex on the street? I feel odd, but I always make sure that I appear at ease and relaxed. How? By focusing on the body language I project.


4.Have you moved on? Yep.


5.If he/she asked for you to try again,would you agree? Depends on who I am with at the time. If I were single at that time, I'd agree to hang out with her.


6.What has helped you most to heal from your break-up? Keeping busy, working out, volunteering, going back to school, visiting relatives out of town, starting a small business, joining an indoor soccer league, managing a couple websites, posting here, hanging with friends, playing video games, reading books on psychology, and . . .you get the idea - staying busy.

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1. yes and no, she tried, i tried. but not the answer i'm looking for


2. i try. but i try not to. but mostly i do try


3. she drives a lot, so do i, good riddance, the anonymity of cars


4. no. but starting to.


5. really depends. depends where i am, where she is, what my career is, what hers is, lots of factors, to make it work another time is not the correct term. to start new would be the answer. that would mean, time would be a factor. hopefully time is in favor of us.


6. friends, family, doing things, most importantly doing things, reaching out is the most important thing you can do. yes, friends and family will get annoyed, but remember you matter most right?

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1.Does your ex still contact you? Yes, through text message and by stalking me whenever I see him out


2.Do you respond when he does that? If he doesn't make any attempts,would you respond? Yes, stupidly I responded the other day and was almost tempted to go back, now he'll probably try it on even more


3.How do you feel when you see bump accidently at your ex on the street? Strange. He always hovers around me, tries to get my attention, literally bumps into me so i will 'notice' him, then eventually comes up to chat and is all charming


4.Have you moved on? No, he keeps cropping up all the time and pstering me, which makes it hard to move on so I've almost been tempted to go back a few times, which probably makes him do it more


5.If he/she asked for you to try again,would you agree? He asked me the other day and I said ok, but then i came to my senses and said no!


6.What has helped you most to heal from your break-up? Thinking about how he threatened me, how he cheated in front of me and how I seemed to change into someone I didn't recognise when i was with him. Realising that infact i did not deserve to be treated like this and that he treated previous ex's similarly helped me see he was the screwed up one.

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1.Does your ex still contact you? No, he is very bitter from the break up


2.Do you respond when he does that? N/A

If he doesn't make any attempts,would you respond? No, I would not. Although I would like to be friends, I have grown to accept the fact that he is a very immature, arrogant person. He was a part of my life, a part of my past, sometimes things are better left the way they are.


3.How do you feel when you see bump accidently at your ex on the street? I have not yet bumped into my ex (it has been 6 months), which is surprising since we live in the same general area, attend the same university. I think he is making extreme efforts to avoid me, which I am very happy about. If we were to run into each other, especially with my SO it would be a very awkward, tense moment.


4.Have you moved on? Yes, I have found someone whom I love.


5.If he/she asked for you to try again,would you agree? No. The only circumstance where I would try again would be if I was NOT with my SO, have gotten over my SO, and seen a complete change in my ex since we dated.


6.What has helped you most to heal from your break-up? Moving on has helped tremendously. Also keeping myself busy with school, work and spending lots of time with my SO.

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1. Does your ex still contact you? Nope - not unless you count him sending

me a sms by mistake lol


2. Do you respond when he does that? no

If he doesnt make any attempts, would you respond? nope


3. How do you feel when you see bump accidently at your ex on the street?

I havent seen him since we split and i hope to God we dont.


4. Have you moved on? yes and no


5. If he /she asked for you to try again , would you agree? i dont think there ever will be a chance for us again.


6. What has helped you most to heal from your break-up? im still healing at the moment

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1.Does your ex still contact you? Yes, but I'm not sure if he will anymore, as I've told him we can't rehash the past anymore!


2.Do you respond when he does that? Yes, I do not. Not so much when I wanted to get over my sadness about the relationship ending.

If he doesn't make any attempts,would you respond? Meaning if he doesn't contact me, would I? I wouldn't make much effort to do so, as I've already let him know in a response to a message from him that I'm ready to talk again. If I don't hear from him, I might let him know when I'm back in town. . . but really, I'll need to see some effort from him to be friendly first.


3.How do you feel when you see bump accidently at your ex on the street? That hasn't happened. Because of his recent behavior, I might feel a little the way I do when I see someone I don't dislike but also don't like very much. I would probably give chatting a try and then get out politely if it wasn't fun!


4.Have you moved on? Yes. I also feel ready for friendly dating/flirting, but probably not to seek out another serious relationship right now, as I'm not permanently living in my current location (nor planning to stay nearby for long).


5.If he/she asked for you to try again,would you agree? For a while I thought yes, but slowly and with some counseling. Now I think the most I can be comfortable with is friendship.


6.What has helped you most to heal from your break-up? Being aware of my personal priorities in relationships, seeing examples of strong partnerships that have overcome some serious problems (to know they're out there!), and finding out some things about my ex that probably were not intentional lies, but were not presented with 100% honesty (so he would look more able to commit/like a more stable choice). Talking through my behavior with a counselor when the situation made me question my behavior also helped me see that I'd behaved responsibly, fairly, and with love--I gave it my best, so there was no reason to feel bad over it.

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oopsie. I mean yes, I do now (and I'd like it to be friendly, but he's had three "chances" now to just move on and be nice, and he hasn't managed it yet. . . so it's been more like "when you can stop talking about this and move forward, I'd love to chat with you")--why I had to put my littlefeet down!

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1.Does your ex still contact you? Yeah. Only through instant messaging, nothing else.


2.Do you respond when he does that? Yes I did. Because I wanted to be friendly. But I don't think I will anymore because sometimes it feels like I'm going through the pain stage again.


3.How do you feel when you see bump accidently at your ex on the street? I actually feel good. Because I am looking a whole lot better since we broke up. I lost my gut and got a six pack and I have some more money to start dressing better. So I feel good about myself.


4.Have you moved on? At times I feel like i have, but then I do get into my little funks.


5.If he/she asked for you to try again,would you agree? It all depends on how sincere she is about it. I don't know though because someone gave me this advice once. She'll treat you as well as she treats her family and she treats her family like crap.


6.What has helped you most to heal from your break-up? The gym and my true friends. Also going out to fullfill some hobbies that I've always been wanting to do has helped a lot as well.

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You and your ex



1.Does your ex still contact you?No, but he has kept me on his MSN..so I get the feeling he lurks around.


2.Do you respond when he does that? If he doesn't make any attempts,would you respond?I would probably respond, polite, civil, and distant.


3.How do you feel when you see bump accidently at your ex on the street?I saw my ex a couple of times but he didn't see me, my heart dropped to the ground, I was a bit shaky afterwards. I am fine later on.


4.Have you moved on?Yes and no. It is about 7.5 months since the split. I still think about him, memories, etc. But they are not as intense as the first few months.


5.If he/she asked for you to try again,would you agree?I have thought about it but realize in the end, I have evolved since the break-up and don't think he would be prepared for it.


6.What has helped you most to heal from your break-up?Looking within spiritually and recommitting to my spiritual practices. It has helped me see the big picture.

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1.Does your ex still contact you? no


2.Do you respond when he does that? If he doesn't make any attempts,would you respond? i've gotten 1 text message since the break up and that was about 2 months ago. i didn't respond.


3.How do you feel when you see bump accidently at your ex on the street? the last time i was a little nervous but handled myself with dignity.


4.Have you moved on? about 90%


5.If he/she asked for you to try again,would you agree? not without a lengthy discussion about what went wrong and how we would proceed.


6.What has helped you most to heal from your break-up? time, friends, family - i tried keeping myself busy and all that other stuff, but that didn't help me. my mind is very strong.


i am also in therapy, so that has helped a lot as well.

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1.Does your ex still contact you? Yes, though MSN and very rarely through text. Probably one out of three times I will initiate contact


2.Do you respond when he does that? Yes, but not always straight away


3.How do you feel when you see bump accidently at your ex on the street? I haven't seen him since the breakup two months ago, as we live in different cities


4.Have you moved on? I am moving on, but I haven't gotten over him


5.If he/she asked for you to try again,would you agree? I would agree to go on a date, and if it progressed and we were both happy then yes


6.What has helped you most to heal from your break-up? Setting goals, and no-contact initially followed by limited contact

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1. Does your ex still contact you? that question is kind of hard to answer. he email me and call me once a while. I email or call him once a while.


2. Do you respond when he does that? yes, I still have feeling for him and I do still care for him. Im not kind of person that will ingore him.


3.How do you feel when you see bump accidently at your ex on the street? I havent see him in person yet. I saw him driving his truck everyday. One time, he drove by and it was kind of oddward feeling.


4. Have you moved on? nope, I still have my feeling for him.


5. If he or she asked for you to try again, would you agree? Yes, as long we both sit down and work on the problems why we broke up in first place.


6. What has helped you most to heal from your break up? im still working on that. my heart wont heal until i see him in person.

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