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Guys would this be a turn-off?

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Would a guy get turn off, if let's say he goes on a date to a buffet or any all you can eat place, any where there's lots of food. Would you guys get turn-off if the girl overdoes it that by the time she stops eating, she can hardly stand up. I haven't really though about that one, so I don't really know if he'll get turn off by an eater.

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I'm not a guy, but I thought I would give my opinion. I think it would almost be the same answer if you asked a girl the same thing about guys.


I think it depends on a lot. Nobody wants to go out to eat with someone who's shoving food in their face, you know? Girls don't want to watch guys do that, and I'm sure guys don't want to watch girls do that.


I think that as long as you have manners, it won't matter how much you eat. Isnt' that the point of those kinds of restaurants anyways? If a guy wants to take you to one of those places, what could he expect.


You might as well eat your moneys worth.

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I'm not a guy either, but I am not impressed with either girls or guys doing that. I take very good care of my body and what I eat. What they do now is a good sign of how they will look - or die - later.


Even when someone is not yet overweight, excess eating and especially bad foods wreaks HAVOC on your arteries. They often autopsy young men and women (ie in their teens and 20s) whom died accidentally, and find their arteries and organs are clogged with cholesterol, plaque, sings of cirrhosis and other fatty deposits. It's not just about how you look on the outside but how you look on the inside too


Yes, I am a terrible person to go the an all-you-can-eat-buffet - I NEVER get my money's worth, but that's okay with me! I rarely go unless it's a special event for someone. Don't get me wrong, I EAT, I need to eat quite a good bit as I am so active, but I am not much for the gluttony thing And I could no care less about their being a guy there to watch me or not..lol.


But if someone was taking you to one, I am sure they expect you to actually EAT and not have $5 dollar's worth only, you know? I don't know, for me I would suggest it would not be worth the money and suggest a quieter, nice breakfast place - which probably ends up being cheaper!

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My experience with those places, is that they aren't cheap! If a guy is willing to spend that much money on you, he for sure won't be happy if you hardly eat anything.


Basically, you can judge the situation well enough. Just think about what you wouldn't like to see a guy do while being on a date.

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i once went on a double date at a all you can eat rib place. i was so nervous. ribs are messy and hard to eat with a fork. i had to laugh at the girl that was with us. she didn't care she picked her ribs up with her hands and started chopping away. after i seen her doing it i did the same. it was alot of fun and we were all a mess. so i guess it really depends on who you are with.

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I was recently on a date with a girl I've seen a few times now, we ended up going out for supper. It wasn't a buffet or anything, but we both ate A LOT. We were both complaining about it hurting. But it was alright cuz it gave me a good excuse to ask her to go for a walk with me to walk off the fullness. But assuming one isn't making a gigantic pig outta themselves, I don't think its a bad thing. If you can eat lots and manage to not get any food on yourself or the surrounding area, I say go it.

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Buffets, from my experiences anyway, tend to me more quanity/volume oriented than quality oriented. The food is cheap, but there is lots of it.


If she had manners, I wouldn't mind. The point of going to a buffet is to eat a lot, moreso than other restaurants where your pocketbook would suffer more than you. Buffet food is generally bland, but because there is lots of it, it makes up for what you could have had at a regular restaurant. Not saying that there aren't good buffets out there, but they don't try to make quality food.

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I don't mind a girl eating a lot. If she can do that without getting overly fat, I know she either has pretty decent digestion system, or she works out a lot to burn the calories she gets. However, if she eats massively and starts feeling sick afterwards.. not a good thing - where's the self control? Eat as much as you need, but don't go overboard.

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nope i don't mind, i wouldn't get turned off.


If she can't walk or can't get up from her place and if we were like about to leave the place, i would definetly, without any doubts, carry her in my arms.I would luv to do that but only till the car...


I mean come on you don't get to eat everyday do u?

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Well it seems like you must have black or white thinking. I mean why would you even consider it appropriate to be out on a first date with someone and as you put it eat like such a pig that you CANNOT STAND UP?? Why would anyone even want to be such a pig if even if they were eating all by themselves? You need to control what you put in your mouth regardless of how much is offered to you. You don't have to eat like a bird either. How about just eat like a normal human who has the common sense and ability to control his or her own bodily functions? Sorry, I don't mean this to sound mean, but I really think you need a little reality check with this question.

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I think if the girl you are going out with has a healthy appetite then that's not a problem at all...IF she eats more than I do, then I personally think that shows a lot more confidence and not your stereotypical girly girl. I think that if she can pull that off but still eat with etiquette and be polite about it then I shouldn't have a problem...Plus, you already like the person, what's wanting to eat going to affect??? (unless the person becomes unhealthy, but that's a after a longer amount of time).

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I love watching a man eat.


Gluttony is not an attractive quality. It's a turn off.


Healthy appreciation for food is a sign of health.


Here's a tip: Before going out on dates, eat a little something-something. It sucks to be starving and not able to concentrate on the person you trying to get to know or enjoy.

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