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Do you guys like curvy women?

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I know that everyone is different and thereforeeee has different preferences, but i would just like to hear if some men actually like curvy women in this western society where women being thin is highly pressured.




P.S. I know I should be happy within myself and I am - just having a bad day and would like people to share their opinions.

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The most important thing to me is health. I've seen LOTS of women that I considered very beautiful that would not be considered skinny. Someone who is "fat" is very unattractive to me because it makes me think they're inactive and don't take good care of themselves.

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as gorgeous as models are, I would not want to look like a walking stick with boobs...and if I got that skinny, I would just be a walking stick- boobs are fat, right?


There are times when I get frustrated because I don't look the way I want to, or my jeans get too snug or I get bloated. I don't think I'm "Fat" but I'm not a stick either, and I have a healthy body.


Sometimes I wish I didn't have that little roll when I sit down...or can be totally comfortable wearing a tube top, but I like my body.


I have curves...in places where curves look good. I love having an hour-glass silhouette and still be "slim".


My body is proportionate. I think being proportionate to your body type and be HEALTHY is important.


And while I have my own body hang ups, I find that guys really don't notice those tiny parts of ourselves we nit-pick and hate and even love them.

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There are times when I get frustrated because I don't look the way I want to, or my jeans get too snug or I get bloated. I don't think I'm "Fat" but I'm not a stick either, and I have a healthy body.


Sometimes I wish I didn't have that little roll when I sit down...


Everyone's been there but even my super model of a sister rolls over when she sits down and no one would ever label her anything other than skinny (which, by the way, she hates). No one is 100% happy with how they look. You just have to accept that you look the way you do and take pride in it.


I've found that most guys don't really notice all of the small things we do when we look in the mirror. They like girls who look healthy and most of the time curves show that. I think if you're super skinny that shows signs of unhealthiness and it turns men off because not only is it gross to see a girl's ribs when she wears a bikini but it makes you look like you're close to death and a dead girl isn't usually what guys go for. Then again, dead girls don't say no (TOTALLY A JOKE)! From my experience guys like confident girls too so embrace the curves you have!

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Curves are NOT a bad thing. I like to keep myself in shape, and I think its fair to expect that a prospective romantic interest do the same. Do they have to be 'model thin'? No way. Nor do they have to look like aerobics instructors, because I understand that its not possible for some due to genetics. I don't think its unreasonable to want someone to look their best for both parties concerned. I'm pretty sure women feel the same way about men too. Trust me, the pressure isn't JUST on women to look good. In closing, no, all men do not want women to look like runway models (I personally think most of them need to eat a cheeseburger anyway, no offense to any runway models in here).

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I think curves are much better than skinny. For one when you cuddle you actually have something and infact 'someone' to cuddle into rather than missing all the time. I really think it adds shape to the person... I know all girls want to be pretty and skinny but I much prefer curvy anyday...


All the 'best' cuddles nights I have had have been with curvy women... aww!

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Lol, I was talking to my boyfriend about this, because I have curves and he "loves my body" and my sister lost like 20lbs in the past few months- from looking good in the first place (result of a breakup)


Clothes hang off her, shes gotten SO skinny when she looked good before and in comparison, I feel like a cow even though I know I'm not.


He said that while some people like skinny girls and he likes slim girls, that kind of skinny turns him off (Or maybe he was just wise enough to say that )


Then he told me that guys usually have this rule with girls...they ask themselves if they could break her...Like, um, sexually if they think they could hurt the girl, they stay away.



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Then he told me that guys usually have this rule with girls...they ask themselves if they could break her...Like, um, sexually if they think they could hurt the girl, they stay away.


Hey that's MY rule and I'm a girl! Seriously, if I think I'll hurt you sitting in your lap or being on top I tend to not find you attractive. I would like to hear a man's input on this though!

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I'm not a man, but I have quite a few male friends whom have told me they like a girl with curves - in good health, but not stick skinny. But of course there are men whom also like skinny. We come in all different shapes and sizes, and there are people whom love all shapes and sizes.


Personally, I am athletic and toned, but I still have curves. When I was younger I used to be very disatisfied with my body, I developed eating disorders and a lot of body image issues.


Then I got some perspective.


For one, I realized I can make the BEST of what I got, but I can't fundamentally change me. I will never be 6' tall and I will never be a size 1. But I can look great and healthy. Second, I realized if a man turned me down as I was not his type, then he was not the one for me either. Third, I realized there are so much more important things in life - LIVING life is a gift. Treat your body well, exercise it often, fuel it properly, and live rather then worry about whether you are perfect...because you can never fulfill an ideal that is not yours to be. Fourth, looking back at photos of me from when I was anorexic, I realized how unhealthy and sick I looked - and that is never attractive.


Lastly, my mother is going through cancer right now. She is bald, and in two weeks she is losing her breasts. But you know what - she has always been, still is, and will always be ABSOLUTELY beautiful. My stepfather loves her even so. I will likely face similar in my life, due to my family history, and I realize now, that my body is not WHO I am, and that beauty is more then the sum of your physical parts. She told me once, she at my age used to worry about her body too...she tells me now she wishes she realized then how beautiful she was and spent less time worrying about it. I think that's a valuable lesson for me to take. Beauty is not just on the outside, what is inside truly radiates through. Always remember that.


I am not perfect, I have my body image issues, and anxieties, but I feel great being who I am, and I know my boyfriend loves every curve, dip, bump...even those parts I find 'less then perfect' and maybe will never be happy with.

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Then he told me that guys usually have this rule with girls...they ask themselves if they could break her...Like, um, sexually if they think they could hurt the girl, they stay away. Guys??
I have a rule like this but I almost never follow it lol. I like girls who have the sexy curves on their body's but the only problem with those girls is that there mostly all stuck up.
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Yeah, curves are good. Too skinny isn't good for me neither is fat but a nice in-between is what I like.

At the end of the day though it's more about what the girl is like as a person. If I met a girl I really liked but she was really skinny I wouldn't turn her down because of it.

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I lack any curve, but I have muscular thighs. They are the only thing that distinguish me from being a stick. I can't help it. I am in turn intimidated by women with big boobs and visible hips. I think men do prefer curves. I am 6' and I know a lot of women would like to have a body like mine. Truth is, men are usually shorter than I am. If they have to look up to me physically, they usually don't fancy me. And vice versa LOL.


I have had anorexia, and would still classify as thin medically, but i still feel fat at times


But like Ray, there was a moment of insight, exactly the way she described it. There are things I can never change. I won't get big boobs unless I am on the meds I took years ago that made me gain like 15 kilos. I had cup C and was very well proportioned, but also had a bloated face. (it was the combi of the pill and an antidepressant that slowed my metabolism down, increased my appetite and made me hold my water )

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As long as there are not that many bones showing nor there is a lot of fat to the point of where they are obese (I don't know a nicer term sorry girls), I will be physically attacted to the girl.




ilse - Are you on the skinny side or on the thicker side? I am just asking becuase here where I live the girls here that are 6' and over are mostly on the skinny side with not much in a way of butts go, but there are girls that on the thicker side of things and have more fat on them, which I think you exprience when you where on your pills. But quite frankly being 6'6" I don't have much of a butt my self, so I tend to expect girls 6' and over not to have one but that is ok with me becuase I more of a body man than a butt man or a breast man.



RayKay - I actually learned your moms "life lesson" about 2 or so years ago when my mom had breast cancer. My mom had level one cancer so she only got the lower level treatments, but doing the time she was being treated and even before hand she told me that she could have her breast deforemed from the treatment. My mom at that point didn't really care what she look like, but when she got the cancer she took her confidence further and face the cancer head on and basically said "so what if the cancer makes one of my boobs deformed I will still look good". Yes she does use the word boobs around me, lol. This is why I am pretty why I stay away from girls that have fake breats (unless there is a real reason behind them besides for the looks, ie they had breast cancer or where basically flat chested or are models, I tend to stay away from models anyway), and any other plastic surgery.

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No, I am thin. In reality. I despise my lack of curves, but if I gain one ounce I will go crazy as well. I just wish the same thinness could combine with a full chest lol.





lol, but if I see a girl with a chest that looks to big for her body I pretty much think implants (where I live a lot of girls have them) right away and there is a high chance that I will not approach her at all. But I do take a look as I have seen some girls that just get lucky tho, and no I do not stare at the girls chest more like glancing and thats it. And no just becuase the girl has a full chest does not mean she gets extra points, only if I find her attractive and the taller the better (tho I did see a girl that was almost my height which was scary as I have yet to meet a girl that has met or pass my height)
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