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Hi, my name is Lucy and i have posted here before. Well.....the problem is that I want to commit suicide more then ever now and I am only 18 yrs old. I can't focus, everything in life is so blurry, I haven't accomplished anything, I don't really have many friends, and i can't trust anyone anymore. I don't feel much of anything except for extreme sadness and depression. I really, really want to die. I have prayed several times to God to end my life during my sleep, but my prayer isn't being answered. I don't want to do it myself because I will go to hell if I do even though I have not been a religious person in a while. I also am extremely unhappy at home and want to get out of here. I have tried given life a chance a couple of years ago, but right now I wish i didn't. This awful pain is killing me slowly day by day. What should i do? I am at the brink of doing something.

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ok. listen, first of all.. i never posted here before... except like a couple of times, where i asked for advice because of my ex-girlfriend.. and things, but hey, that doesn't matter right now...



listen lucy, i'm a couple years younger than you, ok, and i have been in a similar position like you, i felt that no one gave a shit about me, i couldn't trust anyone really, and i just hated waking up in the morning.


but then, a very close friend of mine told me, that suicide isn't the answer to anything, it's an escape, but life has got its hard times, but you just gotta work yourself through it, even if it's hard..

also think about, how many people you'll hurt if you do actually do anything stupid... now, i've told a lot of people that, many, actually.. probably all of them (i said exactly the same...) : ''I wouldn't hurt a lot of people, not many care about me'' or something similar.... so i don't know if you think that too. but if you do, then take my word, it's not true, you'll hurt a lot of people. just think about it.

i can understand that you don't really care about this, but just think...

you'd also hurt me, and every other member on this forum, you'd hurt me,

because if i'd suspect that you'd have done something stupid, i'd think back, and think., about this right now... i'd think that i wasn't able to help you, and start taking the blame... and just think.. that's me.. i don't know you, this is the first time i ever.. leave you a message.. but you'd still hurt me. so think how many other people you'll hurt..

(i think i'm repeating myself?!)


so what i think you should do...


just get outside a lot with friends, or other people you like to be with...

talk to people about what you feel and think... and they'll help you out..


sorry... i don't think i'm a big help...


just see life from its bright side... it might be hard... but try, and if you still feel depressed, try seeing someone who can help you out... (forgot what they're called... sorry..)


well... i REALLY hope you read what i wrote, and i REALLY hope you don't do anything stupid...



if you got msn, and you want to talk to someone about your problems online, then i'd be happy to listen... email removed



take care.


God bless you.

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Trust me killing yourself is not the answer to your problems. I am 2 years older then you and I almost died 3 times when I was your age from me trying to kill myself.


Suiside is the Selfish answer to your problems. Trust me life will have its ups and downs but when you are at the very bottem all it can do is go up. Try to think positive. Find happiness in little things like daisies growing or sleep. Anything really just try to find happiness.


Dont let Life defeat you. I know you can win the fight.

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If you have prayed to God, then don't give up 5 minutes before the miracle happens.


I don't believe in hell myself. The word hell when translated in Greek and Hebrew is "Hades, and Sheol" That translated says nothing more than the common grave of man. (meaning we all die and go back to the dirt. "From dust we came, and to Dust we Return" God is not evil, and will not torment you for a billion lifetimes. He loves you, and your job is to just trust that. Sure, you can take your life. We all can when things are rough, but then we are not alive to enjoy the good things that come along, and they will.


So, trust that God is not a blackmailer, and will not burn you forever, and in knowing that come to understand that he will make everything ok, because he does love you. God can not drive a parked car though. You need to do some things that help yourself out of it as well, and just watch how good things will start to fall into place once you decided to take that action.


Trust God, and don't do it.



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Now just wait a minute my little star! You are completely normal to be feeling all this. There have been many people like you before you who have considered it, including me. But would you really want to? I mean really?


Think of what you'd miss out on? You'd never know the joys of the sun on your face on a lovely summer morning... You'd never get the same buzz from cycling down a hill fast.. you'd never see your mother's smiling face again..


Life is so complicated sometimes but you really must take it as a big learning process than a scary, daunting one that you just can't handle!


Because the fact is you can. Every single person in this world goes through bad times. Every single person goes through moments when they think they haven't got anyone to turn to or no friends.. EVERYONE sometimes thinks 'What's the point?'


But you and I aren't quitters are we?! No we are not, thank you very much.


You are you, you are unique, no one else is like you and no one else can be like you. You are here for a reason. Consumed in love by your parents and you have been given a 'chance' that you really should grab!!


I have a friend who is in a coma in hospital at the moment. His heart stopped and he will never be the same again.


Be grateful that you have your health, family and a life that you can fill with endless possibilities of happiness and fun!!


Take every negative you think and turn it into a positive. This is your chance to laugh at yourself and say 'Hey Goldie.. You're right! I can cope! I can do this! I will make more friends! I will think more positivily!!!!'


Why am I telling you all this and why do I care? Coz babe, I've been there. But deep down I don't think I'd ever end my life. Too much to lose!!!


Now big hugs and support, and remember you are not alone pet!



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Everyone here is lending their strong support. I agree with what they are all saying. So I will not repeat them, however I will offer a few things that might help you overcome your sadness. I want you to understand this...


You are not your mind!

You are not your thoughts!

You are not your ideas!

You are not your beliefs!

They may be yours, but they are not you

They are instruments you use, do not let them control you.


What does that mean? Simply put you are in complete control of how you view a situation. If you view something negative, then it is. If you take a positive approach then it shall be. I suggest you check out this site, it describes in detail the power of positive thinking and the power of positive affirmations.


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Good luck and keep on posting. We will be here for you, and remember you control your life. No one has power over your mind except you.

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You need to take some action to save yourself then. Go speak to someone and tell them this is how you are feeling. Get some tools to help deal with things, and medication if needed.


Please go see a doctor or someone that can help you. You don't have to do this alone. Things WILL get better. I can't say that I have ever met a single person that had bad feelings their whole life. It gets better.


Do something to help you. Please go and talk with someone that can help. It could very well be a chemical inbalance going on, and nothing anybody says will help. You may need something else.


Make a doctors appointment. Ok? Then please come back here to talk, so you don't leave us hanging and worring about you.


((((((big cyber hugs))))))

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Hi Lu,


I hope you still with us, and that I'm not late for you to read my experience.


I'm a 36 years old Database administrator. I have two boys one is 16 and the other is 14. I've live my life hurting and fearing that one of my childrens never do something so selfish as taking their own life, why

Because one of my brothers did that when I was 20 years old and he was 24.


It has taken a long time to feel joy in my life, even when my kids were born I never felt complitly happy, because I new my brother was not ther to share with him my happiness.


Please think of your love ones. They probabli don't have the time to realize what're you going throu, and that is why you think noone care about you, but I asure you. That is not true.


My brother took his life when we most needed him, and I know he was afraid of life, living in pain, but if he only knew how much we love him, I'm sure he would never have done anything that would hurt us. He was just consebtrated in his sadness and he did the wrong thing, he isolate him self from the rest. PLEASE, DO NOT, do the same. No matter how sad you feel, forse your self to go out. I realize that if you feel this way you probably do not wish to be with anyone you know, but then find a juvenil group, or join a sport team or even better look for God and he will make your sorrow leave.


One of the persons who wrote before me gave you a good advice. She said you should seek help from a Dr., basically I mean to get some prescriptions for your depression it could be that your energy level is low and that make it hard for you to get out of your current state. Try some vitamins, B complex help me when I get into that state. Is not only you who's going throu all this problems, we all have our share, but we realize that there is a reason why we're here and we should do our best to acomplish it.


Now all I like to say is that I wish you grow strong and that some time in the future when you see your life with your own kids you can be of help to others who are goin throu your situation.


believe me it takes hard work to acomplish some thing but when you do it, you will feelso proud that all your pain will be rewarded. Love comes to us all, if you know how to wait and keep your eye open. You can hurry love.

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you dont wanna kill yourself that will only make the people that love you feel sad just stick it out nobody said life was easy. i use to feel sorry for myself but one day i just said i was tired of feeling sorry for myself and i have been on a natural high ever since.

i worship the late prophet the great mohammed
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I am sorry to hear that you are so down that , you are thinking of hurting yourself. I think that you are praying for the wrong thing, you should be praying to God to help save your life not take it away. Maybe you should get some depression medication for the time being.


God has a plan and purpose for every person in this world, and his plan is not to take your life away. Like all of the many prophets and great men and women of the Bible, they also endured hard times. For example, Elijah a great prophet, also asked God to take his life. Elijah also had many problems he was alone and depressed and life was so unbearable that he felt he could live another day. God did not take his, and If you pray to God to take your life away he will not do it .


You should look at Elijahs's life as someone who overcame his problems.

If you have not been a very religious person, I would advise you to begin to change your life today. Ask God to help you through your struggles and help ease your pain. No one goes through life without struggle or pain, it is how we react to these problems that determine our well being.


I know that you may feel that you friends have abandonded you, but it is better to be without friends, than to be in bad company. I also was at a point like you, however I never wanted to kill my self. My boyfriend dumped me I had no friends in my city and I was all alone. I prayed to God to help me and without him I could not have made it. My life has changed 100%, I have NEW friends and a new joy filled life with God.


If you are in school, you should try to find organizations to join. Apply for college and financal aide if you need it. Try to do well in school and stay focused on getting good grades. Or get your GED if you have not completed high school. Try to do something to bring purpose to your life. You can also meet new people by attending church, and Sunday school. Every church should have a Sunday school class with people who are in your age group. Find new friends who are supportive and genuine.


The most important thing you should do is give your life to Christ. If you are not baptized, you should get baptized, and ask to be forgiven of all of your sins. Do not live your life as a person without direction or faith. God loves you and you are so special to him. The Bible says if your parents forsake you then God will be your father. If your parents do not support you or encourage you, get your love and support from God.


Read your Bible , if you do not own a bible you can buy a cheap one at the Dollar Store. The best Bible to buy however is the Life Applications Bible. This Bible gives you advice to any , and I mean any problem you are having. The LA Bible explains things in modern English so if you do not understand the King James version, this is the best one to buy.


Do not kill youself , there is no coming back from that. I do not know what happens to people who kill themselves but if you want to go to heaven, you may not go there if you kill youself.


Start by going to church, reading your bible, and if you have cable, instead of crying all the time find a sermon to watch on tv (TBN) or (ISNP). Do not backslide and start to hang out with people who are on drugs or who are bad influences on your life. Work on building yourself up. The only person you must love is yourself, all you need to make through hard times is you and God! If your friends and family forsake you then God will be by your side. The Bible is full of stories of people who have been forsaken by their family. Read the stories of Elijah, Jonah, Paul, Joseph, and many other great people in the bible. These people have struggled through some of the same feelings you are going through now.


Joseph's brothers sold him into slavery and many years later they where at Joseph's feet begging for food b/c he became king. His family sold him out and he trusted in God and was able to overcome his problems and in addition be rewared for his efforts! The stories of the bible can be looked at as a guide to help you in your life because many of these people experienced the same problems that we deal with today.


Do not kill yourself, you have so many things to be thankful for. You may not see it now, but at least you have a roof over your head and food to eat.


I hope that you will update us all on your progress. You can PM me if you would like. Good Luck and God Bless

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I already sent u a PM but you have not responded. You have received great advice from everyone here because we are all concerned about you. God does what he wants because he has the power to, if he didnt take your life when he asked, it wasn't meant to me. You have a purpose on this earth. You gotta find yourself and find help fast. As someone said earlier, God can (but won't) move a parked car. You need to stand up now, go to a trust one and say, I need help now and explain to them your situation! Take action NOW!

Just because things don't work out right away, dont ever give up...If we would all give up when we feel like life is purposeless, humanity would not exist. Keep fighting because you are NOT ALONE! You can't let life's little battles beat you. Everyone's feels this was at one point or another, not just you, and only the strong survive! Be strong, because you are deep inside! If you need help, don't hesistate to send me a PM. And please respond to us and let us all know that you are going to get help because we are all care about you.

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I know you said you haven't been religious in awhile, and I myself am not religious, but I do know that someone who will always listen and help is a minister/pastor. They will listen with open hearts and open minds. Though I don't know what denomination you are affiliated with, I suggest trying a non-denominational church, or as I am very familiar with the Methodist Church, you can certaintly try going to them. (No offense meant to anyone who is of a different denomination, just going with personal experiences) I have always experienced so much love and support from people that know so little about me.


Also, if you are crying all the time with no reason behind the depression (a breakup, loss of a loved one?), there's a good chance your depression is based on a chemical imbalance. I know you said that every time you try to get help something negative always happens. I don't know if you mean that you don't like the medicine or the doctor, but just know that they are there to help. Their job is to help you, and the only way they can help you is if you tell them how you are feeling and if any medications they prescribe or other forms of therapy do not work.


Just hang in there Princess. Like everyone before me has said, everyone goes through hard times. Be selfish enough to find yourself help and make yourself feel better, but dont be so selfish that you hurt so many people.


Lots of Love.

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Dear Princess,

Please, please don't hurt yourself! Suicide is not the answer.....

It might help you to think about the fact that no situation is ever permanent. The pain you feel now WILL end. Things change, people change, YOU will change.

Also, it might interest you to know that my husband's family has many people in it who suffer from clinical depression and Bi-polar disorder. My 12 year old daughter also suffers from clinical depression (which is generally an inherited disorder) and has since the age of six. I took her to a nuerologist and she now is on medication, which almost immediately made all the difference in the world. Her grades improved, her relationships with her friends improved and she just felt better all around.

You CAN be happy.......do everything you can to help yourself; see a doctor, see a pastor, pray to God to help you work through your problems.

Try to cheer yourself up in little ways, too. Watch an uplifting movie like 'Legally Blonde'. If you can afford it, go shopping and buy yourself a little something, even if just a lipstick at the drugstore. Get out in the fresh air and go for a walk. Read a favorite book, learn to paint ceramics, pet your cat, any little thing you might enjoy.

My older daughter is just two years older than you and I think how upset she has been at various times and now I see how happy she is now at college and with a new bf she loves......if she had killed herself at 18, she wouldn't have any of that now! Things will get better. People care about you even if you think no one does. Get up and start moving to change your life now. Best wishes to you. *hug*

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  • 2 weeks later...



Personally, I have been through that darkness and have came out of it unscathed. You can do so too.


First, there IS a solution to any trouble in the world. Ending your life is a problem, not the answer. Secondly, there is no easy way out of depression. You would have to face your issues head on. Calm yourself down and spend some time thinking about what is REALLY troubling you. When one is down and blue, many small issues seem to take on a bigger significance.


Once identified, start asking yourself as to how you would want to deal with it. Face the main problems first. Don't pay attention to the nagging components which don't matter. At the same time, keep yourself occupied. The best way of fighting depression is to keep fit and excercise. When one is physically healthy, the mind would follow suit.


This is a general advice to all those out there who are contemplating suicide. Life is all about learning and overcoming our odds. Never give up and never surrender. There is a pot of dreams waiting for us at the rainbow's end. Take care all.

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i'm a religious person too.. and God just doesn't take lives away. just like babycristy said, God does what He wants because He has the power to, if He didnt take your life when you asked, it wasn't meant to me. no one should ask God to take their life away cuz everyone has a chance. suicide is never the answer.. and i do believe that it will result in eternal suffering in hell. so don't kill urself.

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  • 1 month later...



i am not a relegious person i dont have any beliefs what so ever so i am not here to tell my tale on religion


you may not believe me but here it goes


a few days ago i was conciddering suicide i had the knife to my neck i wanted to commit suicide cos all my m8's betrayed me i hated life my mum dad and sister i had phoned the samiritan n evrything i had no one to turn to all the thoughts were running through my head as i pressed the blade against the skin the phone rang i answerd it was one of my "mates" i asked what he wanted he wrang to say sorry we started to tlk at the end of the conversation i said thanks he didnt know what i ment by thanks but i promised him i would tell him on my 18th birthday (our birthdays are both the same) all i can say id that i would make it to my 18 cois that proved to me just keep going just go that bit further and you will be ok. so not all saves have to do with religion it could even be a friend that was the one that make you want to commit suicide in the first place so dont allways give in just give it a min think what could happpen next.i did it saved my life


thanks for listening Adam

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Lucy,

You must know that life will get better and you can make it better. When I was your age I went through something very similiar -and here I am almost 20 years later! I can only imagine the distress that you are going through, so please seek out someone that you can talk with. Even if its a highschool counselor from your past or a Lesbian Resource Center in your city- there are people who will help you and do care that you stay on this earth. Killing yourself is not the answer, but I think you already know that. You just want everything to feel better- and it will-but you must take a small step towards that making that happen as well. I hope you do seek someone to talk to- let me know how you are doing. - Rexy

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Hi Lucy,

You must know that life will get better and you can make it better. When I was your age I went through something very similiar -and here I am almost 20 years later! I can only imagine the distress that you are going through, so please seek out someone that you can talk with. Even if its a highschool counselor from your past or a Lesbian Resource Center in your city- there are people who will help you and do care that you stay on this earth. Killing yourself is not the answer, but I think you already know that. You just want everything to feel better- and it will-but you must take a small step towards that making that happen as well. I hope you do seek someone to talk to- let me know how you are doing. - Rexy

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  • 3 weeks later...

what i was going to say...


i posted this on another one but i wanted you to see it too,


please, don't...if you haven't...and anyone out there considering it who are reading this, please...DON'T.


I know life can suck (and that is an underestimation by far) but there is other options, other means, and recovery from depression.


I have a lot to say on this matter, but I am afraid i cannot say it all now. Just believe me things change. At age 14 i may have told you like would perpetually suck for me, but if i told you that i would have been wrong. I probably would have echoed that for several years, but now things are different and i can look back at the past with a new wisdom, a wisdom gained, hence my name, and see that each little thing added up to make me me. And things are good even if sometimes it's not easy.


So just please, ride out this storm.


you (any of you) can talk to me if you need, for go to my diary and leave a note.



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