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well, it looks like i started something here ! this thread was moribund for about a year but i brought it back ! i stand by my comments although i believe my basic premise was misunderstood and perhaps even overlooked.

there are so many variables involved in this subject and it`s closely related issues ,that this thread could really snowball; sort of like ,"can you top this ?".

i`ll leave this topic but will respond to any replies. private messages would be fine with me. i didn`t come here to pick fights, believe me i have my own troubles. i joined this site like anyone else to commiserate and seek advice.

i found all replies to heartfelt and civil although our disagreements are deep,i hope you found me likewise. L3

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Yes - gay people are PEOPLE and they (WE!) deserve to be happy and to be treated with equality and respect!

hello kate, i wasn`t being sarcastic in use of the word "people". my point was in reference toward "gay" being a natural,"inborn" identity as compared to say,ones` race or heritage. a legitimate point,i think, in regards to laws.

as for the CAPS and exclamations in your post; i didn`t mean to anger you. sorry

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I agree with Kate. This is not a MORALITY issue. Whether or not you agree with the lives of gay people is a moot point. We live in a democratic society where tax payers are being treated like second class citizens.

We deserve equality just like everyone else.

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hello foxlocke , more CAPS?..you`re right about agreeing or not concerning gay peoples lives being a moot point. the question of marriage and adoptian is a public and legal matter,the rest is your business and of course ,private.

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yes they have every right as much as everyone else in this world does. Just because they are gay why should they get treated diffent for like they did something wrong. They are human just like you and i if they want to they can

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If being gay is natural, no one can answer with certainty, but if it is a gene, as some theories suggest, then it is, in fact, inborn. If homosexuality isn't inborn, we could compare it to disabilities and disabled people. Society is, also for them, just now, opening their eyes and trying to make things better. Next to no one would attack a disabled person without legitimate reason (there is no legitimate reason for attacking a person) or just because they are disabled and no one would, for that reason either just attack a disabled person and his/her spouse.


Why not? Disabled people can't help that they are in the situation they are in. Homosexuality is just like disabilities not a choice and shouldn't be treated like it is. You can't just turn straight. I and the majority of the homosexual community can assure you that we didn't chose to be gay, we didn't even like it a bit. Some of us were even disgusted by ourselves. link removed


But if you want to be stubborn, here's a list of reasons to become gay:

1) To become rejected by society.

2) To have multiple religious groups against yourself.

3) To raise risks of being physically abused.

4) To raise risks of being mentally abused.

5) To risk losing family support.

6) To risk losing friends.

7) To risk losing chances at good jobs.

8) To get flamed for being a flamer.

9) To have less rights in the states.

10) To be a large target for rude jokes.

11) To be described as animals to others.

12) To be talked about as things among the law

13) To raise my chance of being lead towards suicide

14) To lose my chance at a rightful marriage.

15) To hide myself from everyone else.

Now after all that, who wouldn't want to be gay?



Marriage is a union between two individuals to show each other and the whole world that they love each other and that they belong together. It also makes some things easier in case of illness, injury or death. Me being able to see my boyfriend when he is ill or hurt is the same as you being able to see your spouse when she is. There's no really difference only my sweetheart happened to be the same gender as me.


What is it about two individuals being in love that makes it so disgusting? What is so wrong about two women or two men kissing? We are all people. I just don't see the difference in love. it is mutual, it's just not one man and one woman. What these individuals do in the bedroom doesn't concern others. We just want to be allowed to love whoever we do love, even if it is someone with the same sex as us. why is that so wrong and wht can't you just accept it?

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i ve been through the original post and all the replies on this thread. many of the replies on the "for" side have been antagonistic and sarcastic.i and the few others who oppose have at least presented our views in a civil,reasoned manner. i never used the word "disgusting". or "wrong".

i will follow the lead of some earlier posters and not post on this thread anymore. i see it`s just going to get worse. as amatter of fact ,i think this thread should be locked.

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You don't always have to use spicific words to express just that. You might not have used those words, but many are against gays because they think it's wrong or find it disgusting. I'm not only replying to what you wrote but was talking to everyone. Everything isn't directed at you. it's not a discussion between you and me or about us, but a disscussion about a global issue and we merely express different opinions.

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I'm getting married to my Fiancee as soon as we can get together. I live in England and she lives in Australia. She is going to come over here so we can have a Civil Partnership to make it easier for me to become an Australian citizen. We won't be having any children. My Fiancee already has 5 children aged from 30 down to 18. She also has 2 grandchildren. I have no children to my previous marriages.


The youngest of my Fiancee's children is Pizzachick13 and I know that she and her girlfriend eventually want children and I'm looking forward to that.

They'll make good parents.

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oh How nice. I'm so happy for you. I'm so looking forward to seeing my boyfriend. I've been looking for a job so I can afford the journey to go to him. I might get a job with amnesty international and then maybe have the money to go to him.


However, that is kind of off topic. I'm hoping to marry him one day in a not too distant future.

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UT, although I agree with the majority of what you've written, I have to disagree on homosexuality being comprable to a "disability."

Homosexuality is just a variant of human sexuality, there is nothing disabling about it. There is nothing inhibiting gays and lesbians except the ignorance of society. To compare it with something like paralysis and down syndrome(actually disabilities) is, to me, a misnomer.

I really don't believe there is a gene that causes it either. If there were a gene then, since it doesn't serve the purpose of procreation, it would inevitably have died out a long time ago.

I'm not a biologist or anything but I do believe that it has to do with hormonal factors and etc...Because it is quite obviously biological.

Just my theory.

But overall I totally agree with you.

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Absolutely positively yes!!!!


It makes me sick to my stomach to know how backwards our country can be. Marriage is a union of two consensual adults. A good parent is a person who can provide a loving and nurturing environment for their child. Neither of these things has any thing at all to do with sexual orientation.

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My brother is gay, and has a partner, and I have discussed this topic with him and his partner and we all agree that homosexuals should be allowed some sort of legalized partnership & benefits, but not marriage.


As far as adopting children goes, I think all children need is love, and I don't believe that just because the child has gay adoptive parents doesn't mean the child will grow up to be gay.

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I believe gays and lesbians should be able to marry and have kids. As far as the comparison with a disability, I can see that as being legitimate simply because it can be disabling emotionally and socially. I also believe that being gay is a mix of genetics and hormones. I feel that it could be biologically valid, simply to keep the population down.

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UT, although I agree with the majority of what you've written, I have to disagree on homosexuality being comprable to a "disability."

Homosexuality is just a variant of human sexuality, there is nothing disabling about it. There is nothing inhibiting gays and lesbians except the ignorance of society. To compare it with something like paralysis and down syndrome(actually disabilities) is, to me, a misnomer.


Yes, I was afraid of this reaction. Although being gay can be very disabling (due to peoples ignorance), that was not at all what I meant. I didn't, in any way, mean to draw a parallell between any disability and homosexuality. I was talking about "who to blame." Neither homosexuals nor disabled people can help being in their situation, yet we are treated differently. I was talking about that. As gay you are getting beaten because of something you can't help, because you are different. Not that homosexuality should be considered a disability.


I'm sorry about the message I gave. I meant to say. Some are getting beaten for being different, others are not.

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