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Maybe but if you don't stick to it you'll be working as a waitress for 7$ an hour for the rest of your life.


Education is the one thing no one can ever take from you, and it's your way up and out of the life you are in now.


Don't forget that.


I didn't go to college right away and I worked overnights in a hot factory for a year and then a roasting dry cleaner for 6 more years before I woke up and realized I was going no where.


You are a smart girl Jewels, don't waste that.


*gets off soapbox*

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i hate my teacher n my teacher hates me on top on that i have her two times a day! we will end up killing eachother or even better i will kill myself if she dont get off my back


Instead of fighting her, how about behaving in class and doing your work?


You don't want to waste your life at some minimum wage job, barely making ends meet, do you?

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i dont know i wasnt there friday so i didnt know what the homework was because the electiricity went out and i couldnt download the assighnment sheets and i got yelled at for "arguing" about that when actully i was explaining why i didnt have my homework so i now have 5 0s which means im failing the class which means when joshs aunt finds out im dead meat and then i got pissed off and INSTEAD of cutting or almost killing some one i popped a rubber band and i got yelled at for making a scene and inturupting class so did i really do ANYTHING wrong because i really dont get what i did

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OK well first off, well done on popping the rubberband instead of something else, but maybe next time you need to excuse yourself to the bathroom to do it, so you don't "disturb" the class.


Next, can you calmly approach the teacher, explain what happened, and ask if there is any way you can do a make up assignment?

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me and my mom and josh might be leaving friday to go to mississippi to find out if my relatives survived hurricane Kristina... i dont know if i want to go though... i kind of do because i want to see them and i dont want my mom to half to go alone but i kind of dont because im scared of what i will see. i dont know what to do. what do you think?

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