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So there's a woman at work who is apparently unhappy with my work performance. She told my manager I need to be retrained. Funny thing is, she is the one who trained me. So, is she saying the training she gave me is inadequate?

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I love it when people email me to ask for status on something I emailed them about already. I am a smartass so I reply with "this is complete, please see attached email for details". I'm not going  to retype what I already typed. 

I have gotten this pretty much my entire working career, people not reading my emails. One of the managers at a previous job actually told me he set emails from me to automatically delete without reading. He said he figured whatever I sent him couldn't possibly be important 🙄 I was a manager of a department that directly affected his department. And of course he complained that he didn't know about various things. Well, that's because you have my emails automatically deleted, doofus!

I just received notification that my annual performance review is ready. I'm curious to see it. Going now to read it...

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Work stress is piling up a bit. I know I can do my job well but some people are pushing back. It's OK though, I'll just keep working hard.

I had my last therapy session Wednesday. I have to pause therapy until I can save up some $$. I may do the "maintenance" program which is unlimited messages and voice messages and one live session for four weeks. Maybe next month. 

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11 hours ago, boltnrun said:

Work stress is piling up a bit. I know I can do my job well but some people are pushing back. It's OK though, I'll just keep working hard.

I had my last therapy session Wednesday. I have to pause therapy until I can save up some $$. I may do the "maintenance" program which is unlimited messages and voice messages and one live session for four weeks. Maybe next month. 

I admire your approach when things are frustrating at work. I hope things get better. It sounds like overall your work is appreciated and respected.

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2 hours ago, Batya33 said:

I admire your approach when things are frustrating at work. I hope things get better. It sounds like overall your work is appreciated and respected.

Thank you.

This particular person questions pretty much everything I do.  But I noticed she questions everyone, not just me.  My manager gave a snarky reply to one of her emails, which I found amusing.  Seems like he's over her constant negativity and questioning.

Her department also got ordered back into the office.  Hers was the last department (other than upper management) that was being permitted to work 100% remotely.  I wonder if she's salty about that.

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She sent me a nice email thanking me today. So I guess the abrupt, questioning approach is just "her". I won't take it personally.

There's a man who I went to school with a zillion years ago. He seems similar in temperament and lifestyle to me. He lives alone in a remote area and lives a basically solo life. I know he went through a really rough divorce a number of years ago. Seems to keep to himself mainly. I knew his parents well many years ago (they were close friends with my mother) although I haven't seen them in about 15 years. I was thinking about reconnecting with him. Not to date (shudder) but just to have someone to hang out with occasionally. He lives about 90 minutes from me which for me isn't much. I mean, I travel five hours one way just to see friends in my former city. We're connected on Facebook. So maybe.

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2 hours ago, boltnrun said:

WHY do people come into the office when they're sick???? We were very clearly told to work remotely if we're sick. Like, very strongly told. 

Right ? I didn’t work Monday because I was a little lacklustre . I started back today when I am at full energy and no symptoms and been on antibiotics for 3 days and no longer contagious. 
Hubby had to take a day off due to cold he could come back if improving and wear a mask for 10 days. 

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I slept well Monday night because I knocked myself out with 2/3 of a Trazodone. And I was sleeping well last night until first I was awakened by my foot arthritis and then by my colon. Jeez, does everything have to hurt? My shoulder is also hurting. And my back was hurting at work because my chair is too high up and my feet dangled, plus the armrests were too high so I was constantly in a raised shoulder position. Which is bad for you. I swapped out my chair for a lower one which helped. But a rainstorm is approaching and that's why my arthritis was flaring. And my colon flares whenever it feels like it. But it would be nice if they didn't happen at the same time. 

And boo about the approaching rainstorm. I have outdoor plans with my son Saturday and I will be VERY disappointed if we have to postpone. But there's always next weekend.

We're supposed to be getting merit raises. I don't think it's going to be much but every dollar helps. 

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1 hour ago, Batya33 said:

Feel better! Been there.....


There's no polite way to deal with it. I went into the bathroom but now that more people are getting called back into the office I no longer have the luxury of having the bathroom to myself. I waited until the other two ladies left and then I let loose so to speak. Ugh.

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10 hours ago, boltnrun said:


There's no polite way to deal with it. I went into the bathroom but now that more people are getting called back into the office I no longer have the luxury of having the bathroom to myself. I waited until the other two ladies left and then I let loose so to speak. Ugh.

I hope it subsides today!

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Four day weekend and no plans.  Original plans for yesterday got postponed due to rain and my plans to travel to my former city were also postponed.

I do plan to take myself out to lunch tomorrow and maybe do some small business shopping.

I have a great idea for a business that would help others and hopefully provide some inspiration to a local community that lacks investment.  But I would need quite a bit of money to implement it.  So I would need to win the Mega Millions.  Except, I don't play the Mega Millions.  So the likelihood of winning is very slim.

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I was ready, willing and able to spend some money yesterday on some small things I wanted. And I couldn't find anything! I drove 30 minutes to another beach town because they usually have a big sidewalk sale. Oops, not on Mondays. So I came back to my town and checked three stores. Nothing I wanted. So I went to the nursery. Found a plant and some lavender seeds but no reasonably priced plant pots (not going to pay $40 for a plant pot!) I like candles but not going to spend $36(!) on ONE candle. (And I despise the very idea of those silly electronic "wickless" candles.  Someone's always trying to sell those to me. Pooh.)

So I bought a couple of mini bottles of SoCo (used to love the stuff but only in extreme moderation now) and I'll probably get takeout for dinner tonight.

Oh, and that burger joint I've been looking forward to trying? Had it yesterday. Meh. I've had much better burgers at bars. 

I did also treat myself to a slice of low sugar cheesecake. Yum!

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I woke up in the middle of the night, which I almost never do. It was because I'm apparently not feeling well. Just my usual flu-like symptoms. I'm going to make an appointment to see my previous doctor since the new doctor I tried turned out to be a real zero.

I always feel like I need to take a couple of days off from work every two months or so. I did get a small raise so I can save up for a little three day trip. Gotta decide where to go. And definitely not on Memorial day weekend when everyone and their great aunt will be traveling. Gross.

I strongly dislike "Spring forward". 

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