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Oops, I accidentally hid my previous journal when I only meant to hide a particular post (where I was critical of my brother). So I guess it's time for a new one. I didn't really like the title of the old one anyway. 

I am going to try to make this one at least 50% positive posts and not just complaints. Too much negativity breeds more negativity and who needs that??

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Welp, a complaint! Apparently I ate something BAD. My stomach is, um, eliminating whatever it was in a forceful manner. Very unpleasant.

It's been raining off and on all day. I love rain when I don't have to be out in it. Didn't get to go for a walk but it's so cozy inside listening to the rain. I also sleep really well when it's raining. 

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Today is my last workday before the Christmas holiday. We are also off Monday and I took Tuesday as a vacation day just because. I am still on jury duty call tomorrow. I haven't had to report all week. I'll be supremely disappointed if I have to report tomorrow because that means my assignment will roll over into next week. It also would mean I have to spend my day off at the courthouse which I am hoping doesn't happen. 

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I'm done!  I will not have to report to the courthouse.

It used to be that you only would be called every three years.  Now it's down to every 12 months.  But if they assign me to the same time of the year I likely won't have to actually serve.

I would have served if they required me to.  I would have done my civic duty.  It just would have sucked to have to spend my days off at the courthouse.

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3 hours ago, Seraphim said:

I think I have only been called up 3 times since I have been 18. 

Me too.  This was the third time.  Although I legitimately forgot to report the second time (back when you had to actually go to the courthouse to check in).  No one arrested me lol.

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I haven't wanted to buy a coffee table because my apartment is so small, but I really want to start crafting.  So I think I'll buy one at one of the "After Christmas" sales.  I like to work puzzles and I want to try making collages out of mixed media.  Can't do that without a table!

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My cousins all gave me candy for Christmas (not in a malicious way, they have no idea I may be pre-diabetic). So I decided to post it for free on Nextdoor. A man who delivers for Project Angel Food took it and will deliver it to some of his clients. That makes me happy. 

One of my cousins said he was also told he's pre-diabetic. But he said he just kind of blew it off. He continues to drink wine and eat sugar. I'm not his mom so I can't tell him what to do. So I just told him I gave up sugar and was able to get my blood glucose down. He just kind of smiled and said basically oh well, whatever, never mind. I hope he doesn't get sick. 

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Wow, did I sleep a lot last night!  I fell asleep around 11:00 pm and woke up for good at just before 7:30 am.  I did wake up at just before 6:00 am and said "nope, not yet" and fell back asleep.

I watched a scary movie before sleeping which I love to do but sometimes it affects my sleep.  But fortunately it did not.  I feel slightly groggy from all the sleep but I'll manage!

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I don't understand why people complain about the crowds at Walmart and Target when they choose to go there today. Did they think it wouldn't be crowded?

I will never do so called Black Friday shopping. Or shop at major retailers less than a week before Christmas. I can't stand crowds, especially retail crowds. Ugh.

Heading to my brother's this afternoon with the kids. As usual I am bringing 874 things with me. Can't seem to make it to family gatherings without being a ton of stuff along. 

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I'm wide awake. But I know as soon as I lie down and put my head on my pillow I'll start falling asleep.

A nice pleasant visit at my brother's house. One of his kids was there. Another one had to work but she went straight to her room when she got home. I thought that was odd until my brother told us she has been really sick for the past few days, so sick he thought she should have called out of work. He said oh, she hasn't tested herself yet. Um, say what? He waited until we'd been there for four hours before mentioning his daughter has been sick. I said basically that was not cool and he said he hasn't been feeling sick so he's sure it's fine. I sure hope so. It would suck for me and my kids to get sick. But other than that part we had a nice time. Lots of good food. I was a good girl and didn't have any dessert. 

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Day three of my five day weekend.  Fortunately next week I only have to work two days.  Then I get another four day weekend.

I didn't get enough sleep last night but since I don't have anything planned other than watching football and a restaurant dinner with the kids I can just relax today.  I might bake something.

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I'm not surprised I didn't get enough sleep last night. I'd been sleeping in until 7:30 am all throughout my five day weekend so falling asleep in time to get up at 5:15 am was unlikely. I got maybe four hours. Still in my pajamas while working lol. I'll shower at lunchtime. 

I only have to work today and tomorrow (working in the office tomorrow) and then I get a four day weekend for the new year holiday. I will knock myself out tonight with a Benadryl to be sure I get enough sleep so I can be up at 4:15 am tomorrow morning without issues. 

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I told my coworker I would come into the office today and she suggested we order out and have lunch together. So I got up at 4:15, got ready and drove into the office. And I didn't bring a lunch because we agreed to order takeout.

I just saw she has an OOTO on her status and is not coming in today. Now I'm annoyed.

I'll have to drive home at lunchtime because I don't ever order out lunch and I'm not going to just for myself. 

I hope she just forgot. I think she did forget because she's not the kind of person to deliberately leave someone hanging. 

The only people in the office are me and one of the engineers. Everyone else took the week off. I could have just worked from home...

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18 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

That is really annoying!  Did she know you typically bring your lunch?

Yes, and she does too. She specifically said "let's get takeout to celebrate the New Year" and then took the day off. We both worked yesterday so she could have told me she decided to take today off. But she's nice so I guess she just plain forgot.

So another coworker came to my desk and was picking up things off my desk. I really don't like people handling my things! I ended up cleaning them with a disinfecting wipe. Please don't touch my stuff!

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My former MIL gave me a gift card for Christmas.  I attempted to use it today but the balance is $0.  I don't know if I should tell her (in case she got ripped off at the store where she bought it...it's a department store gift card but she purchased it at a grocery store) or just keep quiet.  I am glad I didn't go to the store in person like I had planned.  That would have been supremely embarrassing. 

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2 hours ago, boltnrun said:

My former MIL gave me a gift card for Christmas.  I attempted to use it today but the balance is $0.  I don't know if I should tell her (in case she got ripped off at the store where she bought it...it's a department store gift card but she purchased it at a grocery store) or just keep quiet.  I am glad I didn't go to the store in person like I had planned.  That would have been supremely embarrassing. 

Only if you think she gave gift cards to others. 

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9 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

Only if you think she gave gift cards to others. 

I'm concerned she paid $50 and that money was never applied to the gift card. You think I should just keep quiet even if she lost $50?  She could potentially contest the charge and have the money refunded.  You think I should only be concerned if it potentially affected other gift recipients?

Just trying to understand your input.

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2 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

I'm concerned she paid $50 and that money was never applied to the gift card. You think I should just keep quiet even if she lost $50?  She could potentially contest the charge and have the money refunded.  You think I should only be concerned if it potentially affected other gift recipients?

Just trying to understand your input.

I mean it sounds like you don't want to tell her if then she'll spend another $50.  I've been hearing a lot about these scams - people tamper with the cards and drain them then replace or something like that.  Very often there's little to be done which is so awful but true.  So you balance it and you know how you two interact -if you think she'll feel obligated to send you more $ that's a factor. If you think it also affected others that's a factor.  I never meant you should only be concerned if it affects others -I thought you'd be concerned that she'd then spend even more of her $ on you once you tell her. You know your relationship best.  

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Just now, Batya33 said:

I mean it sounds like you don't want to tell her if then she'll spend another $50.  I've been hearing a lot about these scams.  Very often there's little to be done.  So you balance it and you know how you two interact -if you think she'll feel obligated to send you more $ that's a factor. If you think it also affected others that's a factor.  I never meant you should only be concerned if it affects others -I thought you'd be concerned that she'd then spend even more of her $ on you once you tell her. You know your relationship best.  

No, that wasn't my concern.  My concern is that she paid for something that wasn't received.  She could dispute the charge with her bank and get a refund.  I had something similar happen (incidentally with this same department store although I purchased the card directly, not at a grocery store) and the store gave me a full refund when the card never arrived in the mail.   The receipt says the grocery store won't issue a refund but I presume her bank would.  I just hate that she spent a decent amount of money and possibly got scammed. 

I asked my son for his opinion as she is his grandmother. 

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15 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

No, that wasn't my concern.  My concern is that she paid for something that wasn't received.  She could dispute the charge with her bank and get a refund.  I had something similar happen (incidentally with this same department store although I purchased the card directly, not at a grocery store) and the store gave me a full refund when the card never arrived in the mail.   The receipt says the grocery store won't issue a refund but I presume her bank would.  I just hate that she spent a decent amount of money and possibly got scammed. 

I asked my son for his opinion as she is his grandmother. 

Yes ok then yes for sure tell her.  I really had the best of intentions to address your concerns  and I understand your concern and just recently heard even the banks won't help when it's purchased -tampered -at a store.  

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