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i want to breakup with my bf to date his best friend

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I been with my boyfriend a little over six months, I met his bestfriend about three month ago, I like his friend alot and he is nicer to me than my bf is.. Last weekend we all went out together at a club and when my bf left to go outside his friend reached over and kissed me. he wants me to breakup with my boyfriend really bad and go out with him. I don't know what to do but I think about being with him more than I think about being with my bf.

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If you play with fire expect to get burnt.


Are you really prepared to wound you boyfriend twice - first by breaking up with him and secondly by going with his best friend? Will your conscience bother you?

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No offence, but are you really 34 as said in your profile?


I just am surprised that if you are, you would be posting this question or even get involved in something like that. It just seems odd and immature.


Anyway, don't break up with someone to be with someone else.....especially not their BEST friend (what a friend). You have only met him 3 weeks ago? Don't kiss people when you are exclusive with someone else (its cheating) and if you want to end things with your boyfriend do it, but for the right reasons and take some time before jumping into something else.


Honestly if you are even thinking of this, let your boyfriend go, he deserves more respect than this.

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That's a really tough position to be in. If you go through with that, you and your bf's friend need to realize that there will more than likely be some serious consequences for their friendship.


If you aren't happy with your boyfriend, and really think that it will work out with his friend.. be true to yourself -- just be prepared for the consequences.

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I don't see how this could work out at all.

If you did end up breaking up with your boyfrined, and getting together with his best.. best.. friend, then in time.. your current boyfrined and his BEST frined will get into fights, and then neither of them will want you, because of all the drama that comes with it.

I say, if you want things to work out for the best, tell your boyfriend you want a break, just so you will realize what you truly have with him. If in time, you don't miss him, break up with him. For the right reasons.

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I been with my boyfriend a little over six months, I met his bestfriend about three month ago, I like his friend alot and he is nicer to me than my bf is.. Last weekend we all went out together at a club and when my bf left to go outside his friend reached over and kissed me. he wants me to breakup with my boyfriend really bad and go out with him. I don't know what to do but I think about being with him more than I think about being with my bf.


the guy you want to date is a scumbag. ironic how you say hes a lot "nicer" then your bf because it certainly does not appear that way.

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You cheated on your boyfriend with his best friend. His "best friend" wants you to leave your boyfriend (his best friend) to go to be with him. Something does not sound right here. Either he doesn't value his friendship with his "best friend" or they're into sharing girlfriends.


Either way, your situation spells disaster. If you want 3 people to end up hurt, then pursue his best friend. I'm not sure how you could do this and not feel guilty though. Do you?

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I'm attracted to his bestfriend alot. I can't help it that is just how I feel. I don't think I love my boyfriend anymore he doesn't exactly treat me good. I know it's wrong for me to like his best friend but i haven't been treated right for along time.

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Are you doing this to get to your boyfriend's head? Are you doing this because you actually want to hurt your boyfriend and this is giving you some sort of excuse to do it?


Honestly, I think you are selfish to even consider doing this. The part that gets me the most is that you and your ex have not even broke up. Either way its wrong, and what comes around goes around.

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okay, this is always something I consider when I'm thinking about dating someone. Usually the way they treat their friends is an indicator of how they are going to treat you. If he can go behind his best friend's back and kiss you and try to get you to break up with his BEST FRIEND then do you really think he's going to treat you good, I think you're in for a rude awakening, because chances are if he treats is best friend like that, he'll treat you the same. Dump your boyfriend, because it obviously seems like you have no repect for him, and I suggest you spend some time being single so you can figure out what you want, because it dosen't seem like you know what you want either.

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If your boyfriend doesn't treat you well and you think that you don't love him then maybe it is better in the long run for you to break up with him.


I don't know what to say about his 'friend'. Is he a person you can really trust? I'm not so sure he is.


Maybe all this has shown you is how badly you are being currently treated by your bf. Do you think you can love your bf again if he changes his behaviour towards you? Do you want the relationship to work? If you answer no then it is time you broke up.


goodluck with whatever you decide.

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look...i realize a lot of people here said NO WAY basically. now not that i disagree with them but i think ppl arent thinking about how you really feel. i do believe that you have real feelings for this other guy (and considering your age makes that even more probable). but...one perosn did mention break up with your current bf. now this is because its obvious you're not happy with him. so breka it off. as far as going with his friend, definitely dont do this immediately. take a break, and see if the reaosn you wanted to let go of your bf was a super attraction to this other guy and in reality your bf was great or if it was really a relationship that you didnt feel was good anymore. so breka up wid your bf because your not being fair. now the fact that this guy just SNEAKED A KISS is not a very good sign. but lets just say you two have something real. dont become his gf immediately. talk to him if you want but give it itime. give yourself time and tell that guy that. later on it might be okay ot date him. so take it slow.

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I have to say this is about as selfish a post as I've read here in a while... although I don't frequent the suicide forum. It's pretty sad that you'd even consider destroying two of your boyfriend's best relationships in one sweep. He's gonna hurt, bad, for a while... but he deserves more respect that you're able to provide. I wish him the best.

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you cant help what your heart falls for.


That's ridiculous. You can chose which feelings to act on, and which to ignore. That's what differentiates us from animals.


For those of us who claim that they "can't help acting a certain way," there are plenty of prisons and mental institutions around the world.


Besides, she's thirty-four. Give me a break. [-X

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I say break up with your bf.. give it time.

You may realize that his friend just helped you realize that you don't like your bf anymore, but you don't have feelings for his friend too.

If you don't like your situation with your boyfriend, let him off easy.


Take time to think, then make a decision.

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I say break up with your bf.. give it time.

You may realize that his friend just helped you realize that you don't like your bf anymore, but you don't have feelings for his friend too.

If you don't like your situation with your boyfriend, let him off easy.


Take time to think, then make a decision.


I agree with this as well, if you arent getting treated well, then you should leave the bf.


His friend sounds like he is in to hit it, so to speak, otherwise he would have been more courteous with his manners in abruptly kissing you while you were out a date WITH HIS BEST FRIEND, and his treatment of his friend. Of course he was nice to you, he wanted something from you if you know what I mean.


Dump the boyfriend, take some time to yourself to think, and move on from there.

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