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I still have feelings for my ex. She broke up with me about a week or so ago, because she said she just wanted to be friends. But she also told me that she wants to stay best frineds, and hang out like we did when we were going out..

She says she loves hanging out with me, and still wants to come to my cottage with my family this summer again, and hang out, pool parties, and stuff.


Is this good?? I feel like I got a good cut of the deal, she didn't want to stay with me, but at least I am still in her life like I was before. We didn't really act like boyfriend/girlfrined for the last few months, we were like best frineds, that hung out.. (and casually fooled around sometimes) .

Now, when I talk to her on msn, we are having better conversations, because we don't talk a lot each day.. just a few times at school, and then


in the night. It's not whenever she comes online.. also, our prom is coming up, and I want to ask her.. because we're still so close, and she is not going with anyone yet.

Sometimes when she's talking to me on msn or somehting, she will say "g2g cya" and then she logs offline right after. But she did this while we were going out too.. just logs off quick.


Does this sound good?? I stil have feelings for her, but as long as I spend time with her, I am happy for now. My sister has a dance recital this weekend too, and I would like to invite her to come watch it with me, she watch my mom in a play with me a few months ago, and enjoyed it.

Do you think this is a good idea too? thanks a lot!

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If you think it's a good idea to accept substandard treatment from a girl you want a relationship with who dropped you like a hot potato, than sure it's a great idea.


If you were smart, you'd tell her that by dumping you she lost privilege to go on vacation with you and your family and hang out with you, "as a friend".



She's getting all the perks of hanging out with you and doesn't have to put in any of the effort of commitment. Ever hear of the phrase, "why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?"


Bingo. Got milk?

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Hahaha wow!

you're good.

Yeah, i understand what you're saying.

But we've talked and worked things out. We've been in a few fights the past few days, and now we're fine.

But is it too late to say anything?

And I love her company, by the way.

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I know you love her company, but are you willing to accept her only as a friend?


Don't you think it is going to make it that much harder for you to move on and meet other people if she is always around, but not willing to make the commitment to you?


It's your call.

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i hate to be harsh, but it sounds to me like she wants to be free to see other people, but still reap the benefits of having a relationship with you. don't let her use you. however, if you see a possibility of getting back together with her, and you feel that together time is what you need to work out your issues, then my response to your question/situation might be different.

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It's almost been 2 weeks since we broke up, but now at school.. she seems to love hanging out with me. After eating lunch today she came over to me, and we walked around and talked, and we had really good/fun conversations. Later that day, we did the same thing.. and we just flirted and stuff like that.


She came inside to find me, and then we walked around by ourselves and talked, I said a joke at the end of the day which really made her smile, and she gave me one of those "I think I like you" looks. Then said bye, and we went to our busses.


Neither of us have plans tonight, and my sister has a dance recital tomorrow, which my mom wants me to ask her to come to.

I think we should hang out alone with each other soon, just to see if there are any feelings.. and idea what we could do?


P.S - We're going to prom together too

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Neither of us have plans tonight, and my sister has a dance recital tomorrow, which my mom wants me to ask her to come to.

I think we should hang out alone with each other soon, just to see if there are any feelings.. and idea what we could do?


First of all don't let your Mom's fondness for her push you into doing anything that is not in your best interests - you may need to break from her completely at some point and the last thing you will need is your Mom wanting her to be around at family stuff.


When you hang out - do not talk about relationship issues.

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Yeah, I know what you mean, but I guess I worded it wrong.


My mom isn't pushy at all, she just knows my ex really well and likes her, and knows that we're getting close again, so she just suggested it.


I know I shouldn't talk about relationships, and I won't.

I just need some plans on what we could do?

maybe just the two of us.. without being too romantic, or heavy.



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Yeah, I know what you mean, but I guess I worded it wrong.


My mom isn't pushy at all, she just knows my ex really well and likes her, and knows that we're getting close again, so she just suggested it.


I know I shouldn't talk about relationships, and I won't.

I just need some plans on what we could do?

maybe just the two of us.. without being too romantic, or heavy.



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As soon as she came online, she was talking to me.

She then started up an audio conversation and we talked for an hour or so. We're having a yard sale tomorrow and she really wanted to come and help mom out, and hang out, and then we're going to my sisters dance recital, which she also wanted to go to.


Things seem to be turning out pretty good.


She was the one that said "I will come help, or I will come watch"

I didn't even have to ask.


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Not trying to rain on your parade here, but just remember that these are the sort of things that friends do - it doesn't mean she wants to get back with you as a girlfriend necessarily. So long as you bear that in mind - enjoy!!

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I know, thanks a lot though

The thing that I notice though.. is she has a few guy friends, not as many as girl.. but with her guys.. even the ones she has known from primary, she does not do these kind of things with.

I'm not asking for advice anymore, just telling you all my position, but advice is accepted.


If you were in my position, I know you'd feel the same, because I know her so well, and a lot of the time, I know her reactions to things,

time will tell.

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