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49 minutes ago, dias said:

She seemed a bit too eager (close to desperate) to chat and meet in real life so that would be strange if she is not single? It wouldn’t be the opposite?

Single people don't hold the monopoly on desperation! (Have you not heard of the program Desperate Housewives? lol)

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On 2/16/2022 at 10:30 PM, mylolita said:

Anyway Dias, you get what you make time for my friend! I do believe that! You put your energy into a 6 pack and money making ventures and you will probably get that. If you make time for love it will find the space to make an appearance in your life!

You are right, I think deep down I like being alone otherwise dating would be in my priorities. My priorities are:

1)     Work

2)     Work related activities

3)     Exercise

4)     Other self-improving fun activities

5)     Whatever floats my boat, travelling, dating, photography

So I guess I don’t allocate enough time for dating. To be honest, aside from the girl in my previous job (who is unfortunately still in a relationship – so many bad relationships around, it had to be her she is in a good relationship..…but she was a unique case anyway) I don’t really care. Whenever I make an effort to meet people (and women), I am thinking I am wasting my time when I could do something more productive. When you think like this, you don’t really want to date.

Besides, the good ones are taken. This is true indeed, whenever I meet a girl who is worthwhile (by my standards) she is in a long-term relationship. Now you would say if this is the case the same applies to me. Yes. It does. Ok I have a good job, two STEM degrees, looks and abs, and I have achieved it alone but in terms of being a good relationship material, I don’t think I am great catch objectively speaking.

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On 2/17/2022 at 1:08 AM, mylolita said:

By the way Dias, you are amazing with computers…


I am not good with computers, I am pretty sh*tty actually. The only domain I would say I am better than average is Physics (and algorithms in general), I was quite good at Physics, programming was my worst, I can do it like every other engineer but it’s not my thing whatsoever. Nonetheless I do like the fact that it gives you the opportunity to create something from nothing and (potentially) commercialize it.

I would gladly accept the compliment though 😘


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This is very interesting! I wouldn’t be too hard on yourself though. I think okay, you do have a point there about people taken and in long-term, happy situations normally are “good catches” or I guess they either wouldn’t be in a relationship in the first place but… what about good catches that just choose not to get into relationships? Maybe you fall into that small category. Nothing wrong with that, you just don’t need or want to be with someone or maybe haven’t simply found the right gal! 

There is an element of luck in these things like, right place, right time, right mentality, all of that? 

Some people find it hard to live with people end of. I know a guy who is so accomplished, rouge though, in so many aspects of his life, he is like the real life Indiana Jones, went off and stayed with the worlds least contacted tribes, published books, has amazing, rare curiosities from all over the world, dates famous models, has been married three times but! He has to live alone! Even when married! Even with strings of girlfriends. He stays with them now and then but always has to go back to his house. Plenty of women are charmed by him and I am sure as he has been married plenty he does want a stable relationship but it’s just not in his dna. That’s what makes him him. Whether it’s good or bad I don’t know, if he is happy then all’s well. 

You are who you are Dias and you don’t have to do what everyone else is doing. If you have your goals and a full life travelling and working, and you are happy, you can rocket along your own path and be absolutely fine! Better than fine!


Do you think you want marriage and kids?


I always used to think I would be eternally single and used to dream about “when I was older” I would live in a tiny cottage in the middle of nowhere with a beat up vintage soft top in the cobbled drive and I would write and mooch around and listen to bossanova all day surrounded by books but, here I am 🤣



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On 2/17/2022 at 1:08 AM, mylolita said:

…just watching a Netflix documentary on social media and algorithms and data and advertising. We all know it but, kinda creepy, unnerving stuff, there in black and white.


You know, I think people are afraid because they don’t really understand all those things. It’s human nature to put evil labels and fabricate conspiracies when you are afraid of something. However, the reality is the opposite, all those things exist and evolve because they improve our lives. These are just tools. A knife could be used to cook or it could be used to kill, would you think stopping the production of knives is a good idea? Would you stop the production of phones because they might cause cancer?(honest questions)


On 2/17/2022 at 1:08 AM, mylolita said:

What’s your opinion on this stuff? Ethically? Do you approve and where do you see AI going? 

AI is not a new concept, it’s been around for decades, the reason it’s trendy now it’s because society is more ready to accept those ideas, you can’t commercialize products if it’s not the right timing. For instance, I think I read Elon Musk successfully tested this chip (in monkeys) that goes into the brain and connects with devices like mobile phones, laptops etc.  Imagine being able to turn your laptop on just by thinking about it. I think it’s cool. You brain would be connected to the internet; you wouldn’t need a PC. It could help with diseases like memory loss, dementia etc etc. Of course, there would be drawbacks, your thoughts would be monitored and tracked (although in theory there would be laws but ok let’s not kid ourselves), you would need a brain surgery to place this chip in your brain etc etc. The world is not ready for this, it might be in a few decades, who knows? I certainly don’t want a chip in my brain. However, I still believe if this chip  manages to find its way to the market it would be because it has more benefits than drawbacks. I have an uncle in the US who works for FDA, this is how they approve drugs: 5 benefits, 3 drawbacks -> approved.  


AI is not as advanced as the social media portray, not yet at least, it will be in a few decades. AI is not that complex as a concept. So how do humans learn? By doing stuff and learning from past experiences. When you were a kid, if you tried to put your hand close enough to the fire your hand would burn, right? Based on this outcome (past experience) you know you have to keep a safe distance. AI algorithms do the same thing. They “do” things and based on the outcome, they “learn” if they can or can’t do the same thing again. Now if you ask me what would happen when the technology reaches this level of creating robots that could take the initiative and do stuff on their own, well, I don’t know how this will turn out. I don’t think it would be during our lifetime, but I believe in 100-200 years from now it would be a reality.


On 2/17/2022 at 1:08 AM, mylolita said:

I don’t use social media, no accounts on insta or Facebook or Twitter. My only addiction is here and some online shopping.  But I am obviously still being tracked, just like everyone else who uses the internet, right?


Yes you could be tracked, it’s like using your phone. I wouldn’t think it this way though. You use a medium to communicate and that improves your life, you wouldn’t be able to do that if you were not willing to accept the fact that you could be tracked. Everything comes with pieces we don’t like and we weigh the pros and cons. Internet changed the world, I don’t think being tracked is as important as this. This is my opinion though.



On 2/17/2022 at 1:08 AM, mylolita said:

So sorry to barge into your journal like this. Please, ignore this question if you are busy or this is not your scene!


All the best on your business venture, I just have a great feeling about your attitude and what you do!


Oh no, I like questions of this nature 🙂


Thanks, I really appreciate your words  🙂



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7 minutes ago, dias said:


I am not good with computers, I am pretty sh*tty actually. The only domain I would say I am better than average is Physics (and algorithms in general), I was quite good at Physics, programming was my worst, I can do it like every other engineer but it’s not my thing whatsoever. Nonetheless I do like the fact that it gives you the opportunity to create something from nothing and (potentially) commercialize it.

I would gladly accept the compliment though 😘


Please accept! It’s like, black magic too me!


I am like, this left over, “old human” - like, the animalistic version that is getting left behind. And I feel like, the people who really “get” and “use” and create technology are the new humans. Almost like, there is a decision to be made. Do you want to walk in the woods, light your fires, fight and tussle and cry and touch and meet in real life, no screens or, do you want this new reality, this new future that has already crept up upon us where we use daily robotic aids and want more of it? 

My mind just doesn’t get any of it Dias! I’d be more likely to comprehend chemistry or maths (which I SUCK AT) than technology, programming, all of that! It’s like, the new world order. Evolution has brought us here and my brain at least, and my body, aren’t capable of living with it successfully, wanting it or liking it even!


I admire anyone who is with it enough to get it. I am not a smart person so it goes over my head. Just a simple gal. If I could go back 100 years I would, I would even forego the advances of medicine for a simpler life, even if it would be harder in many ways.


Your work is very interesting, I am sure you are going to do very well. This stuff is the now and the future. People like me and my husband are already old school bumbling forgetful yesterday ways of operating. We deal in objects of the past, for a start. I guess we are romantics? I feel like there is nothing romantic in modern technology and it lacks poetry but, again, what do I know 🥲 Just a little shopaholic who likes antiques and the woods ha!


Just the idea of dating sites - I have so many discussions with friends about this. They don’t believe that I wouldn’t be on one of single but honestly I just wouldn’t.


But here I am, using my phone waiting for the bath to run! Addicted like everyone else!



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Hey Dias!


Okay such interesting points! You know your stuff technically on this so I am coming at this from a gut instinct/first feeling and would I want to be submerged, chip or otherwise, into a virtual reality, the matrix style scenario? Oh my God, no. To have your thoughts monitored? It’s bad enough, as you say, we are already tracked. They already have that predictive profiling on me to get me and loop me with advertisements. It’s like, evolved hasn’t it, from you drive by a sign advertising a smiling mother holding up some Colgate toothpaste at the freeway. Everyone saw the same thing on that freeway. Now, the tailor everything to you, am I right? As you browse. Every second micromanaged, how long you looked at something, what you clicked on, what you searched in Google, the time, date, when! 

I watched that Netflix documentary on social media. The guy who helped develop Facebook and Google… he said the difference with a tool like a knife, like you mention, tool use is in our biology and dna, chimps use tools etc, well he said the difference is that tool is stationary, there, undemanding of your attention, silently waiting for you to use is then put it back. Your phone is much different. These things are designed to be addictive, purely tan by money, to get more accurate with every second to hone advertising on you and your specific, niche needs, wants, thoughts and desires. This is going beyond the knife, in my opinion, I agree with the Google guy… he started up humane technology, a company? I can’t remember his name, I feel bad. 

I am not saying a lot of good doesn’t come from it, but some really bad stuff too. They are able to control and guide billions of people, subtly edge them closer to thinking certain ways, through presenting certain videos on your stream, certain advertisements. They present only the information they think you will want to see and read, that adheres to your personality, morals - the stuff they have gathered on you, or, an algorithm has. I don’t know, does that feel good to me? No, not to me. Maybe I am wrong! I just don’t personally want that for myself and I don’t really like the idea of it for society or my children.


My kids don’t have phones, don’t have iPads - don’t watch much tv. I limit my phone time to when I am not with them, when my husband has them. We don’t have phones out or visible at meal times, when we are together as a family. My husband struggles with this because his work is on his phone. A portable computer as you say! The bane of my life!


And you mention this socialising and ability is helping me.. I don’t want to be a contrarian, but I always think no. Do I enjoy writing in a virtual journal as opposed to physically writing in a book by my bedside? Yes and no. Do I like the idea of some of what I splurge out being read by others, especially anonymous strangers? Yes, it is weirdly confessional without putting myself personally on the line. But I understand the flaws of that. It is kind of, a fake confession, propping up my ego. Does it feel better, fresher, more beautiful, to sit up in bed with a pot of coffee, feel a very old fountain pen I have used since school between my thin. and finger, smell the paper of a notepad and start the flowing movement of actually writing something from the heart? Much, much better. Almost spiritual to me. 

This here, online, is quite a negative for me. It is addictive, a false sense of connection. It does nothing to compare to real life. It is a form of escapism for the brain and ego. I can type away here and absorb myself in something off into space. I have no physical evidence of it, I don’t need to “risk” anything. It gives me a minor hit and then I go looking for other things. I like real, 3D, physical things. My mind isn’t doing well in the internet! Ha! 

I go through phases of giving up my smart phone. I was one of those weirdos who had a brick Nokia phone up until about 2010 when my then hubby boyfriend, who has always been a gadget slave, bought me my first iPhone. I hated and loved it all at the same time. It has made it too easy for me to, start arguments at 3am with friends over Whatsapp. Go online shopping and on spending sprees at midnight when I should be getting rest. Googled anxieties and thoughts that would have gone away if I had maybe just head out to the beach instead with the kids, or took a drive. Taken my time away from other, what I think are more useful things in life. You can see how I feel about it 🥴 I’m not a fan.


So maybe I’m like the Victorians who were scared of electricity and thought why would anyone want that devil glare in their homes, and KITCHENS! Heaven forbid! But, is it even an argument that candle light is just… so beautiful, and always will be? 

If it were practical, I would have the world by night lit up with the soft glow of candles. 

Maybe that just sums up my mentality towards all of this 🥲


I have no social media, and randomly I will give up my phone for a few days on end, but I always pick it back up outta that drawer. I am wanting to work towards, no smart phone, just an old iPod like I used to have for music, a good camera for taking pictures and video, and a regular pay as you go phone for calls and texts. Then I will be as free as you can be without saying internet no more, which I know even I can’t do. I will go on the laptop and use that when I want to write and look on here.


I deleted whatsapp awhile ago as well. My life has been made better for having no social media. This is just what works for me personally, I’m wired in a way that it is quite addictive and negative for me, I find it hard to control my impulses so I can’t trust myself to use it sporadically. It tends to control me, not the other way round.



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I don’t want to wash your journal with my rambling in this Dias, just one more thing that puts me off from this new era we are moving towards a d already find ourselves in…


I am often at the park with the kids. I look around and, all the parents, their heads are turned down. What are they doing? They are busy looking and scrolling at their SCREENS! They can’t even let it lie for half an hour while their kids are shouting, “Mamma, look at me!” Standing proudly at the top of a climbing frame they have just conquered. No darling, your mother is busy pressing like on her fake friends post about dumping her new boyfriend and re-posting a corny quote she is sharing virtually around. It’s very important! 

I find it, so sad. I look at people walking doing it. Their eyes aren’t turned up to look at the sky anymore, they are down, down like our moods, looking at this weird magical blue light coming at you in alien waves. People in transport, phones. Couples at restaurants, phones. Any single moment you might have to be alone stood there, and alone with your thoughts, heaven forbid, nope, get your phone out, wait for your friend looking at that. 

I just don’t think it’s good for society. I don’t want it for myself or my children. It’s part of why I would separate myself from all of this and go live in the woods and home school. Modern, western people are getting more and more unhappy. Our youth suicide rates are up higher than ever. Kids born 2010 onwards I think will be the first generation to only know social media and use it from pre-teen and up. 

Is it really making people happier? Is it really connecting people? I think, the opposite.


I’m like, pro life baby. Pro, rip off the band aid, let’s do it together, because this phone, it’s a pacifier, I do believe that. People are soothing themselves falsely. We have learnt we cannot have a second un-entertained or un-stimulated, and this is myself included, I am not immune too this at all and will never not be, because it’s in our human nature and that is why the drive to connect socially will never leave us. We are social animals, but, face to face… so much better. Like the difference between an led lamp or candle light! 


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Are you with me? 🤣


Lets hit up Alaska people and throw your phones into the ice water! Let’s start a fire and roast some rabbits we just went out and shot. Let’s talk to each other, y’know, really talk, and most importantly! Really listen! 

If I could have that for just one week, God, it would be so pure. 

I’m not really in this generation Dias. I went to the shop yesterday to pick up a parcel. This young guy, huge brick of a guy he was, young, looked about 19 with long dreadlocks at the till smiled at me and said, “You look straight out of D-Day.” 

I first thought what is this some movie young kids are watching that I don’t get and then I realised he meant I looked war time.


He said, “The red lipstick. It’s a look isn’t it.” I picked up and said oh! Thank you!! That’s so kind. Well, it makes me feel a bit less of a tangle! I love your hair!”


And so we get to talking and in 5 minutes I know where he lives, what he likes, how long he has lived here, how he feels about his job, how he feels about parcels, whether he is shy or outgoing. I get a feel for his sense of humour! And then my husband repeats the Ron White joke to me back at home and says, 


“Guys who go around telling married women they are beautiful - f***k you! Here, I wonder if you’ll still think she’s beautiful when she clears out Ya checking account!” 



Okay point going off but, I just adore and romanticise previous eras. Simpler times? I think I would have done very well then. I feel like I would have flourished if born even in, 1950, 1940s… now, I’m really struggling. It’s like I have time travelled and now I find myself in this world and I’m like, used to putting on my kitten heels and taking 45 minutes to bake the bread and now I have to deal with bar codes and scanning and apps and what is this?! I just wanna talk, feel, put on lipstick, have my kids jump on my back, be a woman and let my husband be a man. Everything else is complicating! 

I imagine you have a totally different view point on this! I need like, a group started, who share my same feelings on this 🥲 I feel very alone, most of the time



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I really do get so down about it Dias, to the point where I think even my husband and anyone else just doesn’t want to hear about it anymore!


And I get it! I understand. So, I’m gonna self regulate now after my tangent and say - I apologise, and, shut up Lo 🤣 your bath is cold. LOL!



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5 hours ago, dias said:

You have a strong opinion about the subject, don't you? Hahahahaha I like it

Sorry Dias 🤓


I am a bit full of opinions aren’t I! I was out with a friend and his girlfriend for drinks two weeks ago and we spoke about this for half the night, terrible I know but he secretly likes riding me about it because he is the total opposite and he thinks I am a grandma and need to get with it 🤣


I’ll wave to you from my mud hut when you are all brains floating inside a robotic head, yo yo yo! 🤣



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On 2/16/2022 at 8:08 PM, mylolita said:

…just watching a Netflix documentary on social media and algorithms and data and advertising. We all know it but, kinda creepy, unnerving stuff, there in black and white.

Was it The Social Dilemma? I am in the middle of watching that right now.

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8 hours ago, mylolita said:

he said the difference with a tool like a knife, like you mention, tool use is in our biology and dna, chimps use tools etc, well he said the difference is that tool is stationary, there, undemanding of your attention, silently waiting for you to use is then put it back.

Nevermind--same one lol!

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22 minutes ago, Jibralta said:

Nevermind--same one lol!


I always disliked social media and what not Jib but I found it interesting hearing from the people who were there at the ground up from places like, Google, Facebook, Twitter, that stuff x


PS - we sold our house and are in the process of buying another one, but in the meantime we are in this holiday let (it’s costing a fortune, daylight robbery) but, the perk of it is, we have Netflix where we didn’t before. Because we don’t watch much tv. But I can see how people get addicted to Netflix now 🤣


Dias you need to watch this if you haven’t already! 


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I'm now on the part where they talk about getting different Google results depending on where you are in the world. I've known this was true because I've seen it for myself. Then a guy said that two friends sitting right next to each other could get different results for the same search term, and I remembered that I've actually seen this myself!

I googled seven different ways about Eli Manning's draft and didn't get what I was looking for. My boyfriend googled once--same exact terms that I was using but on his computer--and he got the thing we were looking for. I guess google didn't think I was seriously googling football 🤣

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Okkkkkkkkkkkkkk late reply but I visited Chester yesterday as I am spending too much time in front of a PC and it's not healthy. Here is a picture of River Dee 🙂 Everyone on the company's group chat complained about the storm yesterday but on the North West coast it was like everyday, no storms, we even got a few minutes of sunshine.  I suggested we open offices in Liverpool by the sea, nobody replied, probably they didn't like it lol


Fun fact, when I got back, I had exactly the same debate with an acquaintance of mine. She has very similar opinion with yours Lolita, I guess redheads in general don't get along with technology and corporations hahahaha 🙂 

We concluded I am an immoral person who likes money and popcorn (I open a few bags of popcorn, our debates last hours lol) and she is a hypocrite because she buys products from the corporations she so much despise + in an imaginary world where I am a billionaire and I hire her as an accountant (she is an accountant) for 1 million pounds to work with me on "shady" social media corporations she would probably do it. Hahahahahaha

She is a cool person to debate, we agree we disagree and we laugh about it hahaha. 

On a more serious note, we both agreed this is how human nature works, this is the game, these are the rules (based on human nature). The part we disagreed is that she believes things "shouldn't" be this way as technology is not used as it was initially intended but also acknowledging the fact that "shouldn'ts" only exists in the fantasy land. On the other hand, I have come to terms with the fact that this is the reality, it's a waste of time thinking about "shoulds" and "should nots" and what I care about is about "winning" the game with the existing rules. 


I think our debate would come to the same conclusion my very dear Lolita but I will try to reply to some of your comments.



River Dee - Chester.jpg

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On 2/19/2022 at 10:15 AM, mylolita said:

They already have that predictive profiling on me to get me and loop me with advertisements. It’s like, evolved hasn’t it, from you drive by a sign advertising a smiling mother holding up some Colgate toothpaste at the freeway. Everyone saw the same thing on that freeway. Now, the tailor everything to you, am I right? 

Yes, what is wrong with this? Why would you want to receive ads about things you don't care about? It saves you time. 


On 2/19/2022 at 10:15 AM, mylolita said:

These things are designed to be addictive, purely tan by money, to get more accurate with every second to hone advertising on you and your specific, niche needs, wants, thoughts and desires.

Yes they try to make the algorithm as addictive as possible. Human nature is prone to addiction. Food is addictive and causes serious heath issues when in excess. You don't blame restaurants for trying to make the most palatable dishes to keep you as a client and get your money. Why would you blame tech businessmen for doing the same thing?


On 2/19/2022 at 10:15 AM, mylolita said:

I am not saying a lot of good doesn’t come from it, but some really bad stuff too. They are able to control and guide billions of people, subtly edge them closer to thinking certain ways, through presenting certain videos on your stream, certain advertisements. They present only the information they think you will want to see and read, that adheres to your personality, morals - the stuff they have gathered on you, or, an algorithm has.

Yes it is true, governments and filthy rich use media for "control".  Before the internet and the TV, it was the newspaper which was even worse. At least now everyone can express his opinion on the internet (within limits of course). Before you just read what the journalists wanted. Same difference. 

If you want to blame someone, I believe it's better to blame people for their own inability to form their own opinions. 



On 2/19/2022 at 10:15 AM, mylolita said:

My kids don’t have phones, don’t have iPads - don’t watch much tv. I limit my phone time to when I am not with them, when my husband has them. We don’t have phones out or visible at meal times, when we are together as a family. 

Good to hear 🙂


On 2/19/2022 at 10:15 AM, mylolita said:

And you mention this socialising and ability is helping me.. I don’t want to be a contrarian, but I always think no. Do I enjoy writing in a virtual journal as opposed to physically writing in a book by my bedside? Yes and no. Do I like the idea of some of what I splurge out being read by others, especially anonymous strangers? Yes, it is weirdly confessional without putting myself personally on the line. But I understand the flaws of that. It is kind of, a fake confession, propping up my ego. Does it feel better, fresher, more beautiful, to sit up in bed with a pot of coffee, feel a very old fountain pen I have used since school between my thin. and finger, smell the paper of a notepad and start the flowing movement of actually writing something from the heart? Much, much better. Almost spiritual to me. 

This here, online, is quite a negative for me. It is addictive, a false sense of connection. It does nothing to compare to real life. It is a form of escapism for the brain and ego. I can type away here and absorb myself in something off into space. I have no physical evidence of it, I don’t need to “risk” anything. It gives me a minor hit and then I go looking for other things. I like real, 3D, physical things. My mind isn’t doing well in the internet! Ha! 


Sure I prefer 3D things and people as well. I am with you. This does not change the fact that internet is useful. See everything has benefits and drawbacks. If you believe internet has more drawbacks than benefits, it's your responsibility as a person with a functional brain to stop using it. Don't get me wrong I am addicted too but I know it's because I like the addiction. If you put weight you don't blame food for being so delicious, do you? For me this argument is pretty tenuous, it means there is no self-discipline. 

On 2/19/2022 at 10:15 AM, mylolita said:

I deleted whatsapp awhile ago as well. My life has been made better for having no social media.

See you got the power if you want



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28 minutes ago, dias said:

Okkkkkkkkkkkkkk late reply but I visited Chester yesterday as I am spending too much time in front of a PC and it's not healthy. Here is a picture of River Dee 🙂 Everyone on the company's group chat complained about the storm yesterday but on the North West coast it was like everyday, no storms, we even got a few minutes of sunshine.  I suggested we open offices in Liverpool by the sea, nobody replied, probably they didn't like it lol


Fun fact, when I got back, I had exactly the same debate with an acquaintance of mine. She has very similar opinion with yours Lolita, I guess redheads in general don't get along with technology and corporations hahahaha 🙂 

We concluded I am an immoral person who likes money and popcorn (I open a few bags of popcorn, our debates last hours lol) and she is a hypocrite because she buys products from the corporations she so much despise + in an imaginary world where I am a billionaire and I hire her as an accountant (she is an accountant) for 1 million pounds to work with me on "shady" social media corporations she would probably do it. Hahahahahaha

She is a cool person to debate, we agree we disagree and we laugh about it hahaha. 

On a more serious note, we both agreed this is how human nature works, this is the game, these are the rules (based on human nature). The part we disagreed is that she believes things "shouldn't" be this way as technology is not used as it was initially intended but also acknowledging the fact that "shouldn'ts" only exists in the fantasy land. On the other hand, I have come to terms with the fact that this is the reality, it's a waste of time thinking about "shoulds" and "should nots" and what I care about is about "winning" the game with the existing rules. 


I think our debate would come to the same conclusion my very dear Lolita but I will try to reply to some of your comments.



River Dee - Chester.jpg

Dias! Chuck!


This girl, I like the sound of her 🤣 Can you two not team up, make beautiful mixed babies and also rule the tech industry from your yacht? 

Just a thought! (PS - please invite me to the wedding, I promise I won’t open up any debates as when I have my one glass of wine that is me done and I am a giggly daft drunk who just wants to dance so, no chewy behaviour as a party guest) 🥲🤣


Enjoy seeing your travelling and your photography snaps. Looking forward to some potential ones of Scotland!


And yes, I do understand your argument. We do have the choice to throw our phones and laptops away. Is it realistic? Probably not! I have a very addictive personality and not much self control so I fully throw my hands up and say, I can’t often contain myself so it is, bottom line, my own doing. I still don’t think it’s a good thing for society. I would rather talk to you all not on here but, round a camp fire on round my lovely upholstered coffee table with a nice hot cup of something and have us all curled up on the couches but, y’know, I do respect and acknowledge your angle on this. 

I just wanna go back in time still 🤣 Is it sounds much to ask? Hawkings! Where are you?! 

Laughing at the thunder cats intro! Oh my God, such an amazing time for toys and cartoons, the 80s. My son has just started to get some of the retro figures and watches this with my husband, along with Button Moon, Trap door (they sing the theme tune full pelt whilst in the bath - “Don’t you ooopen that traaaaap doooor! ((In a fake deep voice)) you’ll be a FOOOOL if you dooooooo!” 🤣



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23 hours ago, mylolita said:

I don’t want to wash your journal with my rambling in this Dias, just one more thing that puts me off from this new era we are moving towards a d already find ourselves in…


I am often at the park with the kids. I look around and, all the parents, their heads are turned down. What are they doing? They are busy looking and scrolling at their SCREENS! They can’t even let it lie for half an hour while their kids are shouting, “Mamma, look at me!” Standing proudly at the top of a climbing frame they have just conquered. No darling, your mother is busy pressing like on her fake friends post about dumping her new boyfriend and re-posting a corny quote she is sharing virtually around. It’s very important! 

I find it, so sad. I look at people walking doing it. Their eyes aren’t turned up to look at the sky anymore, they are down, down like our moods, looking at this weird magical blue light coming at you in alien waves. People in transport, phones. Couples at restaurants, phones. Any single moment you might have to be alone stood there, and alone with your thoughts, heaven forbid, nope, get your phone out, wait for your friend looking at that. 

I just don’t think it’s good for society. I don’t want it for myself or my children. It’s part of why I would separate myself from all of this and go live in the woods and home school. Modern, western people are getting more and more unhappy. Our youth suicide rates are up higher than ever. Kids born 2010 onwards I think will be the first generation to only know social media and use it from pre-teen and up. 

I agree but again it's our responsibility etc etc. And again you can't have the benefits without the drawbacks. It does not work this way. 


23 hours ago, mylolita said:

Is it really making people happier? Is it really connecting people? I think, the opposite.


I’m like, pro life baby. Pro, rip off the band aid, let’s do it together, because this phone, it’s a pacifier, I do believe that. People are soothing themselves falsely. We have learnt we cannot have a second un-entertained or un-stimulated, and this is myself included, I am not immune too this at all and will never not be, because it’s in our human nature and that is why the drive to connect socially will never leave us. We are social animals, but, face to face… so much better. Like the difference between an led lamp or candle light! 

Technology is not meant to make people happier. The purpose is no make our lives easier because human nature loves laziness and convenience. I think it's pointless to talk about why human nature is designed this way. 

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23 hours ago, mylolita said:

Okay point going off but, I just adore and romanticise previous eras. Simpler times? I think I would have done very well then. I feel like I would have flourished if born even in, 1950, 1940s… now, I’m really struggling.

I never said I like our era, If I could choose which era to be born I would be on a ship with Christopher Columbus discovering new lands hahahahahaha but I thought we are not talking about fantasies here 🙂

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Just now, dias said:

I never said I like our era, If I could choose which era to be born I would be on a ship with Christopher Columbus discovering new lands hahahahahaha but I thought we are not talking about fantasies here 🙂

Hey Dias!


My point is that, society, western at least, is getting unhappier and less connected, even though we have social media which is, let’s fact it, initially put to us as a tool to connect people. Hence the social. But we all know, I think deep down, it is not, it is an advertising paradise and a false sense of connection. It’s a bad drug.


Things that made society worse, make people more unhappy and isolated, we often try and fix. We don’t think letting everyone od themselves on street drugs, say, is a positive thing, so we have laws to try and prevent drug use, even though let’s be realistic, we could never eradicate it and why should we? But a moral obligation is there I think. Same way we try and include green spaces when building large housing estates. The idea is, I mean, I hope, that we try and edge for the betterment. The internet is very useful, I totally agree, on so many levels it is now essential, but is it better for us? Is it good for the human race? That’s just my problem with it.


People can smoke, I say go ahead, but we all commend them when they quit. I feel that way about social media. It’s a bad habit that does you no good. The cons outweigh the pros for me and I think a lot of people, if honest. Yes it connects the odd estranged mother to daughter and helps open the lines of communication if families live abroad but, what about a phone call? Or just making time to visit? 

It’s here now, I am not suggesting a government involved cancellation. I am not into big government like that. But the very notion that we don’t want even our children on it… doesn’t sound like it’s a positive thing. I am quite convinced most peoples lives would become surprisingly better without it. If we could all go cold Turkey, put Facebook outta business, I know another one would fill the void but it would be forced to change if no one would use it. 

Again, maybe I am just a romantic dreamer and this is all fuzzy talk but the fact of the matter is, I don’t like it 🥲 and I am with the other redhead you know 🤣 It’s our Celtic blood y’see, we are kinda wild and defensive because the Vikings and the Romans were coming at us for hundreds of years and we just wanted to worship our pagan trees and run around naked in the woods and do some metal work and ride a chariot. Hence my obsession with going out for a drive? 🤣🤣🤣



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3 hours ago, dias said:

YES!! The original one, too. This was one of my favorite cartoons as a kid (the others being Voltron (cats not cars), He-Man, and She-Ra)

I found a blooper reel on Youtube years ago that cracks me the f up. You probably have to have grown up with the series, listening to these characters' strictly G-Rated dialogue to find it as funny as I do.


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24 minutes ago, Jibralta said:

YES!! The original one, too. This was one of my favorite cartoons as a kid (the others being Voltron (cats not cars), He-Man, and She-Ra)

I found a blooper reel on Youtube years ago that cracks me the f up. You probably have to have grown up with the series, listening to these characters' strictly G-Rated dialogue to find it as funny as I do.




Mumrah saying “let me see your t*****s!” Is the highlight for me 🤣


I never grew up with it, but the husband did with him being nearly 41 now 😏 I am, y’know, spring chicken just turned 32 🥲 


I did used to watch stuff my Mum taped, like Sting Ray! Thunderbirds! And this trippy cartoon that disturbed me called Spooks of Bottle Bay! Oh and Poddington Peas! The old stuff is so much better. These days it is CGI condescending bratty stuff. My son has grown up on the original Thomas the Tank Engine (the fat controller is a BOSS!), my daughter also loves the 80s Care Bear cartoons (an episode called ‘Gramps Cooking Corner’ has them in stitches, something to do with, spiders eyebrows? 🤣) They love the original Pingu, which I also did watch as a kid. Dogtanian! I think that’s about it! Oh and Rainbow now and again!


Sorry Dias gonna shut up now!



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