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Feeling confused and heartbroken

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Hi there all, or to whoever sees this and reads it, I've been having a back and forth with an ex of mine, we were together recently again and for a while he was all lovey dovey and what not but recently he's been unresponsive and just didn't really try for our relationship and last night he finally said he didn't care anymore and didn't love me anymore, idk what went wrong and I never got the chance to ask him what changed because he ended up blocking me on messenger and fb. And at this point idk if I should feel heartbroken or confused. Idk if in a few weeks he'll end up messaging me again or not I just don't know what to do. I mean I wouldn't mind staying friends but I guess he just really doesn't want to even stay that. Just wish I knew what went wrong for us to drift apart again. I really did love him. 

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7 minutes ago, Larisa D said:

I've been having a back and forth with an ex of mine, we were together recently again

- Back & forth is not healthy for either.  There are reasons for this- can you explain a little more? (how old are you two?  How long you been involved?)

- This action shows uncertainty (confusion). And being on and off shows instability- no growth in your relationship - which is no good.


7 minutes ago, Larisa D said:

Idk if in a few weeks he'll end up messaging me again or not I just don't know what to do. I mean I wouldn't mind staying friends but I guess he just really doesn't want to even stay that. Just wish I knew what went wrong for us to drift apart again.

- So he often acts like this?  Blocking you then reaching out again?  That is messed!

- Being 'friends' with an ex is so often no good.. it hurts a lot 😞  unless or until you know you are over them & healed.


Just wish I knew what went wrong for us to drift apart again.

- Probably the same thing as always.. his uncertainty... he has to get his *** together and not lead you on!  Sounds like he is just not that into it 😞 .. but this behaviour is not acceptable.


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You don't have to accept this back and forth. It's not working out.

Move on.. this means permanently. You can tell yourself that you release yourself from knowing any more or trying to understand anything more. Allow yourself a new chapter in your life. 

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Honestly, you're seeing what this guy is about. He's never gonna be a great caring guy.

Of course your feelings are hurt.  Do yourself a favor and block him. Don't even consider talking to this guy again.  let alone being friends.

Screw him.

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9 hours ago, Larisa D said:

 last night he finally said he didn't care anymore and  he ended up blocking me on messenger and fb. 

Sorry this is happening. How long were you dating? 

On/off like this is fraught with hurt drama and confusion.

Don't go back or be demoted to fwb.

Delete and block him and all his people from ALL your social media and messaging apps.

That way you can move forward in peace. Also much wiser knowing that chasing exes is full of headaches and heartaches you don't need.

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