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Emotional support group Covid19


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About 3 weeks ago and long time friend asked my bf if we would consider RV camping with them this upcoming weekend.


All things considered, we figured we could handle this seeing we weren't cohabiting and we also forewarned them we wouldn't be going into the wineries close by. We will strictly be "camping"


They have money, roll pretty deep, are very liberal and think covid is a hoax.


I am trying to be openminded, while still doing what's right for me. My bf and I being on the same page, this could be doable.


I already had in my mind we wouldn't be in each others trailers and anything social will be outside.


Bf got a text today that one of their young adult sons had covid a week ago and now tests negative. They claim that haven't seen him since last Monday.


All this is creeping up on our doorsteps and escalating at rapid pace. My niece tested positive over the weekend.


Here we go. It doesn't always happen to someone else.


So it's a no go for camping this weekend. At least for us.

Not worth the risk.

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Yes and I'm sorry you needed to cancel. I think I told you I had a somewhat similar experience a few weeks ago where a new friend of mine I've never met in person has grown sons who live near me. She lives 20 minutes from me. So we'd discussed meeting for a socially distanced walk. She's extremely covid careful and is high risk. I am very careful/not high risk. Anyway her son tested positive and she said they dropped food off for him without any contact -in his building's garage. She said her other son who they planned to see the same day we planned to meet had not seen his brother in two weeks.


I like her very much and...... I was just too paranoid to keep a plan like that. All I needed was one of them to be mistaken about the timing, and then let's say her dog to approach me, throw me off kilter, result in me being too close to her, whatever - it was just too much for me to fathom meeting a stranger (well we'd spoken a lot) in that situation. Thank goodness she canceled - decided to stay home and send her husband into our city. So we never had the awkward conversation. I was stressed about that conversation but I was going to be honest, I'd decided.


Again I'm sorry. I'm glad you're being extra careful. Did they react in any odd way about your concerns?

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Not sure of the reaction. They are S's friends. He shared our decision.


If it were my friend I would have a long list of questions before I'd even consider it.


You haven't seen him in a week but has anyone in your household seen him?


He tested negative but has anyone else in your family tested at all? . And so on.


This family is extremely close. I don't doubt someone's been around the young man.

Adding that person would have likely been present for Thanksgiving.


I'll be watching. My guess is someone else in that circle comes down with it.

Merry Christmas [emoji849]

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Sorry about all that, reinvent.


Have had many, many moments like that since the start of this whole thing.


I'm feeling particularly skittish these days, by my standards, wanting to see how things shake out after the holiday, with another holiday on the horizon.


Glad to hear you and S are on the same page.


Internet hugs.

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Sorry about all that, reinvent.


Have had many, many moments like that since the start of this whole thing.


I'm feeling particularly skittish these days, by my standards, wanting to see how things shake out after the holiday, with another holiday on the horizon.


Glad to hear you and S are on the same page.


Internet hugs.

Thanks B. Happy Holidays to you and yours.

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My cousin, who has been hospitalized with Covid for just over a week, may be well enough to go home to her family soon, maybe in a day or two.


Fortunately she had a relatively mild case. No fever, no cough, no body aches. Her only symptom was pneumonia, which is serious enough but thankfully it was treatable.

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Did your cousin get on a ventilator, bolt, or did she do OK with supplemental oxygen only? (through the nose or a face mask)


She never was on a ventilator, nor was she placed in the ICU. She had the oxygen through the nose and received vitamin therapy and antibiotics. She's also to have a plasma transfusion to supplement the antibodies her own body is producing.


So, although getting Covid at work wasn't fortunate, her immune system's ability to minimize the effects of the virus was fortunate. And this is someone who is diabetic and has liver disease. She's apparently one heck of a fighter!

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My cousin, who has been hospitalized with Covid for just over a week, may be well enough to go home to her family soon, maybe in a day or two.


Fortunately she had a relatively mild case. No fever, no cough, no body aches. Her only symptom was pneumonia, which is serious enough but thankfully it was treatable.


So glad to hear it!


My heart goes out to those who have to frequent doctor's offices right now. All I had to do today was get my annual mammogram at the local hospital. Given virtual learning/child care the only real way to get there was by subway/bus since it is freezing out and it is over a mile away. Haven't been on a subway since March. Before that I rode it at least once a week and usually more. I mean there were covid precautions at the hospital, on the subway, at the mammogram area but.....well you know - I'm so cautious and between having to use the computer, let the receptionist put my hospital bracelet on (I said no -she used gloves at that point then asked nicely if I knew the mammogram would involve contact), the temp check to get in and the questions, etc. -


I feel for those who have to navigate this regularly especially for cases of actual illness. One of the ironies was while I waiting for the train a tourist- obviously from Europe - walked away from her wheelie bag/luggage - to look at the subway map. I couldn't help it -I told her please not to leave her luggage unattended. She walked back over then did it again. Oh well I tried. But even deciding whether to approach close enough so she could hear me (both wearing masks, I shouted from a distance).


But, home, and because of covid did errands so I don't have to go out again, put on yet another mask, rinse repeat.

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I have a doctor appointment Thursday but I have either the first or second appointment of the day. And I have the paperwork at home to fill out so I just have to hand it to them along with my insurance card, ID and debit card. I am lucky enough to have my own vehicle so I don't have to use public transportation. I am going to need to have blood drawn so I presume I'll have to make another appointment for that. But I really need to go to the doctor as I have lost about 28 pounds and have only managed to gain back about 4 of them despite forcing myself to eat much more than usual. And I have this weird fatigue/sore throat/headache/lightheaded thing that's been going on for months. I think it might be time for an adjustment of my thyroid meds. OR, it could be side effects of the antidepressant.


I am very glad my cousin is doing as well as she is. I admire her fighting spirit!

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I have a doctor appointment Thursday but I have either the first or second appointment of the day. And I have the paperwork at home to fill out so I just have to hand it to them along with my insurance card, ID and debit card. I am lucky enough to have my own vehicle so I don't have to use public transportation. I am going to need to have blood drawn so I presume I'll have to make another appointment for that. But I really need to go to the doctor as I have lost about 28 pounds and have only managed to gain back about 4 of them despite forcing myself to eat much more than usual. And I have this weird fatigue/sore throat/headache/lightheaded thing that's been going on for months. I think it might be time for an adjustment of my thyroid meds. OR, it could be side effects of the antidepressant.


I am very glad my cousin is doing as well as she is. I admire her fighting spirit!


Good luck and I hope everything is ok! We have a new car. I don't drive - got my license about 4 years ago -- and don't desire to especially now (less traffic/crazier drivers) and I saw the traffic/line of cars waiting to get into the hospital parking lot -no thanks!). My husband couldn't drive me even though it's close by since we can't leave my son alone for that long of a time. Typically I make my appointment every year in the morning and time it so I can power walk there/get breakfast and walk back. Not this year unfortunately! Luckily it was very little paperwork.

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I'm so glad your cousin is doing OK and on the mend. The one silver lining is that as time has gone on, we know how to treat COVID better. We used to throw more people on ventilators. Now IV steroids (brings down swelling and inflammation FAST) are used and are very helpful in keeping people off breathing machines as well as avoiding permanent lung damage.

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My heart goes out to those who have to frequent doctor's offices right now. All I had to do today was get my annual mammogram at the local hospital.


Batya, I recently postponed my annual mammogram until the end of March, as I have to go yearly because of my mom being a breast cancer survivor. While knowing it's a case of six of one, half a dozen of another, I'm petrified of entering a hospital/health care facility at this dangerous time.


All in all, I have to say kudos for taking that step.

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Were you hesitant to have it done, Vic? Happy to hear your results were neg.


No, I was ok with having it done. I have only ever had one other one in my life nine years ago. But this time they tugged on my skin too hard which caused a tear and infection. 😦 I mean I know they have to get to the chest wall but come on.

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Hopefully you recover from that soon. I'm not afraid of having it done, it's just the timing that worries me.


I started at 35 - I am now 54 - because I had a cousin die young of breast cancer. I didn't love the close contact but it takes a short time, we both had masks, etc. I do a self exam once a month too. No issues ever but I also started having ultrasounds about 8 years ago because a doc thought she found something on a self exam (no, she did not, not at all, it was just "me") - but since like many women I have dense breasts they recommended an ultrasound. I am waiting for that a bit to see about the covid risks but I usually get that done a month later.

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I asked my doctor about doing a mammogram but she said it's not done regularly until age 40. I've only had one case of breast cancer in my family (old age, improper use of estrogen, resolved quickly with some radiation) so I'm not too worried but if told to get one now, I would.


I can't do a self breast exam. I'm one of those women that have those tiny little cysts all over on the inside Benign, no increased risk of cancer but yeah, I'm full of "lumps". Give me a yearly or semi yearly mammogram anyday

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