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Pippy it's 8pm, from what I can gather its pubs close at 10pm, back to 2m distancing (not that anyone follows that anyway)...

Rosa yeah she's been with me all along thankfully.


thanks love xx


So ...


Over 3 thousand a day are now diagnosed here


All bars . restaurants , take aways and pubs have to shut by 10pm


£200 fine for all first offences of not following the rules and go up to 10 thousand for repeat offenders


All taxis , shops have to wear masks


15 people can attend a wedding


everyone who can work at home must work at home


We can only meet in groups of 6 ....( yeah like anyone here is doing that !!! well I am )


Have I left anything out ?

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And here we are moving forward with opening everything up despite the cases, hospitalizations and deaths still being at frightening numbers.


"Open it up!!" is the rally cry. No one wants anything closed. And safety protocols are being done away with.


The plan seems to be, let everyone get exposed and those who die, die. And those who don't, don't.


I've heard people saying "I'll take my chances". Problem is, they're taking chances with everyone they encounter. But the US is all about the individual. So, wish us luck!

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Butterfly Wrists, glad you have your little one with you. I hope she gets better quickly. You must be sleepless.. hope you're getting some rest too.


I found these Levi's brand masks with pockets for liners that are three for $15. Great actually, affordable and quite comfortable. I got it in the usual fashion and quick shipping. Thought I'd share in case anyone is looking. https://www.amazon.ca/Levis-Re-Usable-Bandana-Reversible-Caviar/dp/B08B9BQNSY/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=levis+mask&qid=1600811269&sr=8-1

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thanks love xx


So ...


Over 3 thousand a day are now diagnosed here


All bars . restaurants , take aways and pubs have to shut by 10pm


£200 fine for all first offences of not following the rules and go up to 10 thousand for repeat offenders


All taxis , shops have to wear masks


15 people can attend a wedding


everyone who can work at home must work at home


We can only meet in groups of 6 ....( yeah like anyone here is doing that !!! well I am )


Have I left anything out ?


Was just shy of 5000 cases today! Half these restrictions aren't new, like table service only, have been required to wear masks in work and shops for a while, and outside workers who can work from home should etc.

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Was just shy of 5000 cases today! Half these restrictions aren't new, like table service only, have been required to wear masks in work and shops for a while, and outside workers who can work from home should etc.


Yeah it is ridiculous isn't it ..... in MK the people who work in shops like the saino's for example don't have to wear them , just the customers , so I presumed it meant the staff now have to as well . Ems work in a bar and the table service only is a joke she said , it's all a joke , she has been shouted at by customers not wearing masks because they don't have to ...I hate it for her . Hope our little pooh bear is happy and settled

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Yeah it is ridiculous isn't it ..... in MK the people who work in shops like the saino's for example don't have to wear them , just the customers , so I presumed it meant the staff now have to as well . Ems work in a bar and the table service only is a joke she said , it's all a joke , she has been shouted at by customers not wearing masks because they don't have to ...I hate it for her . Hope our little pooh bear is happy and settled

That is terrible that happens to Ems. 😓

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Our PM announced last night that our second wave is here. 😥


oh vic ...hugs love ...I wish I could buy a little island , get us all tested haha obviously then all hide out there till it is over . I am going to have to stop watching , my anxiety is through the roof , they have stuck me back on an asthma pump cos they can't decide if it is anxiety or asthma , either way I can't breathe at times ...I suspect it is anxiety , feeling like my heart is beating in my throat , can't catch a breath and that feeling in the pit of your stomach

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oh vic ...hugs love ...I wish I could buy a little island , get us all tested haha obviously then all hide out there till it is over . I am going to have to stop watching , my anxiety is through the roof , they have stuck me back on an asthma pump cos they can't decide if it is anxiety or asthma , either way I can't breathe at times ...I suspect it is anxiety , feeling like my heart is beating in my throat , can't catch a breath and that feeling in the pit of your stomach


Oh Pippy, hope you are well.


Things do get worse unfortunately, I think we are experiencing the second wave, many colleagues are positive and they are pretty young and healthy.

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As I expected, I am now having cold symptoms, most likely picked up from that sick man plus breathing recycled office air for 8 hours a day. Am I supposed to stay home on my 3rd day at a new job? Or am I supposed to assume it's just a cold and go in anyway so I don't look bad to a brand new employer?


I have a runny nose, sore throat and my head feels congested. I do not have a fever, cough, body aches or chills.


I'm up and getting ready to go in. I guess I'll try it, stay in my cubicle and leave if I start to feel worse.

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As I expected, I am now having cold symptoms, most likely picked up from that sick man plus breathing recycled office air for 8 hours a day. Am I supposed to stay home on my 3rd day at a new job? Or am I supposed to assume it's just a cold and go in anyway so I don't look bad to a brand new employer?


I have a runny nose, sore throat and my head feels congested. I do not have a fever, cough, body aches or chills.


I'm up and getting ready to go in. I guess I'll try it, stay in my cubicle and leave if I start to feel worse.


I personally would not go in because of covid. In normal times I would have gone in as long as I didn't have a fever. And I would have kept my distance.


When I was very obviously pregnant I attended a meeting with someone from outside the company. She sneezed, wiped her nose with her hand then made me shake her hand. I was furious with her. I ran back to my office for sanitizer I think.

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oh vic ...hugs love ...I wish I could buy a little island , get us all tested haha obviously then all hide out there till it is over . I am going to have to stop watching , my anxiety is through the roof , they have stuck me back on an asthma pump cos they can't decide if it is anxiety or asthma , either way I can't breathe at times ...I suspect it is anxiety , feeling like my heart is beating in my throat , can't catch a breath and that feeling in the pit of your stomach


Hugs my dear girl. ❤️

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I did go in. I feel a bit better. Have no fever, blood oxygen is good, nose isn't running. Third day at a new job and I represent a staffing agency so not much of a choice here. I will stay in my work area and I refuse to remove my mask even though we are actually encouraged to.


I will leave if I start getting symptoms.

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I did go in. I feel a bit better. Have no fever, blood oxygen is good, nose isn't running. Third day at a new job and I represent a staffing agency so not much of a choice here. I will stay in my work area and I refuse to remove my mask even though we are actually encouraged to.


I will leave if I start getting symptoms.


Glad you're feeling better.


I went out for a walk with a friend today. Sort of broke my self(imposed)-isolation but I think I needed it and really enjoyed chatting away with safe distancing.

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Oh Pippy, hope you are well.


Things do get worse unfortunately, I think we are experiencing the second wave, many colleagues are positive and they are pretty young and healthy.


Thankyou darling and I hope you are staying safe and well ...yes I do believe we are smack bang in the middle of the second wave as well . The R rate is rising at alarming speed . One thing that puzzles me though ....we had all the protests , not as violent or as bad as the poor folk in the US granted , but we still had them , then all the Brighton beach etc stuff in the summer and people not caring a jot about it .....but nothing happened !!! That is when I thought it would climb back up . Anyway hope your colleagues come out of this ok . Take care of yourself .

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