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And this is why the UK are seeing 3k new cases a day...

If you think you've been in contact with someone who has coronavirus, but you do not have symptoms and have not been told to self-isolate, continue to follow social distancing advice.


Basically continue as you were. Fiance and I have contacted work and visitors we've seen this week to let them know we MIGHT have had contact with the virus, fiance has been told to work from home and we've been asked to update once we know test results. But if we followed nhs advice it would be overseer a week until told to isolate etc which isn't fair on anyone we come into contact with between exposure and then... this is nuts.


Shall update Sunday.

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Fingers crossed, while my area (and country) has way too many cases we are on a downward trend. By quite a bit. Hospitalizations have gone down from a high of over 2200 to about the mid-700s. Cases are on the downturn however we are still having more deaths.


Of course certain groups are screaming to recall the governor, the mayor and other leaders. I guess they are unhappy with a downward trend and would prefer the cases and hospitalizations to continue to be on the rise :eek:


I don't get why people don't see the connection between protocols and a downward trend of infections and hospitalizations. They shout "No masks! Open everything up!!" Well, dead people and hospitalized people cannot patronize nail salons and gyms. And a business would be difficult to run if your employees are dead or in the hospital. Of you have to shut down because someone came in who was infected and may have exposed your employees and customers.


Fortunately my state is still having fairly strict protocols. I don't see us getting rid of the mask requirement anytime soon.

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The cases have shot up here. I'm going back to self-isolating for the most part and feeling a lot happier. Declined some invitations for dinner and lunch (birthdays and events) as the numbers of outbreaks in establishments have also gone up.


I really love this Halloween/fall time of year. I think of it as a time of renewal and there's a sort of magic about it and I can't help but feel young of heart seeing all the Halloween decorations and things about. My birthday also happens in fall and I'm tickled. It's a wonderful time. I hope everyone stays safe.

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The cases have shot up here. I'm going back to self-isolating for the most part and feeling a lot happier. Declined some invitations for dinner and lunch (birthdays and events) as the numbers of outbreaks in establishments have also gone up.


I really love this Halloween/fall time of year. I think of it as a time of renewal and there's a sort of magic about it and I can't help but feel young of heart seeing all the Halloween decorations and things about. My birthday also happens in fall and I'm tickled. It's a wonderful time. I hope everyone stays safe.


Happy early birthday!!

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Happy birthday Rosa Mosse 🙂


Finally got results back, she's positive. None of are showing symptoms as yet, day 9 post exposure now.. 4000 positive tests a day now...

We're don't get tested unless we start showing symptoms. 5 days left in quarantine. No more family cuddling baby for a while, mind you restrictions should be tightening again.. aio likely no seeing family for a while.. babies first Christmas this year, I wonder where we'll be for it...

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Happy birthday Rosa Mosse 🙂


Finally got results back, she's positive. None of are showing symptoms as yet, day 9 post exposure now.. 4000 positive tests a day now...

We're don't get tested unless we start showing symptoms. 5 days left in quarantine. No more family cuddling baby for a while, mind you restrictions should be tightening again.. aio likely no seeing family for a while.. babies first Christmas this year, I wonder where we'll be for it...


oh love I am a bit shocked to read that , it must of shaken you too .... You are all in my thoughts , my prayers , my love and anything else you can add onto that xxxxxx


You are right ..no cuddling her for families , your little nest comes first butterfly darling and I know family just want to love her , they will have to make up for it when all this is over .


I am terrified for us all , it's going mad here in the uk isn't it ....do you know what time our announcement is on tonight ?


My mobile is on my fb page , you call me if you need to chat , moan , cry , laugh ....anything ...


love you darling xxx

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So let's say I'm diabetic and my doctor prescribes insulin. I take the insulin as directed even though I'd rather not have to take medication. I start feeling better. In fact, I'm feeling pretty good! So I think, I'm feeling great, in fact I wonder if I even have this diabetes thing anymore. Maybe it went away. So I stop taking my insulin.


What do you all think would happen?


That's how I feel about lifting restrictions because case numbers and deaths have decreased. I want to ask people, why do you think they decreased? Is it because the virus "went away"? Or maybe it's a result of the safety protocols and restrictions. And what do people think will happen when the restrictions are lifted?


To me it makes sense but so many people believe the numbers are down because the virus went somewhere else or disappeared or something. Or they're "fed up" with having restrictions on their "freedom". Or they're "bored".


I presume there will be another surge like we had this summer. The only good thing is there seems to be a better understanding of what treatments are more effective, although I understand there are lingering, lasting effects of the virus.


I am going to continue to be careful. Management at my new job allows employees to remove their masks while working at their desks because they have some half baked theory that nothing can spread outside your cubicle (ridiculous). I'll try to stay away from other people but the damn thing is airborne, so...all I can do is hope they have no more infections (they already had two several weeks ago). I do have to earn a living and this is the chance we all take.


Wishing you all to be safe and healthy.

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I have not been back to my office -from what I understand if I am in my office -not a cubicle -office with door -no mask needed. If I walk out of my office -yes, mask. It's not a mandate. But the protocol is "please do not make other people feel uncomfortable or that they have to ask you to put on a mask". So when I go back - which will not be for awhile -I will do just that. I want everyone to feel comfortable around me in any common areas. I have many of my own masks but they also supply them. I agree with you. I am fed up too. So I put on my big girl pants and I do what needs to be done. Even when it means sanitizing to put on a mask I will wear inside a sandwich shop for 7 minutes, then have to launder the mask. Oh well, Inconvenient - lots of life is -and I'm happy to take on these inconveniences for the greater good. Of course.

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There were 2 people I saw who had removed their masks while at their desks. NOT in a cubicle. And one woman was coughing. But she was told she could remove it so she did. I hope I don't have to work with that woman but every time she coughed she was shooting her saliva into the room. And it's air conditioned so no windows are open. I sit several feet away in the same room.


I will be keeping my mask on, but the manager told me she was "fine" with everyone removing them while at their desks.


I mean, it's better than my previous job. All I can do is hope none of those people are infected or we're all going to get it.

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