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Problem is, people are not staying in their own states. They are traveling to vacation destinations, going to theme parks and restaurants and bars and recreational activities and then returning home. So they're spreading whatever they might have all over the place to people from all over.


I heard one medical professional who stated the opinion that there is really no way to avoid being exposed. She said we just need to be prepared for exposure and hope we aren't one of those who becomes critically ill. Awesome.

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And that's exactly why I am not going to any recreational areas when they open and neither will anyone in my family. No restaurants either. People are going to be stupid and infect each other but I will do my best to stay in and not let it be me.


I really hope I don't contract it. I'm less worried about myself and more worried about my patients. You can't get much higher risk than them.

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Not here! My friend just traveled from his state through another state and ended up in a third state. No travel restrictions or quarantine at all. People are getting on airplanes and flying all over the country to visit theme parks and other entertainment venues. Most do not require masks.


One health leader in the next county over resigned because she was receiving death threats because she made mask wearing mandatory when going out and when going to retail establishments. The person who replaced her removed the requirement and just made it a recommendation.


People here really, really hate masks.

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No one cares unless and/or until they get it or someone they care about gets it. This country values independent decision making so there aren't any nationwide directives.


The death toll is considered the cost of doing business. Not for everyone but many people feel that way.

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I would say Canadians are more socially welfare oriented and less individually “me “ oriented.


Yep, and we are told by some that Canadians are socialists or communists. But I also hear it's a very peaceful place. I had planned to visit Vancouver in the summer but of course that got postponed.

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I just don't understand what is so freaking hard about putting on a mask. I don't like wearing a mask but I do. If I want to be outside without a mask, I go to an isolated, rural area. But public places with people? Stores? Mask up. And yes, I've had days where I just don't want to do that so I stay home and order in so I don't have to.


People are so selfish.


So, I hate to say this but since my last post in here today, my boss called me. State mandated call, I've been possibly exposed to a coworker who has tested (Confirmed) positive. Awesome.


I'm going to make sure I have things stocked up for myself med wise, have my thermometer, monitor for symptoms, abs keep my fingers crossed. I get tested this weekend but that doesn't bring much comfort.

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Yep, and we are told by some that Canadians are socialists or communists. But I also hear it's a very peaceful place. I had planned to visit Vancouver in the summer but of course that got postponed.


Well ,you won’t find a place more socialist in Canada than BC.. lol. I wouldn’t say we are highly communist though. I would say most Canadians are middle of the road for Canadians but you would consider us left of centre.

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I just don't understand what is so freaking hard about putting on a mask. I don't like wearing a mask but I do. If I want to be outside without a mask, I go to an isolated, rural area. But public places with people? Stores? Mask up. And yes, I've had days where I just don't want to do that so I stay home and order in so I don't have to.


People are so selfish.


So, I hate to say this but since my last post in here today, my boss called me. State mandated call, I've been possibly exposed to a coworker who has tested (Confirmed) positive. Awesome.


I'm going to make sure I have things stocked up for myself med wise, have my thermometer, monitor for symptoms, abs keep my fingers crossed. I get tested this weekend but that doesn't bring much comfort.

Everything crossed you are ok!

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She couldn't tell me a name but I received enough detail to know who it is. She said we worked a couple shifts together so that's why she had to call me. I think back to the shifts and while we always had masks on, we did have to interact in some tight spaces, like a medication room that is maybe 10' x 5'. We were in this room together doing tasks, not in passing. We were in there for a while.

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She couldn't tell me a name but I received enough detail to know who it is. She said we worked a couple shifts together so that's why she had to call me. I think back to the shifts and while we always had masks on, we did have to interact in some tight spaces, like a medication room that is maybe 10' x 5'. We were in this room together doing tasks, not in passing. We were in there for a while.

Hopefully, you are still negative 🤗

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Our malls are open now. Had a hideously bad experience. There weren’t a lot of people but the lineups to get into stores was horrendous. Only like 20 stores are open. Some stores won’t let you touch anything and lock the door when there’s four people in there so you have to wait to get out. I had a full-blown panic attack and almost passed out on the floor. I just couldn’t wait to get the hell out of there. I am just glad hubby was there because I swear to God I thought it was going to land on the floor when I almost passed out. I just started pouring sweat and pouring sweat and pouring sweat and then started seeing spots in front of my eyes and started weaving. After I just sat in the car and cried .And even if you thought you were OK in the bathroom ,no ,because it’s one person‘s job to wait in the bathroom to clean the stall the second you get out of it. So you feel like you have to hurry even in the bathroom.

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They lock you in the store?? I can't even imagine. I too need to have an escape route in case I really have to get out of there.


There's a great mall not too far from where I now live but I'm not at all ready to try going. Shoot, I still won't order takeout!


I've always hated public restrooms. When I was a child I would hold it for hours and hours rather than use one. When I was 12 my mom took us kids on a 10 hour train trip. I did not go once in those 10 hours. The second we got to my cousin's house I made a beeline for her bathroom. I got over that phobia although I don't love public restrooms. The only reason I'm even somewhat OK with them is because that's one place that reputable places keep clean. But forget gas station bathrooms lol!


I hope you're feeling better.

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They lock you in the store?? I can't even imagine. I too need to have an escape route in case I really have to get out of there.


There's a great mall not too far from where I now live but I'm not at all ready to try going. Shoot, I still won't order takeout!


I've always hated public restrooms. When I was a child I would hold it for hours and hours rather than use one. When I was 12 my mom took us kids on a 10 hour train trip. I did not go once in those 10 hours. The second we got to my cousin's house I made a beeline for her bathroom. I got over that phobia although I don't love public restrooms. The only reason I'm even somewhat OK with them is because that's one place that reputable places keep clean. But forget gas station bathrooms lol!


I hope you're feeling better.


I am better now thankfully!

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Well, I haven't gotten covid. My coworker is doing OK, my workplace is still under quarantine. I also don't get to see my family for a while because of it. Life kind of sucks but I'm glad I'm not sick.


Trying to learn to give myself permission to get Bs and not straight As. It's too much stress right now to be isolated in a pandemic, work full time, AND do school. I got a B+ on a test recently that was really hard and I keep kicking myself over it. This is a terminal degree for me so why do I care so much? I need to lower my expectations.

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