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Emotional support group Covid19


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I’m glad it’s over and you’re feeling pretty good.


Yes, I’ve lost weight - in part due lowering carbs, in part to no take out and then anxiety. I do have cravings though for certain places - I really want a REAL pizza.


Yes, same here!! We've had frozen the last couple of weeks. Some better than others but not real.

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Of course now I want a burger! But no burgers for a week. Sad face.


I bought the makings for tacos but again, not for a week.


I can't eat when I'm stressed or anxious. Which is annoying because normally I love food.


Down to 127 pounds. I haven't been this small in about 5 years.

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I have lost some weight too, down about 3 lb since the start of this month. I am a pretty good cook but I am lacking the motivation to make anything other than simple meals. I'm just sad and lonely. I'd rather eat a yogurt and some fruit and lay in bed.

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Pretty good on this end. Have noticed that, over the past week or so, I've adjusted a bit to this state of mind and being. Whereas before I was riding waves of anxiety that would crash, momentarily providing something like calm before building up again, these days I seem to be more of an even keel mentally.


Am close to securing an unexpected professional project, which is beyond needed right now given the immediate nuke to my livelihood this moment has set off. Not exhaling yet, but not feeling quite as petrified as I was before.


I hear you on the exhausted front, Bayta, and if my girlfriend was listening? She'd really hear you. Doing all I can to lessen those weights on her shoulders within the framework of our household.


Everyone else? Sending good vibes and hugs.

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Good just physically exhausted from housework/cooking/laundry/shopping. How are you?


I am good. I called all my daycare families to see how they are. I had a better shall I say longer sleep last night . I did have a chest crushing panic attack in the middle of the night but went back to sleep.

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Pretty good on this end. Have noticed that, over the past week or so, I've adjusted a bit to this state of mind and being. Whereas before I was riding waves of anxiety that would crash, momentarily providing something like calm before building up again, these days I seem to be more of an even keel mentally.


Am close to securing an unexpected professional project, which is beyond needed right now given the immediate nuke to my livelihood this moment has set off. Not exhaling yet, but not feeling quite as petrified as I was before.


I hear you on the exhausted front, Bayta, and if my girlfriend was listening? She'd really hear you. Doing all I can to lessen those weights on her shoulders within the framework of our household.


Everyone else? Sending good vibes and hugs.

Thanks. Good thoughts back at you.

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Pretty good on this end. Have noticed that, over the past week or so, I've adjusted a bit to this state of mind and being. Whereas before I was riding waves of anxiety that would crash, momentarily providing something like calm before building up again, these days I seem to be more of an even keel mentally.


Am close to securing an unexpected professional project, which is beyond needed right now given the immediate nuke to my livelihood this moment has set off. Not exhaling yet, but not feeling quite as petrified as I was before.


I hear you on the exhausted front, Bayta, and if my girlfriend was listening? She'd really hear you. Doing all I can to lessen those weights on her shoulders within the framework of our household.


Everyone else? Sending good vibes and hugs.


Feeling about the same. The anxiety is more manageable now. No huge work projects to save my butt, but CERB ( emergency relief funds for us Canadians ) is going to help until then. Focusing on doing what I can, work around the house, and trying to stay connected with people minus seeing their cute faces in person.

Feeling grateful my god mom, who I love dearly and is retired military with a respiratory condition that forced her into early retirement ( severe and long standing ) is doing ok. Shes laying low and drinking cocktails, we meet to chat and have one together every few days ;) via phone.

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Feeling about the same. The anxiety is more manageable now. No huge work projects to save my butt, but CERB ( emergency relief funds for us Canadians ) is going to help until then. Focusing on doing what I can, work around the house, and trying to stay connected with people minus seeing their cute faces in person.

Feeling grateful my god mom, who I love dearly and is retired military with a respiratory condition that forced her into early retirement ( severe and long standing ) is doing ok. Shes laying low and drinking cocktails, we meet to chat and have one together every few days ;) via phone.

I am expecting the CERB tomorrow. Hopefully 🤞

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I hope you get good sleep soon!!

How is your son coping?


He is having his good and bad days. He is struggling to be independent and struggling with the lack of social liberties. He feels very strongly about the liberties and rights of people. The other day he left a grocery store again and disgust I didn’t know why but he stomped off to his room and slammed the door. He told me the next day that he witnessed them refusing to sell clothing to a mother who needed it for her infant and he was just so distressed he couldn’t stay.


Today he went back to attempt it again and he did get his groceries he said he just didn’t look at anybody or pay attention to anything however when he went to tap his card at the check out he forgot he only has a $50 limit on his tap but he did problem solve extremely well he called his bank while standing at cash and got them to increase his tap limit. So I was really impressed with that!


We both have bad days and some good days like today when it’s really sunny.

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I had to go to the doctor twice, on Friday and yesterday. They had excellent protocols in place to protect the patients and themselves.


I feel you will be well protected.


I am sure they do. Just any contact with people now leaves me in a sweaty crying panic.

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Feeling about the same. The anxiety is more manageable now. No huge work projects to save my butt, but CERB ( emergency relief funds for us Canadians ) is going to help until then. Focusing on doing what I can, work around the house, and trying to stay connected with people minus seeing their cute faces in person.

Feeling grateful my god mom, who I love dearly and is retired military with a respiratory condition that forced her into early retirement ( severe and long standing ) is doing ok. Shes laying low and drinking cocktails, we meet to chat and have one together every few days ;) via phone.


Oh, Canada! Oh, so many nations that are not the very big one I come from! Won't risk wading too far into political waters, but suffice to say the system here works, um, differently. I've developed good balance walking on edges—it's all I've known—so have faith that will keep me upright.


You mom sounds like she's got the right idea.

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I am good. I called all my daycare families to see how they are. I had a better shall I say longer sleep last night . I did have a chest crushing panic attack in the middle of the night but went back to sleep.


I'm sorry to hear that . I know of people having panic attacks particularly now. I'm sorry it happened to you!

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Your family is lucky to have you. Hope you get a chance for a hot cup of coffee and some downtime to rest.


Thanks so much and glad to hear about CERB!! Luckily yes on the coffee - but today sure has been nonstop. As you know even retrieving a package takes twice as long. Do you do Zoom or facetime? I've done it a bit. Not my thing -but I do like phone calls.


I did do my weekly "volunteer" work - I call an elderly member of our place of worship who lives alone -I am told who to call -just to check up on them - she was the 4th person I've called and it was the least satisfying -turns out she has tons of family in town and is doing fine and wasn't the chatty sort. Still glad I did it!


I wanted to share a post on my moms group from yesterday -the mom has a son who is on the spectrum. She wanted to know how we are making our lunches more "creative" given that we're home all the time now - that she'd seen so many pictures of interesting/creative lunches on Pinterest, social media etc and she feels like she's being boring/repetitive (her son is very picky about textures which is typical of many kids but I think in particular about ASD) anyway I felt so awful for her that she would worry about making lunches "creative" at this time -and be concerned about what other moms seemed to be doing. I replied something like -you have no idea if right after she snapped the photo to brag about her creative lunches her kid threw it against the wall. It's sad how parents feel pressured this way! (I've been trying to mix it up as far as meals but many aint too pretty ..... and he stills eats them LOL).

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It is sad too how the disabled feel. My son’s world and routines have been thrown upside down including his food choices and freedom choices. In ASD if they don’t have their routines they can’t make sense of what’s going to happen . That is very anxiety inducing.


With my son he needs to know what’s happening ,what time ,which way who with etc etc and the way you described it is the way it better happen or he’s thrown into panic because he doesn’t know what’s happening.


So all this is very difficult for people with ASD.

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