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Life in the Driver’s Seat (extended)

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I want to go back home . One of my former daycare moms messaged me and sent me pics of her littles . The older one who was my daycare baby wanted to tell me she loves me and misses me. She is three and really sick with Covid right now. She wanted to talk to her L and let me know she loved me and if I loved her so her mom reached out . My heart is breaking for my little K. 

My little A , also vas Covid . My twins here have Covid. We all feel perfectly fine. They left my house at 3:30 on Thursday and they had ZERO symptoms of anything mom contacted me Monday night to say the kids just tested positive on a rapid test. We all feel fine. The other child who was there that day also feels fine. I know we could be asymptomatic but not likely all of us would be. I am almost 100% sure we are fine. 

I just miss “ home “ and my former babies so much. I miss my friends and community . I keep saying I thought I would like the move but nope. 

I am going back tomorrow and going to a dental appointment and pick up my prescriptions and see my friend J. 

I have some bruises and cuts from my fall that are more apparent today but just small stuff. 

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34 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

You could get a test for peace of mind. That's what I always do when I think I've been exposed or when I'm feeling sick. That negative test result is so comforting.

You can’t book a test here unless you are symptomatic and you can’t buy them either the province is almost completely out of tests and waiting on the federal government. The only reason Mom had some tests is because they handed out five tests with each school child to go home with before Christmas. But they are saying unless you are symptomatic don’t waste anybody’s time. 

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24 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

Ah, gotcha. Yeah, tests are hard to come by here too.

I'm not feeling well but I'm isolating so I feel OK about not being able to get a test. And I haven't been exposed to anyone who's positive so chances are I'm just having a flareup of my thyroid disease and arthritis.

I hope you feel better soon. 

Yeah, I feel perfectly normal, so does my son and hubby and the little fellow who was here last week. I think they caught it on the weekend. They go to grandma’s and they go to grandpa’s  and they go all over the place. Plus dad works in retail . 

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8 hours ago, Seraphim said:

You can’t book a test here unless you are symptomatic and you can’t buy them either the province is almost completely out of tests and waiting on the federal government.

I wonder if the United States is hogging them from other countries. I wondered that about the vaccines, too. They seem to be readily availably here. Although I hear it's getting more difficult to get the tests. Anyway, if we are hogging things, I apologize on behalf of my country!

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3 hours ago, Jibralta said:

I wonder if the United States is hogging them from other countries. I wondered that about the vaccines, too. They seem to be readily availably here. Although I hear it's getting more difficult to get the tests. Anyway, if we are hogging things, I apologize on behalf of my country!

I am not sure what the issue is . I know the federal government purchased however many. I am not sure if they are in actual possession of them or what. I don’t know if they just haven’t filtered down to the provincial governments yet. 

All I know is we are drowning under a fifth massive wave that is bigger than all the other four waves combined. 

Thanks for the apology. ☺️

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So they say adventure training helps to cure anxiety and confidence issues. I would say the military is kind of adventure training in a way. I am a long way out from that. I got out about 18 years ago. So, these hikes with my husband are about building confidence and rooting out anxiety in building my reliance on myself and on others as I do have trust issues with other people . So physical and mental health are my focus this year. 

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