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Life in the Driver’s Seat (extended)

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10 hours ago, itsallgrand said:

Ohh I want some too! Lol. Haven't had that made for me in ages. 

With maple syrup or no?! It was a hot topic of debate.... I always want the maple syrup!


As far as I can remember my Grand-mère only used brown sugar. I do have some maple syrup though! Maybe I will make both. She passed when I was 13 though and I did not get a lot of time with her as a kid as we lived in Vancouver and she was in Ontario. I only had a year with her as a teenager and by then she had stopped making a lot of things. Even though she was only 73 then she was depressed at the loss of my grand-père. So she may have used maple syrup but I don’t know . 

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7 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

Hubby has his colonoscopy tomorrow so he can’t eat from this morning until after the exam and plus taking the laxatives they give you . 

I've had five of those. The worst part is the prep. But boy, will his insides be squeaky clean afterward!

Wonder if they'll give him pics. My doctor did. Very fascinating.

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5 minutes ago, boltnrun said:

I've had five of those. The worst part is the prep. But boy, will his insides be squeaky clean afterward!

Wonder if they'll give him pics. My doctor did. Very fascinating.

He got pics last time of his hiatal hernia. They did a double scope last time because he also has GERD. Last time he had 4 polyps removed but they were  benign . His sister had pre colon cancer so he has to have a colonoscopy every 5 years. Me , I don’t qualify because I don’t have risks so I just get the poop test you mail back. I have only ever done it once last year and it was normal. 

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3 minutes ago, Seraphim said:

He got pics last time of his hiatal hernia. They did a double scope last time because he also has GERD. Last time he had 4 polyps removed but they were  benign . His sister had pre colon cancer so he has to have a colonoscopy every 5 years. Me , I don’t qualify because I don’t have risks so I just get the poop test you mail back. I have only ever done it once last year and it was normal. 

I always get the "front door and back door" colonoscopy. I am high risk due to some medical conditions.

It's been about 2.5 years since my last one.


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On 3/23/2022 at 4:41 PM, Seraphim said:

I think I have become a permanent wreck. Both my eyes constantly twitch. World and humanity you need to pee off and just STOP with your INSANE crap. 



You floated into my thoughts yesterday when I was mooching around our new house. I remember you moving at the same time as me, or roundabouts. I know you were having trouble adjusting and learning to love your new pad, as was I, just in different ways. I was wondering how you were doing, hoping you were okay. Have you settled in a bit more?


Well wishes,



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On 3/28/2022 at 4:00 PM, Seraphim said:

Back to this and -21C


Ohhhh my I love the snow! We never get decently layered snow like that here by the coast! AWESOME! 

I don’t know if you meant -21 in a negative I hate this weather way but 🤣 I love the cold and love the pictures! 


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I don’t imagine on the coast of the UK much snow happens often. My husband’s uncle lives in Littlehampton. They were from East London originally though. 

I am just done with winter because I have had tons of snow on my lawn and sidewalks since mid January except for one day. One day a few days ago everything had finally melted and then we got another 10 CM. Tomorrow is supposed to be freezing rain but then the next day we are +17 Celsius. Spring is always very up and down for us winter and spring fight for a few weeks. 

Ugh, no I still hate my area and house. It is simply too small. My husband talks to his career manager tomorrow and asking for a posting back to where we were but there are only two units there that have positions for a Training and Development Officer so we may never get back there. 

I think I am getting clinically depressed and just can’t drag myself out. Who knows maybe nice weather will pick me up . I am supposed to go to choir tonight but too depressed to go plus everywhere on the base you still have to wear a mask because well the base commander is a ….

The war in Ukraine is killing what spirit I had left crawling out of Covid. My husband’s cancer test is next week. I have to see my mom on Saturday and get her a new cell phone because hers is dying. And that is her only means of communication with the world. I guess I’m at the point where I’m just frustrated with everything. The price of food ,the lack of items ,the price of gas . The fact we can’t do anything or go anywhere because of course now you can’t afford it My business is struggling and I’m just fed up. 

Thanks for thinking of me and asking. Phew had to get that out .  🥺

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On 3/29/2022 at 7:47 PM, Seraphim said:

I don’t imagine on the coast of the UK much snow happens often. My husband’s uncle lives in Littlehampton. They were from East London originally though. 

I am just done with winter because I have had tons of snow on my lawn and sidewalks since mid January except for one day. One day a few days ago everything had finally melted and then we got another 10 CM. Tomorrow is supposed to be freezing rain but then the next day we are +17 Celsius. Spring is always very up and down for us winter and spring fight for a few weeks. 

Ugh, no I still hate my area and house. It is simply too small. My husband talks to his career manager tomorrow and asking for a posting back to where we were but there are only two units there that have positions for a Training and Development Officer so we may never get back there. 

I think I am getting clinically depressed and just can’t drag myself out. Who knows maybe nice weather will pick me up . I am supposed to go to choir tonight but too depressed to go plus everywhere on the base you still have to wear a mask because well the base commander is a ….

The war in Ukraine is killing what spirit I had left crawling out of Covid. My husband’s cancer test is next week. I have to see my mom on Saturday and get her a new cell phone because hers is dying. And that is her only means of communication with the world. I guess I’m at the point where I’m just frustrated with everything. The price of food ,the lack of items ,the price of gas . The fact we can’t do anything or go anywhere because of course now you can’t afford it My business is struggling and I’m just fed up. 

Thanks for thinking of me and asking. Phew had to get that out .  🥺



Look no problem at all, if you ever want to rant about anything just message me or post on my journal. As you know my husband has his own business too, it’s really rough, I don’t think salaried people in secure jobs really get it, or understand the pressure. There is major pressure even when things are going well and money in flying in, so when it stops - that would be enough for anyone, even the strongest of willed. Please, just remember you have been through so much Seraphim! You’ve had bad times before you saw the other side of it, this will be just the same it’s just whilst you are in it, I know myself, you feel like there will never be a way out and no change.


My advice would be, just don’t wear a mask. If anyone asks, just cite a medical reason no one will ever check up on. 

We gotta get your husband pushing for a move don’t we! I am rooting for you here! 

Do you have any friends you can talk too? What about your son? I know that sounds strange but from what you have told me he has an extremely intelligent and practical head on his shoulders regardless of him having autism or not. My mum has a cousin who is autistic, Justin - he is about 45 now. He has lived alone for short periods but always needs care and to come back to his parents eventually. Anyway, he is, has to be, apart from my husband and kids, my favourite person to talk too, the only other person I ever find wanting to give time too. Oh and my flower girl, who is now actually 16. I adore her. Those few people. Anyway, as you will know, people just see the condition but they often have a very practical and comforting slant on life. He has given me answers and opinions on things that opened my eyes.


Talk away Seraphim. Choir sounds really good apart from the masks. Anything else you are involved in?


I can imagine snow like that gets the shine worn off it after awhile!



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I am bothered about the war every single day and night. It weighs heavy on my mind. I often turn over what it means for the rest of the western world. What can I do though? I keep asking my husband for reassurance and he hasn’t said this exactly but it’s along the lines of - what do you want me to say? 

My main thing has been to stop watching the news…


“And I recommend to stop, watching the news, because the news conspires to frighten you. To make you feel small and alone, to make you feel your mind isn’t your own.” - Morrissey, ‘Spent The Day In Bed’



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