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Life in the Driver’s Seat (extended)

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12 minutes ago, maritalbliss86 said:

Put on Star Wars this morning after reading you and your family were watching it awhile ago.  All of us a big-time Star Wars nerds, and it's helping with the sleep deprivation as the kids are really into it LOL 

Thanks, Seraphim!!!

My husband and I have been huge fans since the beginning. When my son was about 8ish or so we introduced him to Star Wars and he has been a massive fan since. My own family of origin is very much SiFi fans anything to do with space whether science based or otherwise we LOVE it. I got a telescope I think for my 10th birthday( not really sure but about that) I used to save up my .25 allowance to buy books about space. I wanted to be an astronomer. But as life would have it I am not spectacular at math because we moved 37 times when I was a kid and I never learned the skills sequentially. So I didn’t get my senior matriculation because I didn’t do grade 12 math, I only completed grade 11 math. All my other subjects including biology ( which I scored in the first percentage in the province ) and chemistry were all grade 12. 

While I was very strong in biology my other sciences were not high enough for university level programme so my university BA  is History with Hons. Then I wanted to be a lawyer but met my husband and the rest is history. I did go more medical background in the military becoming a medical assistant where I got 98.9 % in my last trade course . 

My husband has a far more technical background. His degree is in history and geography from university but his career in the military is very varied. His last trade was very technical. He was a avionics systems technician. Then he taught his trade and then went to standards but now has changed trades to become someone who designs training curriculums and will eventually be doing his Masters in Education. He is just so bright on many levels. 

Wow, that was rambling. 😂 

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2 hours ago, Seraphim said:

My husband and I have been huge fans since the beginning. When my son was about 8ish or so we introduced him to Star Wars and he has been a massive fan since. My own family of origin is very much SiFi fans anything to do with space whether science based or otherwise we LOVE it. I got a telescope I think for my 10th birthday( not really sure but about that) I used to save up my .25 allowance to buy books about space. I wanted to be an astronomer. But as life would have it I am not spectacular at math because we moved 37 times when I was a kid and I never learned the skills sequentially. So I didn’t get my senior matriculation because I didn’t do grade 12 math, I only completed grade 11 math. All my other subjects including biology ( which I scored in the first percentage in the province ) and chemistry were all grade 12. 

While I was very strong in biology my other sciences were not high enough for university level programme so my university BA  is History with Hons. Then I wanted to be a lawyer but met my husband and the rest is history. I did go more medical background in the military becoming a medical assistant where I got 98.9 % in my last trade course . 

My husband has a far more technical background. His degree is in history and geography from university but his career in the military is very varied. His last trade was very technical. He was a avionics systems technician. Then he taught his trade and then went to standards but now has changed trades to become someone who designs training curriculums and will eventually be doing his Masters in Education. He is just so bright on many levels. 

Wow, that was rambling. 😂 

Wow all of that is so interesting!!!  Wow, Seraphim, thanks for rambling ❤️ I loved it!

I think math gets easier as you practice it, and that makes sense it was hard for you moving that often to really master those skills 😞   For me... I was pretty bad at math until college where for some reason (probably all the constant practice in the courses I took) it really started to, "click."  It was probably like a sink or swim scenario with tons and tons of practice until it finally made sense.

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9 minutes ago, maritalbliss86 said:

Wow all of that is so interesting!!!  Wow, Seraphim, thanks for rambling ❤️ I loved it!

I think math gets easier as you practice it, and that makes sense it was hard for you moving that often to really master those skills 😞   For me... I was pretty bad at math until college where for some reason (probably all the constant practice in the courses I took) it really started to, "click."  It was probably like a sink or swim scenario with tons and tons of practice until it finally made sense.

Thanks 😃


Eh ,me I am not going to practice. I have a total math phobia. When I went to school they still had corporal punishment and I was regularly called stupid by math teachers and spaz by gym teachers. 

I figure I can run a household and run a small business I am doing well. Every day math I can handle I am just not going to be Queen of Calculus. 

My husband and brother are math whizzes though . 

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So the day started off really well, NOT. We had a snow and freezing rain last night. Hubby went to do the driveway and had calls from his side business for people needing clearing. Well ,the person who delivers the newspaper had just thrown it in our driveway and hubby didn’t know it was under the snow and of course it clogged up his snowblower , tight. He spent two hours laying on the ground trying to cut it out of the snowblower. He did get it going though! 

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Last night was hell. I FINALLY fell asleep before midnight . Hubby came to bed but in the darkness my sick little cat slipped out of my room and had a screaming hissing fight with one of my other cats, the same one who picks on him . My husband raced down to save him got bit in the hand . My son thought I was being massacred and came running down. I got woken up and opened my door and my poor sick cat raced across my feet puncturing my feet. 

My poor old baby has a cut of his head, the people have puncture holes and my bully cat had some fur pulled out. 

AND no one slept. 

Now the little ole man is terrified to come out of my room when he was finally over the last attack. 

I had to take 2 anxiety pills this morning because I am a mess. 

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We had a psycho cat once... it was really sad, actually, because she was so mean, she was never happy.  She would come up and just bite me on the foot, very randomly and for no reason.  I've never had another cat behave that way.

Once I got pregnant with our oldest, my husband and I didn't feel safe with the thought of her being around a baby or little kid, so my parents helped us find her a farm to live at where she gets to catch mice for her keep.  

My mom thinks she saw her (they go there for feed or used to at least when they still had animals that needed that) and said she looked very happy and proud of herself, like she owned the farm LOL.


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45 minutes ago, maritalbliss86 said:

Does your husband know which cat bit him?  

Might consider getting the bully cat to another home... I don't like bully cats. 

Well, I mean for our younger kids, they're actually dangerous since they're so unpredictable.

   40 minutes ago,  maritalbliss86 said: 

Does your husband know which cat bit him?  

Might consider getting the bully cat to another home... I don't like bully cats. 

Well, I mean for our younger kids, they're actually dangerous since they're so unpredictable.


I can’t give away this cat as he is the brother to my third cat. They have been together since birth and they are eight years old. They are extremely extremely strongly bonded. They sleep together and kiss and lick each other all day. This cat doesn’t bully anybody but my old cat since he got sick. He’s actually an extremely loving cat but very very anxious. 

My old cat has kidney disease and will most likely pass on very quickly as he’s losing weight rapidly and I will know on Thursday how soon he has to be put down. So from now until his passing he’ll just get coddled by mom. And my other cat is fine with his brother. 

The two brothers I actually adopted from my vet who also does animal rescue. she tried to separate them and they just lost their minds they lost their voices from screaming for each other so she insisted that they be adopted together. they are also black cats and many people don’t want to adopt black cats or they harm black cats. They are also poly dactyl. But if you take one to the vet and not the other they just scream and scream and scream and scream till the other comes back. 

It would devastate him to be parted from his brother and me. 

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