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Ex's New Boyfriend Added Me Then Messaged Me On FB


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Haha Capttrae!

That is nuts how that can happen. Most guys get insecure at some point until you learn its a toxic thing and to get over it.

What did she invite you over for? How did the rest of the story go?


We had been broken up for about 2-3 months at that point, we got to talking while I was at work that hitch, so she told me to let her know when I got home and she’d come over to our old house. But when that day rolled around she had to work over so asked me to come over after the ball game. I went over there and we were talking when we heard a car come rolling by, now she lives on a dead end dirt road out in the middle of nowhere, then it comes by 2-3 more times, by that point I’ve done figured out who it is, so as I get ready to leave she walks me out the door about the time he comes rolling back by so I just pull her up close right as he rides by just to piss him off. Anyway after I leave he started blowing my phone up telling me not to come back how I’m not welcome there etc etc, he didn’t believe that she’d ask me over so I sent him the screen shots and he shut up

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That's too funny bro!

So did you continue talking to her after that?

Did they break up soon after or did you end up getting back with her?


We stopped talking for 5-6 months then her son texted me one night at work asking me to take him fishing, after that we messed around for another year or so, we were both dating other ppl plus each other then she met her now husband and I got back together with my current gf

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So I caved and asked her to call me when she has a chance and she called right away.

I asked her why her bf messaged me and she said he was nice about it and that she's been hearing a lot

about me trying get back together with her from her mother and her friend that she lives with.


She said she wanted to end those rumors about us getting back together, but that doesn't make any since. She didn't

message me about the topic.

She avoided the question that I asked her about why her boyfriend messaged me.

She also said she didn't reply to my message that I sent her because she was busy and forgot. (that's a lie that she forgot)


I told her mom 1 time that I want to pursue her again since she unblocked me and her mom told me she didn't tell anyone anything

about it. Also I haven't even spoken to her friend about the subject ever.


I told her I don't want anymore drama and that i'm not trying to get back with her. I said I haven't even been talking to you so how can I

be doing that? She agreed that i'm not pursuing her and it makes no sense.


Then she says she has to go, she seemed like she was rushing to get off the phone with me, like she was caught.

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OP, she more than likely told her boyfriend that you are pursuing her, to cover her own butt. And now she's got to keep repeating that party line to keep up the illusion that it's you doing all the pursuing and she's been nothing but well-behaved.


You need to stop falling for her games. There is zero point talking to her or trying to make sense of her shenanigans.

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Right after we ended the call I messaged her friend and double checked she wasnt spreading any rumors and she said she just talked to my ex.


Im guessing she rushed to talk to her friend to cover her ass once again.

Her friend said she said nothing and my ex changed her tune and told her it was just her mom.


As I was talking to her friend she my ex messaged me saying she made a mistake and her friend wasnt telling her anything only her mom was.


Then i told her dont worry im not pursuing you i remember you told me "we are never being in a relationship again"


She messaged me saying "ok good lol. Im glad we agree"

(I read the message and didnt reply)

3 hours later she messaged me again saying "just message me about our son and the girls(my kids) and thats it.

(I read it and didnt respond)


So I caught her playing games with both me and her boyfriend basically.

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So I recently posted about my ex girlfriend unblocking me on Facebook a week ago and

that I felt she was asking to video chat with me and using my son as an excuse to do so.

She did this 3 times this past week.


So last night around 1am I get a friend request from her new boyfriend of a little over a month.

He Said stuff like "please don't contact her again unless it's about your son" and "you guys aren't getting back together"

"she is happy in our relationship".


I was weirded out because I don't contact her she's been contacting me. I kept it civil and told him I don't contact her

and i'm not a home wrecker.


So this morning I screenshot-ed the conversation and told my ex I don't want drama and if she needs to block me

go for it.


I obviously still want her back but i'm not pursuing her. Is she telling him about our encounters and he's getting intimidated?

Any incite or previous experiences/stories about this topic would be appreciated.

Block her. She's being weird. And don't indulge the ex either. Just ignore it all and be thankful you're out of that mess.
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Block her. She's being weird. And don't indulge the ex either. Just ignore it all and be thankful you're out of that mess.


Too late Blank!!


He messaged me again today. My ex saw my facebook and I posted a random cause I thought it was funny.

So my ex told her boyfriend it was about him. The meme said "Happiness is... Seeing your ex with someone uglier than you"

I wasn't thinking anything of it when I posted it. I just thought It was funny. I also didn't think my ex would stalk my profile either.


So he messages me saying i'm ugly and my ex said i'm horrible in bed and just bad mouthing me.

I finally break and fight back and telling him i'm going to fight him and all that fun jazz. I don't normally give into

this behavior but i'm sick of this drama.


So I call my ex and ask her whats going on and she says she knows he messaged me and I shouldn't have been saying things about him.

I told her I wasn't directing it towards anyone and I told her i'm done with her and all the drama and blocked her on FB.

She made it clear she was done with me plenty of times and I need to give up on her. Having her look at it my profile then report to her boyfriend

and then defend him against me really made me loose all respect and admiration i had left for her.

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Too late Blank!!


He messaged me again today. My ex saw my facebook and I posted a random cause I thought it was funny.

So my ex told her boyfriend it was about him. The meme said "Happiness is... Seeing your ex with someone uglier than you"

I wasn't thinking anything of it when I posted it. I just thought It was funny. I also didn't think my ex would stalk my profile either.


I did the same thing except I made the meme purposely being an ass and posted it on my ig bc he was always looking at it. It said Ladies if your guy don’t drive a truck, can’t kill or skin a buck or a duck maybe it’s time for y’all both to start seeing other guys

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People are butt hurt by the most irrelevant things. My favorite is "If your man can't drive manual you're dating a woman" haha.


I never thought my ex would be stalking my page since we aren't friends. And also the meme was true in his case, dude looks like a hobbit!

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People are butt hurt by the most irrelevant things. My favorite is "If your man can't drive manual you're dating a woman" haha.


I never thought my ex would be stalking my page since we aren't friends. And also the meme was true in his case, dude looks like a hobbit!



My ex was ticked about his ex wife's boyfriend who he suspected of her being with for 5 years before divorcing her. When he did she moved out and in with the guy. So we were out one night and they walk in to the place. He complained and laughed for 45 minutes about him. "Look at him, he's the fat old guy but he's younger than me" " who picks the fat guy? Look at me and look at him. I'm older and I look ten times better than he does."


I let him vent, reassured him yes, you're older but you look hot, that guy is fat and ugly. So then I say " you want me to walk up and try to flirt with him?" I never would have I was kidding, and he says "no, that guy will take one look at you and dismiss you" pffffttttttttt really?? So then I said "by the way, you're not over your ex wife" lol I should have bailed out then :)

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Wow even if that were true, why would a man you're dating say that! Yeah that would of been grounds too dump him. lol

I didn't realize jealousy and emotions ran that deep in a dumper especially one that is told me we are never getting back together and

still doesn't. I guess even when someone moves on they still want you if only slightly and that rears that ugly head we see when jealousy is involved.

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Wow even if that were true, why would a man you're dating say that! Yeah that would of been grounds too dump him. lol

I didn't realize jealousy and emotions ran that deep in a dumper especially one that is told me we are never getting back together and

still doesn't. I guess even when someone moves on they still want you if only slightly and that rears that ugly head we see when jealousy is involved.



They are a very wealthy crowd, ex included, and the couple that his ex and her guy were with live in an exclusive area. "You know how loaded that guy is? She's hanging out with them now? I know she's getting work done to herself. Why now? She didn't do it when we were together. The woman that guy is with, she dates every rich an in the town. She's been with everybody. She uses them for money" it went on and on and on.


Basically, I'm just the single mom from the not rich town in the state. Not good enough for the very wealthy, arrogant men. Don't have the right look. Funny because that night another place we were at, the waitress says to me "you look like California. You are so pretty. I love your makeup, everything. Omg" lol I thought it was cute.


Only for my own guy to insult me! Whatever. Listen, that guy, both those guys actually, if I was at the bar and they were there without women, I'd not give them the time of day . I'm not into loud, arrogant, boastful, which is what they were doing to piss my ex off. physically they aren't what I like either, so I'd dismiss them for that lol


The jealousy does run deep, even in the dumper. It's an ego thing.

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That's a shame. over-privileged people need to catch a beat down if they disrespect a woman like that.

I'm glad you're done with that!


Well it makes things complicated and confusing when the dumper plays games and gets jealous.

I get obsessive and need to know why people do the things they do. I research and watch videos and post on forums for answers

that I won't get cause only the person knows. It's truly hell obsession over another persons actions. lol

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That's a shame. over-privileged people need to catch a beat down if they disrespect a woman like that.

I'm glad you're done with that!


Well it makes things complicated and confusing when the dumper plays games and gets jealous.

I get obsessive and need to know why people do the things they do. I research and watch videos and post on forums for answers

that I won't get cause only the person knows. It's truly hell obsession over another persons actions. lol


Funny thing is that he himself is not an arrogant person, but lord these other people , ewww I mean who cares where they live or anything? Doesn't mean because they have millions that they are happy. Everyone has issues.


I like to know why people do things they do, or know what they mean by what's said too.

But with an ex, we need to remember it doesn't matter. They are an ex. I'm applying that now.

With others, however, I like to dig to find what makes them tick :)

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It's a learning experience. Trying to get all I can get out of a bad situation, so to lessen the chance of it happening again.

And even though i'm saying i'm done with her yada yada yada, i'm still grieving and taking everything in. Every bit of drama

i'm thinking why is she doing this? Trying to destroy me? Jealousy? etc...


But every one of these situations is helping me resent her to the point of indifference. I'm a super positive person, optimistic and

gives a million chances, but it seems every other day there is more drama and it gets old fast.


Like today there was more drama with her mom and our son. I was really angry once again because our son shouldn't

be in these situations. I'm nearing the point of being that ex who treats their ex like garbage because the other parent

can't grow up and be a parent and are making endless bad decisions.

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It's a learning experience. Trying to get all I can get out of a bad situation, so to lessen the chance of it happening again.

And even though i'm saying i'm done with her yada yada yada, i'm still grieving and taking everything in. Every bit of drama

i'm thinking why is she doing this? Trying to destroy me? Jealousy? etc...


But every one of these situations is helping me resent her to the point of indifference. I'm a super positive person, optimistic and

gives a million chances, but it seems every other day there is more drama and it gets old fast.


Like today there was more drama with her mom and our son. I was really angry once again because our son shouldn't

be in these situations. I'm nearing the point of being that ex who treats their ex like garbage because the other parent

can't grow up and be a parent and are making endless bad decisions.


I love the anger stage, lol! Let it push you through this.

No contact with her, go thru her mom only. Unfortunately you're on the hook with her for years to come.

It's hard , you can't cut ties completely. But you have control as to the ways she can contact you . She's unhinged.

Drama is so very unhealthy. Let her be her own hot mess while you improve.

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My anger only lasts from a few hours to a couple days. I'm not an angry person lol

Yeah she is not right and doesn't want help most days and does others.

I keep finding out new information about her, like after a month plus of dating she's going to moving in with her boyfriend.

And she wants custody of our son, I will not allow that to happen. She's head over heals for this dude and he's not even her

type and she is in a rebound relationship and is trying to subject our child to random guys.

That ticked me off a lot.

And yeah she messaged me late last night to tell me good news but I ignored her and going to keep it up. Only positive people

and drama free people in my life. :)

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And yeah she messaged me late last night to tell me good news but I ignored her and going to keep it up. Only positive people

and drama free people in my life. :)


This is the fastest path towards you feeling better. Feeling how you felt before you met her. Stay strong it simply takes a while..months.

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Yeah i'm sure. Just getting into a habit of ignoring someone and not breaking is the tough part for me.

I respond to everyone even people i'm not so fond of. You know treat others how you want to be treated type of deal.

But I hope soon she disappears from my thoughts all together so it'll be a lot easier.

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So the other day I was checking messages from her on Facebook and I see she was checking them too(when the camera icon pulses it means both users are in the chat screen).

She didnt message me and neither did I. I found it interesting I caught her snooping around my Facebook again, I didnt think she would, now I see she does. It makes me feel good.

I have a shared Pandora account and she made a playlist dubbed "In my feelings" with 2 sappy songs of regret.

Also shes posting depressed memes as well.

Im guessing shes realizing her mistakes. I hope she fixes herself for our son, but I still have hope for the future which sucks after all ive been through.

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