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clothes do women really care


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u hear that the way a guy dresses can make a woman want the guy even more-true or not.

well for me clothes these days are $$$-i tend to buy some clothes from old navy, wal-mart, zellers, cheap places -hey at least they are new, as i can't afford anything too expensive like name nbrands-tommy, dkny, and even sport brands like nike, puma, fila.... can be quite pricey for me.

I remember is HS everyone wore nice and name brand clothes-except for me and maybe a couple of other kids and now in college still same thing-but maybe alittle bit better. yea embarrassing times during my school yrs.

well do women really care about the way a guy dresses, the clothes i have are quite new but nothing name brandish just shirts, short, jeans..... plain stuff of clothes. if the gal i like and most gals i now dress in nice brandish kind of clothes would she date a guy that dressed in "not so in fashion" or the no so brandish clothes. just askin

i think i even had a gal talk to her other friend about ewwww look at the way he dresses he wears red ... something like that

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umm k, well I'm not a girl...but everyone knows that it does matter ...especially to girls.


If you just thought about it logically....women love clothes...and another logical statement....its the first impression....get it? People see one anther daily...always in clothes, and many judge by a persons appearance whether they'll admit it or not. We don't walk around naked....so clothes are the way you are judged w/o speaking to the person. It's just your style....but don't dwell on it too much. I have heard one thing tho...that women always look at a guy's shoes first when judging appearance...that true?

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It honestly doesn't matter if you wear expensive clothes. I mean I love to wear designer stuff, but as far as guys go, if you look clean, neat and composed I couldn't care less how much you spent on it. Some girls look at it as an indication of how much money you have. That's the only way they would really care if you spent a lot on clothes or not.


Just stick to stuff that looks nice. Nice, clean, not wrinkled clothes. A nice pair of jeans or khakis with a nice casual button down shirt is always nice. Polos always look good as well. Usually t-shirts and regular long sleeve shirts are ok, as long as they are clean, fit well and are approriate. To a certain extent women judge men based on clothes..because we're subconsciously thinking about introducing you to our friends and family- we want to be proud to have you with us. Just take pride in your appearance..expensive clothes aren't essential if you choose the correct inexpensive ones.


Girls definitely look at shoes. But its not like you have to have prada shoes, unless the girl is look at them as an indication of how much money you have. They just have to be clean, nice looking and fashionable. And you can find inexpensive shoes like that.

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If you dress well you're fine. It's not the name it's the style, at least in my case. I'm kind of anti name brand though. I prefer guys who know how to dress neatly rather than ones who have to have the latest in designer names. I mean that's wasted money IMO. I'd rather live in a nicer house, drive a nicer car than wear something that has someone elses name on it.

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TBH, I hate brand stuff. I personally feel they are exactly what fashion is not, if that makes sense. For example, I think people with little or no fashion sense think "I'll just buy some £100 shirt, it's bound to look good", but in reality, you can pick up shirts that look much better, for like £5, if look in the right shops.

I consider myself to be fairly metrosexual, and I believe I can usually spot what looks good and what doesn't. The other day, a friend said to me "How do you afford all your clothes, you must of spent hundreds of £'s on clothes", but in reality, in the last year, i've probably spent £100 max, probably a lot less than that.

I believe the key is too avoid over-priced brand names, and instead go to fashion shops, you've probably walked past and thought "That shops too stylish/expensive for me" or something, but usually if you go in, things arnt as expensive as the popular brand names, mainly because not alot of people buy them (few knew they probably exist), and the shop will only have limited stock, which they will have on sale, due to them not selling.

The other day I bought 3 pairs of very stylish jeans, all reduced from between £30-£60, all for about £3-£5 each, simply because they wern't selling, and they were bringing in new styles.

In conclusion, don't worry about brand names, because they are just over-priced clothes that people with little fashion sense buy, just to show off (no offence to anyone that does this). A plain white shirt, which will cost like next to nothing will probably look just as good with certain pairs of jeans etc.

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I think as long as his clothes are clean and not incredibly out of style, like Sheyda says, it's fine. I've dated guys who were broke, and basically owned only a few pairs of jeans, and a couple of shirts. It's really the guy inside that counts. True, girls like clothes, but we mostly like OUR clothes. If a girl won't date you because you don't wear TommyH or Nike, then she's not the type of woman you want to be with anyways.

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I like a guy whose fashion reflects who he is as a person. That sense takes time to develop (you have to know what looks good on you as well as what you like, and you can`t be a fashion slave or victim), but it sure as heck doesn`t take any money.


The stores you mentioned are great, and there`s also the vintage clothing stores, good old Goodwill, and your parents` boxes of stuff in the attic.


Here in Tokyo, fashion is a big deal. It`s most people`s primary form of self-expression. Guys and women are really, really into fashion, and with good reason. Personally, I have a LOT more fun when I wear what I feel like, of course keeping in mind the necessary constraints of T-P-O (Time, Place, and Opportunity)...I`m not going to wear a string bikini to an academic conference, but I might wear a paisley velvet pantsuit.


When six of my former students from Tokyo came to visit me in Seattle in the 90`s, the second stop (after the tattoo/ piercing parlor) was Goodwill. They bought 8 Hefty bags full of clothes. I met one of the girls last year and she said she still wears the stuff every day. and has had offers from people to buy various items from her, and she never could have afforded to dress that cool if she hadn`t come to visit me, since vintage imported stuff in Japan is outrageously expensive. So, here`s my advice. Be who you are, wear what you like, show who you are through what you wear. A girl who likes you will be able to find you better that way.

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I think that cool, down-to-earth girls are going to look straight through the materialistic things like how you dress. However, girls who are very much into fashion will probably be on the lookout for guys who feel the same way. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's probably best if you stick within your league.


I think there are a couple of faux-pas moves that will turn just about any woman away though:


- Dirty clothes.


- When guys wear their jeans below their butt, and are only held up by a belt. Any guy over the age of 17 should know better.


- Huge, oversized pants that drag on the ground and are all frayed. Looks dirty and sloppy.

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I don't spend a lot of money on clothes either. In fact, I often go to goodwill or thrift stores. I hate looking like everyone else and if you shop at the mall chances are you are going to end up looking like everyone else. Trendiness, in my opinoin, is annoying. Thrift stores are cool because you can find some sweet vintage t-shirts and jeans. I have a hard time finding jeans at thrift stores but every once in a while there's a gem in the rubble. If a guy dresses better than me, well...I dunno--I don't think I would like that very much. I generally go for t-shirt and jeans guys. And as far as whether girls look at a guys shoes first--I'm gonna say I don't. I look at his jeans. I like the faded worn out look and when he bends over and his boxers are kinda sticking out a little...I find that really sexy.

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I also find out that it is very good not to be doctrinaire when it comes to fashion. I have some good stuff that I have bought because I really liked it or because I got it as a gift...I mix the cheap and expensive stuff mercilessly, and I also haunt the clearance racks for stuff I like. My mom told me "...and if you have good shoes, no one will check to see if your bag is really vinyl or if your pearls are faux." The same goes for the pearls or the bag...you can wear clear plastic shoes with fish in them and a designer scarf...keeps `em guessing! So I won`t say "I have no brand name items" or "I never shop at Nordstrom" or "K-mart clothes look cheap" because it ain`t true! If you just follow your innate sense of what you like and what works for you, you`ll develop a natural fashion sense that other people would kill for, but which can`t be bought for any amount of money.

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Hmm... i realize that sometimes if you dress in a cooler way, people will have a mis-conception of you. After the change in style recently, I attract a DIFFERENT group of girls. I personally don't like that group because I used to attract really nice & innocent type, but the nice ones tends to give me the cold shoulder now (but knowing that they are the jewel), i have to somehow gain their trust whereas I didn't need to before.

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I like the t-shirt and jeans/boardshorts kind of guys. =D As long as they've got some sort of fashion sense, like colour-coordinating their clothes or something, and not wearing ugmo old clothes that look like their grandma knitted them for them (which seems to be the fashion nowdays for girls, arrrugh!!!), I reckon its okay. =)


I never look at a guys shoes. Then again, I sort of live in a little country town, not some huge city... so i'm afraid of what i'll see if I look down there XD lol.

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Clothes don't make the man, the man makes the clothes. Wear what you want, it shouldn't matter. And if it does, do you really want to be with a girl who is going to form her opinion on you because of the way you dress? It's the person on the inside that matters.

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