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Her wandering eye


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Also....think about what you are saying here.... She is telling you that she is actively fantasizing about another guy and intends to fck him and your response is "well she is so honest about this"......w...t...h....seriously? So as long as she is honest about this bs that makes it OK for you? Come on man......

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Some more advice. If a woman tells you something like this or basically tells you that she will cheat on you given the chance, take it as her being truthful. Women will give hints about things like this all of the time and it's easy to look at what they are saying and think "Well, they must be kidding. Why else would they tell me this? That isn't who they really are." but really, it is who they are.


Granted, not every woman is like this but some will give you hints about things or unintentionally give you information about themselves that you have to figure out if it is true or not. I say, take it as the truth and walk away, but if you really want to try to work this out, like I said before, tell her to cut contact with this guy or that's it, plain and simple. Hell, if she needs to fulfill her fantasy of cheating, just tell her to watch porn.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello guys. It's been a while. Since the last time we spoke, a lot has happened. I ignored most of the advice I got on this thread and got back with her. And guess what happened last night. She had sex with that guy. After all I've done for her. Anyways. Learnt a lesson the hard way. Thanks for all your support. Not sure if anyone is going to read this after so long. But I just wanted to say thank you.

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