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When a feamle professor says, "I ame here if you need me."


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My female professor emailed to say, "I'm here if you need me." I was wondering what she really meant. She is my dissertation Chair and mentor. We communicate on academic issues relating to my research. Any thoughts or input would be appreciated. I'm a male.

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She means if you have a problem while writing your dissertation, she'll do her best to guide you on the matters which you need support with related to academia - be it personal (mental health, time management, doubts), career-related or specific to one of the dissertation issues (having trouble making certain decisions). A dissertation is a long road - you'd be very unwise to make this harder for yourself by tainting the mentorship.


My female research supervisors said the same thing to me. I'm female, but they'd treat a male the same because they "get" it

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At face value, one might assume she was simply doing her job and offering guidance as a professor. But if you read between the lines... like deep between the lines... I'm talking quantum line spacing... it's OBVIOUS she was saying, "Invite me to the Motel 8, big boi." Don't let her down. Make a reservation today.

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At face value, one might assume she was simply doing her job and offering guidance as a professor. But if you read between the lines... like deep between the lines... I'm talking quantum line spacing... it's OBVIOUS she was saying, "Invite me to the Motel 8, big boi." Don't let her down. Make a reservation today.


Yeah, it's called wishful thinking and fantasy....

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My female professor emailed to say, "I'm here if you need me." I was wondering what she really meant. She is my dissertation Chair and mentor. We communicate on academic issues relating to my research. Any thoughts or input would be appreciated. I'm a male.


What yours and her age?

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