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21, Never Dated, Never had a girlfriend, virgin, and happy!!

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Everyone should be like me. I am 21, never kissed a girl, never dated, and a virgin, and very happy with my life. I am extraordinarily happy right now. I don't need sex. I don't need girls. Girls need me (hahahhaahahaha) no seriously I am happy as I am, with my life now, and no one needs a relationship with a romantic partner to be happy. LIfe is GOOD!!!!! Life is GOOD!!!!! You DON"T need a gf / bf....you don't need sex. LIfe is good without sex. All you need is you, yourself, and you again. hahahahhahahahahahhahhhaaahahha

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Well, yes you should be comfortable being on your own, so I am glad you are that.


But also gf/bfs are not just about sex....its also about companionship and having someone very special to you to share things with. I have been single a few times, and have learned a lot about myself in those times, but I have also been in some great relationships and when they are good they are very very wonderful. And the one I am in now is the last one I intend on ever being in, and I could not be happier with that

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I am like the original poster too!! Having a gf/bf, wanting to kiss someone, wanting to have sex with someone, wanting someone there to listen to you are all great signs of mental weakness and a big waste of time.


But, I have to admit, a few times, I have thought (only thought) from the other perspective. Maybe it would be good to have someone listen to me when the need be. But, those were only times when I was going through a problem, i.e. I was mentally weak.

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I'll match you. I'm 22, no sex, no girlfriend, no date, etc. And I'm fine with it. No completely happy thanks to the myriad of other problems in my life, but at least relationships aren't part of it. True, the closeness would be nice, but I'll happen when its right, no point in feeling bad about not having it. Until, got my own life to deal with.

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I dont believe that everyone should be like you. Its easy to say that you are happy about not having something that you have never had. If you feel that way then good for you but im sure there is a reason why you are 21 never dated and never had a gf, besides you just being "happy" not having a gf, date or sex.

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I dont believe that everyone should be like you. Its easy to say that you are happy about not having something that you have never had. If you feel that way then good for you but im sure there is a reason why you are 22 never dated and never had a gf.


Couldn't agree more.


Besides not everyone is happy being single. I'm not happy. All though I am only 16.



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It's not that everyone should be like that. I doubt you'll find many who are. The point is that you shouldn't feel as if you NEED a relationship or sex. Sure, its a nice thing to have andwe wouldn't mind having it. But don't be sad or depressed because you don't. There are more things in life to enjoy and advantages to being single. Enjoy your own life without worrying about having to be with someone.


Its easy to say that you are happy about not having something that you have never had.


Not necessarily. You don't think it's hard at times to see everyone around you with someone and know that you've never had that? It can hurt deeply. But you need to think positive and live your own life, things happen when the time is right.


And the reason that people like this haven't been in a relationship is simply because the right opportunity hasn't come along. It will eventually, until then its nothing to worry about.

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  • 1 year later...

i'm 20, never had a gf (except when i was in 8th grade...WOW haha), been on a couple of dates and i'm pretty miserable being single lol.


but i try to keep busy by getting work done in college and do things that make me feel better about myself lol

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Don't get me wrong. I like being single. In fact I need to be right now. However, there is nothing wrong with having some to love and love you back...

I do love the closeness...


We should be happy when we are alone...However, your elation about it seems weird.

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Love and sex are both like addictive drugs. Once you've tried them once, you either become hooked or feel that you would enjoy it if you got the chance to do it again.


However, if you stay away from all three of them, you live a happier and healthier life! As long as you don't know what you're missing, then you can't very well miss it. I've never had a cell phone nor did I have the desire to get one, yet I know people who go crazy without theirs. Its kind of the same principle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, that's just great.


I wonder sometimes... why even go thru all the effort of having a partner... many times it seems it creates more problems than the ones it solves...


I really don't understand all those people who crave for being with someone... they sign up in sites like link removed, spend several nights in clubs to meet single people.... they even go to that places where you pay to have like 20 quick dates with other people that is looking for their significant other. How desperate you need to be to do that?


As they say in Mexico... "Más vale sólo que mal acompañado" (Better alone than with lousy company).


About life being good without sex... it can be, but is much better with sex. What about having sex with the person you love the most (you) ?

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I think relationships are good, as long as you don't become to reliant on your partner and always believe it will probably end at some point and just try and make the most of it. So the laid back approach is the best, as you won't get too hurt in the process, as the probability is its going to end.


I see relationships just as a social contract, where you just use each other for validation, company and sex until it runs its course. Its basically nothing more than i scratch your back, u scratch mine. Just using each other otherwords. As for people believeing in love, they are just naive and living in a fantasy world; what you love about somebody is what they give you in return. Perhaps love is nothing more than admiration, respect for the person, but those can soon change and usually do in time after the honeymoon period

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