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I thought about what she's put me through. All the pain. And what her boyfriend said to me "stop obsessing over her" "I'm better than you". and I was pretty shocked when it happened and still am shocked.

Wow stay strong. It isnt easy to go nc especially if they write to you like she did. You deserve better and it would be nice to show her new bf what she said but keep healing. Just ignore that..it would only cause drama and interrupt your healing. U are doing great. Wish u luck with this! I had a breakup a while back and I kept answering them every time they wrote to me. Set me back 6 months total post break up. I honestly wish I kept nc like you are but its tough.

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Andrew, this may come off as weirder than I mean it to... but you seem like an awesome guy! I know the internet doesn't show everything, but if I met you IRL, I imagine I would find you attractive. Your strength and confidence and honesty is admirable.


I'm not telling you this to try and pick you up - just to let you know that a stranger on the internet can see your attractive qualities so I'm sure there are plenty of women who will see it, too... when the time is right.

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So the grass wasn't greener for her booohooo..honest breakups and reconciliations are one thing but when you're dumped for someone else and then ridiculed and have to see that new relationship plastered all over social media...screw her. It's extremely hard to go back to someone who dumped u for another, back in the late 80's I had a girlfriend come back after that crap and even though she broke my heart enough time went by I was able to see with clear vision we could never be what we were so i told her forget it.

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It is definitely one of the hardest things I've had to go through. Talking to her all day everyday for 2 years and then completely cutting her out of my life...I'm staying strong with all of your support.


This exact thing for me was the hardest. And it's when I thought about it, the only thing I missed it seemed. I was in constant contact with my ex for the time we were together and then nothing... it is an adjustment. But it is for the better..


You're doing wonderful Andrew!


Happy holidays everyone!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah I made the mistake of going back. I really regret doing it 😓 now she randomly says she wants to be alone and work on herself. Basically being cold to me. I'm going back to NC and won't be making any more mistakes. Tomorrow is day 1 NC sorry guys 😳 I was stupid

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Yeah I made the mistake of going back. I really regret doing it now she randomly says she wants to be alone and work on herself. Basically being cold to me. I'm going back to NC and won't be making any more mistakes. Tomorrow is day 1 NC sorry guys I was stupid


Don't beat yourself up. We've all done stupid stuff.. I continued contact with my ex after I ended it in hopes he would change..and it bit me in the behind ... he didn't change and then picked up some girl... that's when I totally cut him off and went NC..


Had I gone NC after I ended it would have been better...


It's a lesson, now there is no doubt she's not for you.. it still stings but now it will give you the determination to move forward...


So just reignite that NC fire... if you feel like contacting her post here first or talk to someone who will help you stay away from her and on the right path... that's the best advice I can offer.


But coming from someone now 70days in... it gets better..

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I felt pretty good. I thought she learned to appreciate me more. She said she was stupid and I was the best guy ever (obviously lies). But when she comes crawling back again I won't have it anymore

I feel like total crap. A part on my business van went bad that costs $3000 to replace. And I've been lied to, used, and ignored. I have no friends and my life is spiraling out of control 😣

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I feel like total crap. A part on my business van went bad that costs $3000 to replace. And I've been lied to, used, and ignored. I have no friends and my life is spiraling out of control


Take a breath...


$3000 is quite a hit...just deal with the immediate woe at hand... the car..


Block out (as difficult as it maybe) the other noise... friends, the ex...


Right now.. focus on you and only you. Everything else will fall into place. Things happen.. what you should to work on is your reaction to the things. It's hard and takes time...


You will be ok... hope you can fix the van..

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