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Hey Andrew, I am really sorry to hear about this It's good that you recognize what needs to be done, you need to heal and move on, she's no longer in your life anymore. I would suggest you focus on positive actions; journaling would be a great place to start. Journaling will allow you to organize your thoughts and feelings, and it's something tangible (meaning you have something where you can physically see how you've changed overtime and can see your progress). Furthermore, anything you want to say to your ex can be said in the journal.


I know tomorrow is Christmas, but as soon as possible you need to spend time exercising. If you're able to, get a gym membership. Exercise will help you physically and mentally, and the gym will make sure you're getting out of the house. Also, the gym is full of people with a common cause, and you'll feel better being part of a struggle (so to speak). I was dumped for someone else 5 months ago, and journaling and exercise have been the big tools to help heal me. I would also recommend heading on you-tube and watching some videos for breakup advice, it can also help you.


It's tempting to analyze what her new boyfriend said, don't listen to the jerk. Focus on you, whatever issues you have/had, work on them, strive to be a better man than in your last relationship. Also, (in the same boat here in regards to thinking about the ex having sex) recognize that she can do whatever she wants, it's her life, and she can make whatever choices. I know it will hurt your feelings, but just recognize that there is nothing you can do about it, the less you worry about that the better.


Lastly, try and focus on things that you like. Perhaps you're a gamer, you can have a lot of fun playing multiplayer games, and it's always nice to be around people who can make you laugh. Try and do things that you couldn't do during the relationship, perhaps do some reading etc.... I know tomorrow is Christmas, I know you're going to be sad, but remember to take a moment to be thankful for all the things you have in life (whatever they are)


Hang in there Andrew, be strong and remember that a breakup is a process. Enjoy your holiday

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When she reached out what did u think/feel? Say to yourself? What gave u the strength not to give in and respond? Thats a tough thing to do.

I thought about what she's put me through. All the pain. And what her boyfriend said to me "stop obsessing over her" "I'm better than you". and I was pretty shocked when it happened and still am shocked.

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