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For those of you who are kink friendly, how would you open your SO or FWB up to the idea of they're already slightly interested, but never actually done any of it?


My friend (soon to possibly be boyfriend) is interested in it, but he lacks experience. I have experience, but I don't really know how to teach. I mean, I can explain what I like and show what I like, but once you get in the moment, it's kind of hard to stop and say, "Oh, let's do it this way."


I figured we could probably incorporate toys that are specifically used for this, that way we can start slow and work our way up to the level that I think we both have in mind.


What would you all suggest?

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You could always go with him to a bdsm club. It might be helpful to have someone other than yourself teach him. If you are a sub/bottom/slave it can be hard to teach from the bottom and is kinda counterintuitive. But if you go to a place that has classes and/or experienced tops you both could learn together.

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I had recently dated a woman who was into BDSM and the kink community. I told her that it really wasn't my thing and had no interest at all to get involved, though I *did* like the "costumes" she'd wear. Lol. 😊 I did however find it really interesting listening to stories and what it was all about.


She talked about kink parties that she would go to and what was involved. Perhaps you could bring your friend/bf to such a party.

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