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No one can "steal" a person.


The person had to be willing to leave whoever they were with originally.


If the person is what's called a "monkey-brancher", they don't move on from a previous relationship until they have the next one lined up. Also, they don't "work" on problems or issues, they just latch onto the next person.


So yeah, it's possible for their head to be turned because they allow it.

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Yeah... people aren't property. So no one can be "stolen". If someone has the habit of finding the next person they are going to be with while staying in their current relationship? That isn't a great sign that they know how to treat people or relationships with respect. It's something a lot of people do anyway. Lots of folks are scared to be alone. So scared that they need to know who they will be running to before they leave the safety of their current relationship.


I think it's fair to look at how someone treated their past relationships as a indicator of how they will treat their future relationships. People do change and grow and learn... but I like being in relationships with people who are already good at being in relationships.

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Sadly yes when i met her she was with this boy for awhile but it wasen't really a relationship she said apparently they dident kiss, hold hands go on dates or anything of that sort and she said they dident love eachother so i thought nothing of it fast foward two years and a new guy shows up she falls for him and leaves me for him her reasoning was when i asked her to work things out like mature people she said that there was nothing to work out she just feel for sombody else. I apologized to the boy whom she was with when i first got with her and told him how i shouldent have done it and how i know how it feels now. I believe in karma i just figured id ask everyone else opinions

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'Stealing' maybe isn't the right way to term it, but I suppose if she has allowed her head to be turned before, then logic dictates it could happen again.


Monkey branching... the height of disrespect in my opinion, had it done to me once and in my opinion, it utterly screws with your trust in future relationships... you always end up looking over your shoulder.

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I always heard as "If they cheat with you, they can cheat on you too." Stealing someone from you, yeah like others said it's kind of a ridiculous saying. (Rolls eyes)


But someone of the mindset to cheat rather than handle things with their current relationship or walk away, give themselves time to heal and then start something new often have problems that are not solved at all by simply jumping from relationship to relationship - monkey branching, I believe they call it as someone else said.


And that of course reminds me of another saying, "Not my circus, not my monkeys," which has over time become my own phrase for "That drama over there you have going on? Yeah, I want no part of that." And that includes people looking to cheat on their partners. Adopt the attitude that they need to leave you out of that three-ring circus and you will save yourself massive tons of headache and heartache in the future.

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I think it's fair to look at how someone treated their past relationships as a indicator of how they will treat their future relationships. People do change and grow and learn... but I like being in relationships with people who are already good at being in relationships.


I'm glad someone said this. I'm sick of hearing "The past is the past" like it applies to everything.

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I always heard as "If they cheat with you, they can cheat on you too." .


I've heard this too and also prefer it over the idea of "stealing" someone. People always want to label things in a way that abdicates them of responsibility. If someone decides to cheat on their partner, they didn't get "stolen", or "seduced" or any of that crap. It didn't happen against their will, and they were not helpless victims swept away by a tide of emotion or sex or whatever-the-hell else.


It is a CHOICE. And when the affair is anything other than a one night stand, it is a CHOICE made over and over again, with every text, call, kiss, and etc. And yes, I firmly believe that if someone will cheat WITH you, then eventually they'll probably cheat ON you. Changing who they're with doesn't change who they are, and if they already lack a moral compass, they aren't going to suddenly find it in your bed.

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