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Remember me? The one who tried to help a friend and got bitten in the derriere?


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Well. I have some bad news. While things at work are ok, and they don't seem to care about what happened, since a comment was made by a coworker that the person who chose the bad architect was given several names, so if she's unhappy, she's a grown woman and should be able to deal with it.


However, the friend and I had a huge fight and he beat the crap out of me. Yes, you read that right. He beat the crap out of me Monday night. Threw me through a window, and when I was down and bleeding badly he kicked me in the lower back, in the kidney. His mother was cheering him on. Yes you read that correctly, too. Telling him to teach me a lesson. Cops came, but he's an architect, a nice, level-headed guy! And she's a doctor! And he said he only moved out of the way when I ran at him, causing me to go through the window, not him throwing me into it. Doesn't really explain the lower back injury or me peeing blood all night. So cops say "Well, this is a domestic disturbance, so you all go back inside and we'll take her to the hospital".


Then they cuffed me. I'm bleeding all over the place, can't sit up because of the back pain, and they cuffed me because apparently he told them he was worried about my mental state and I might hurt myself. Know what happens when the cops show up at the hospital with someone in cuffs who "might hurt themselves"? That person gets to go on a Psych hold. I had the crap beat out of me and somehow I'm the insane one. I had to sit there while they cleaned me up, took blood and made me pee. When the pee came back RED a doctor looked at my back and said "Wait a minute, you can't do this to your own back. What happened tonight?" and finally they started listening to me. The Psychiatrist and the nurses and everyone were like "You are fine, not insane, we're so sorry, it's the cop's fault for bringing you in here like that". And then I got to go home, in a cab, in the middle of the night. Then, I got to come to work the next day and explain what happened to all of these people who know him and think he's a nice guy.


I think I'm still a little in shock. I can't process that this happened to me. In a million years I never thought I would ever be in handcuffs for anything. I'm a nice person, a law-abiding citizen. I never thought I'd have to proclaim my sanity in order not to have to go in the Psych ward. Thank God for that doctor noticing my back. Thank God.


This betrayal is monstrous. I have a restraining order all filled out, waiting to be filed. I am afraid to do it. The fact that he could lie so easily to the police means he will lie to the courts. Which will make me vulnerable.


I don't know what to do. I can't talk to anyone about this.

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What the court will take into consideration:


1. The witness is a doctor(physician right?). She has a long standing reputation in her community as a stable citizen.

2. He is a professional with no prior history.

3. You chose to go to his home on a matter you considered personal to confront him.

4. The incident t took place at his home not yours.

5. The police arrived and made an evaluation and took you to a psyche ward.

Doesn't look too good so far....people can do all sorts of things to themselves...including injuring themselves. I'm not trying to discourage you....but--you need to know what the law is looking at. Best wishes.

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True. You can press charges. File the restraining order.

I have a restraining order all filled out, waiting to be filed. I am afraid to do it. The fact that he could lie so easily to the police means he will lie to the courts. Which will make me vulnerable.
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Let it go. I used to work in the legal profession. The least that will happen is that you will be ignored. The worst? You find yourself back in the mental hospital or worse yet, jail. I love how people think things in our legal system are so fair. Not even.

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Unfortunately going to his home with his mother there to confront him turned out to be a quite a disastrous choice. This is why the cops cuffed and took you away rather than him, even though you were injured. Also if he and his mother both claimed you came there 'acting crazy' etc., sadly that's two against one.


Contact an attorney see what legal recourse would be your best option. This is too complicated for you to sort out without expert legal advice. Unfortunately they may follow up on this and sue you civilly as well as press criminal charges. Unfortunately whoever has the best legal representation can prevail, not necessarily who was more injured.

Then they cuffed me. I'm bleeding all over the place, can't sit up because of the back pain, and they cuffed me because apparently he told them he was worried about my mental state and I might hurt myself.
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Sue me civilly or criminally for what? I didn't lay a hand on either of them. I didn't go there to confront him, we are friends, I went to talk to my friend, not even about that. We talk every day. HE brought it up and when I said I wasn't going to recommend him anymore, he flipped. They have no cause to sue me.

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Sue me civilly or criminally for what? I didn't lay a hand on either of them. I didn't go there to confront him, we are friends, I went to talk to my friend, not even about that. We talk every day. HE brought it up and when I said I wasn't going to recommend him anymore, he flipped. They have no cause to sue me.


These people are not sane or reasonable, they are dangerous. He is not your friend, please recognize this at long last. Finally, you wouldn't be the first or last naive person to find out the hard way just how skewed our legal system is. Please at the very minimum consult with really good lawyer on how to protect yourself asap.

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Ok, I spoke to an attorney. She says with the documentation from the hospital, it would look very bad for him if he tried to sue me. He really doesn't have anything to sue me for, the cost of the broken glass if he claims I broke the window deliberately. Even then, even if his mother backs him up, it's still most likely that a judge will throw it out because I sustained injuries from that night that I could not have visited upon myself. Since his principal concern is his livelihood, he is going to be more concerned about how I can affect that, or how a bad court case could affect that. If I press charges and win, he will lose his architect license.


I know he's not my friend anymore. Friends don't do this to each other. I didn't see this coming but I'll never give him the opportunity to do something like it again.

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