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Is he just being protective or is he being a hypocrite and judgemental?

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I'm friends with this older man (he is 53 and I am 27). And yes we are just friends, nothing else. Now getting to the point of why I am posting.


He recently tells me that this girl who he was a step-father too when him and her mother dated a eons ago is getting married (she is only 2 or 3 years younger than me.) I said that was great, he more or less gave me a look that portrayed he was not happy about it, and I ask him what the problem was. He tells me that the guy who this girl is getting married too is in his 40s. I point out age is just a number, while he did agree with me he just did not understand why a young thing like her would want to be with a 40 year old who already has a kid.


I didn't say much of anything else and bit my tongue because I didn't want to say anything that might cause a argument or to offend him. Too me I think he is slightly hypocritical because he flirts with me at times and has hinted that he would like to date me.


Am I wrong in thinking he is a hypocrite or is he just being protective?

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He's watched her grow up. He's known her as a child. It's hard for him to see her as an adult. You? He met you as an adult.


I think that is a fairly normal reaction. It's hypocritical but it's not a huge deal. It's not like he's telling her not to do it or making a big fuss... he's having some feelings about it.

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I thought you said he was just a friend. Then you throw in at the end that he flirts and hints at dating you. So which is it? Is he a friend or a man romantically interested in you? Cause they aren't the same thing.


Anyways I don't think it's hypocritical at all unless he's dating down in terms of age by a large margin like that. Does he, has he?

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To itsallgrand I was making a comparison by what he was doing. He is just a friend, but is interested in me as more than that. But I've made it clear that I only see him as friend. It however doesn't stop him from flirting with me from time to time.


To Victoria66 she is 2 or 3 years younger (maybe even younger than that) we are not the same age. Just thought I clear that up.

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To Hermes, i'm not thinking about it too much I wasn't sure what to make of it. But I think rosephase is right. I wasn't looking at as he knew her growing up and he knew me as an adult, so I guess he was just being slightly protective of her.

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