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Why is he calling me if he is so "busy"?


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So I attached a link below for more background of this post but basically this guy I was seeing ended up telling me after three months that he is too busy working his four jobs and that he is just tired, after me asking if he wanted to end this situation on Tuesday. After I stomached his sorry ass excuse as to why we went a month without seeing and really talking to each other, I calmly and silently disconnected him from all of my social outlets that and stopped all comtact. Fast forward to today I posted a pic on IG and he liked it because my page is open. Then while I was at work he called me.


I have no idea why men do that but I am hoping someone can help me understand how he just can basically waste my time to say he's too busy for a relationship, and when I leave you to your business you want contact? This can't be a genuine move.


Fyi, a quick call or text goes a long way with me but he didn't even do that.





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I wouldn't worry too much about the "why"...because it doesn't matter. He can't/won't give you what you want, so he's not someone you should be giving head space to.


Block him and move on. Think about making your IG private...at least for a while.b don't waste any more time on this guy.


Good luck.

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Because he gets lonely and horny (if you've given him sex or he hopes you will) and so he tries to get with you, hoping you'll be okay with doing that and accepting his "I'm really busy" routine when you want anything more.


Bottom line, the guy wants to get laid, he's hoping to snow you. Because if he were really "that terribly busy" and didn't have time for a relationship then you're right, he wouldn't be calling you. But people got needs and he's hoping you'll fulfill his with the least amount of fuss and effort possible, so he can get those needs met then go back to his "busy" life secure that he has a booty call when he needs it.


If this suits you the more power to you, but don't think there's a relationship here. Otherwise block, delete, move on.

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It's very tempting to give people that disappear then suddenly re-appear a chance. More often than not they have excuses, not reasons why they didn't give you the time of day. Usually the reason is they just weren't into you. And for reasons, none good, they decide to contact you. The reality is they had their chance, and they shouldn't be given another one.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again. When a man wants you, you'll know. Everything else is just gamesmanship.

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