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Anyone tried Xanax after breakup?

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If it is doctor prescribed i don't think there's anything to worry about. You probably were prescribed the lowest dose (0.25 mg) which is enough to take the edge off and help you sleep but not leave you groggy/foggy/puffy upon awakening. You don't need to take it daily, unless that's what doc ordered. It doesn't lead to dependence as easily as other sedatives and your doctor most likely intended it as short-term treatment and has an easy plan to taper you off of it.


I only took it on occasion, during my mother's terminal ilness and never formed a dependence. It worked nicely for me and i had no trouble ditching it.


If you get more symptoms or they get worse make sure to bring it up with doc as there are a variety of other meds they could try, many of which are not necessarily taken daily, have a quick onset, and some are out of your system in hours. The "no commitment" meds were the only ones i found i could go with as i otherwise have a strong aversion to meds.


I'm sorry about your break-up, i can only imagine the shock of it. If you feel like it, vent it out here!


Xanax was not the least bit scary for me, just got me some much needed sleep on a few occasions.

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I feel for you, Birdchirp...


As someone who relied heavily on Ambien actually, I remember feeling so distraught, I couldn't eat or sleep. It became very unhealthy and I never would wish that on anyone. 18 years is a damn long time too, so I can only imagine your pain. I'm truly sorry and while I can't completely answer your question on Xanax, I can tell you from experience, ambien became an unhealthy addiction for me. It actually worked too well but from what I hear, Xanax is a lot more subtle in the right dose and not as habit forming, so you should be okay and also it should effect you well

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if you are super-wired maybe the dosage is too small. that said, it's possible it'll kick in later and i would not up the dosage without consulting a doctor or nurse.


i think mine used to kick in in about 15-20 minutes, but in the sense that i was less nervous by then. the sleepiness happened a bit later if i remember correctly.


you'll figure how long it usually takes to start yawning so you'll know what hour to take it to get into a regular sleeping routine again.


is it possible ambien would build one's tolerance for anxiolytics?

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Yes, the sleepiness comes probably about an hour after taking it to two hours.


I know with my Klonopin it takes about 45 minutes to an hour to start working but the tired sleepy feeling doesn't come until maybe 2 to 3 hours after taking it. Klonopin is a long acting sedative with a 12 hour half-life.

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I have used Xanax off and on and have never developed a dependance. It's lowest dose has a subtle effect and it's comparable to having a glass of wine. It takes the edge off.

It's fast acting and only lasts for approximately 5 hours.

I'm sorry you're having to go through this. Use whatever support that's offered and take care!

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I took Ativan, a different benzo for sleep problems. It helped me get to sleep, but not stay asleep(the half life is about 4 hours, similar to Xanax). So then we tried Klonopin...Which helped me stay asleep when I FELL asleep, but not fall asleep - lol. So anyhow, I'm on this as needed cocktail of Klonopin, Melatonin and Benadryl.


I wouldn't worry about taking benzos short term on an as-needed basis. As I have been doing Klonopin for a year with daily use, I will have to be tapered. But I did that before with 8mg of Ativan, and it wasn't so bad. I took Xanax on an as-needed basis years ago, and I remember .25 - .50 being just enough to help my body and mind wind down so I could get some rest. Not knock you out - Just relax a bit.


If you haven't already, go do something you find relaxing and let your body and mind decompress.

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"is it possible ambien would build one's tolerance for anxiolytics"


I only took one (expired) left over from a summer trip to the islands north of Scotland(sunshine most of the night). I finally fell asleep about 1am, after taking Xanax at 10pm. Try again tonight. I know I'll feel more human with more sleep!

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Thanks for the info! I did see a counselor today and she gave me some things to try to help me relax. The partner that dumped me actually organizes zen meditation retreats so I'll have nothing to do with that! Being outside is very helpful, though I will be sad to be leaving behind my lovely garden. Have to start planning the next one!

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Wow! Thanks for that link! Some my new counselor went over today, kinda a cram session to help me make it through the weekend, I see her again Tues. I need to find what works. I think my stress is compounded by having to move into my parents' old house. Though they are dead, that house was not a safe place for me. Thanks for your suggestion!

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It seems most people after a breakup will have sleep issues. I wake up very early every day after being dumped. I feel sorry for you, it must be really heartbroken that you constantly have 3 hours sleep..


My advice is dont rely on those pills. Short period, yes. but don't get addicted to it..

Maybe you can do some sports or some travels to distract yourself, and it also makes your body tired. For me, when my body's very tired, I can fall asleep fast. Good luck

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