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Why do people start dating before 50?


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The older you get the more you realise that you don't know as much as you thought you did. Problem with youth is that they think they know everything. Wrong. I waited until I was in my thirties till I got married (bad bad me!).

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I agree - no dating before 50!


Oh wait, have you seen the way in which many babyboomers date?


Many of them are divorced by now (i know I'm one), and they are making ALL the same mistakes they made when they were free spirited hippies.


Maybe we should outlaw dating until we're 70?

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hahahahhahaahhahaha you lot hahahahaha


and likewise jeff , I am just having my morning cuppa and mine came hurtling back out hahah


just one cat , to be fair I was on my way to being that lady , I had 3 cats , but just big george now . But I do think paradise must be sat in a room full of kittens ( I am making one of those ridiculous awwwww faces )

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My ex was 53 years old. He was the most emotionally-stunted individual I have ever met. Age is not a factor, background is. Younger ones have less baggage


funnily enough ....


when I left emilys father I was 33 he was 23 ... and the next man I met was in his 40's , I have always gone younger , so this was new territory for me ..a man in his 40's , he must be so experienced and mature with relationships and behaviour ..that was what I had thought in my head ...dear god he turned out to be the biggest "swear word" and bully I HAD AND HAVE ever met .

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funnily enough ....


when I left emilys father I was 33 he was 23 ... and the next man I met was in his 40's , I have always gone younger , so this was new territory for me ..a man in his 40's , he must be so experienced and mature with relationships and behaviour ..that was what I had thought in my head ...dear god he turned out to be the biggest "swear word" and bully I HAD AND HAVE ever met .

Yup! I had always gone younger, as well.


Many of the older ones are crazy makers!!!!

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My ex was 20 years older than me. Now 51. And he hasn't learned a thing in the ten years we were together. He sure is a sweet guy but he is very stubborn and always threw the 'I'm older than you so I should know better' card at me. Which drove me insane! And it still does.

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Lol! I was drinking and shot water out my nose when I read this!


Just one cat right? Or maybe crazy cat lady?




Hey don't knock it bobo. I have a cat and I'm single. I'm a crazy cat man lol. It helps me achieve my aim of not dating before I turn 50, 19 years from now.

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I just told CJ that according to some people on the internet, it's best to wait until you're 50 to start dating and that I think we need to take a break.

She agreed that it felt too soon and that be both need a couple more decades to get our lives sorted out.


We're going to meet up again in 2036 on my 50th birthday and see how we feel.



I'm just off to the rescue centre to pick up some cats. I'll just reverse the car in and ask them to fill it up.

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