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Nervous and paranoid ... is this normal?


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You are a couple. And I think (my opinion) you having to ask is going to seem like you are very, very insecure. He speaks to you daily. Do you think he does that with other women. He tames you to meet his friends, his ex...do you think he does that with other women?

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I think you want to know if he sees this going somewhere more serious or if this is a Miss Right For Now situation. There's a huge difference between him not seeing other women right now and telling you he doesn't plan on keeping his options open. If his friend offered to set him up on a date with a super hot woman tomorrow would he say no because he is seeing you exclusively?

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If you can have sex I don't see the big deal about talking about a relationship. Sex is the far bigger deal to me. And if I couldn't talk to a guy about my fundamental needs in dating, I would stop dating him.


Update: We went to a Bbq at his friends house. I was so nervous all night because I knew I was going to have the talk with him. When we got back to his place I finally asked him where he saw this going between us. He said that he was really happy with me and looked forward to seeing where this would be going. I then asked if he considered us a couple and said that he did and that it was weird to say GF because he hadn't said it since high school lol but he did say that he thought they we were together before I mentioned anything. So its official. We both said we were excited to where this would go

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You are a couple. And I think (my opinion) you having to ask is going to seem like you are very, very insecure. He speaks to you daily. Do you think he does that with other women. He tames you to meet his friends, his ex...do you think he does that with other women?


I did ask because we had never had the talk before and I wanted to know if we were on the same page. I don't see how that makes me look insecure. I feel like if we did have the talk and I asked again then that would make me look insecure. Once we had the talk I had no reason to doubt anything which was a huge relief

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I then asked if he considered us a couple and said that he did and that it was weird to say GF because he hadn't said it since high school lol but he did say that he thought they we were together before I mentioned anything.


I am happy for you. And as I said at the beginning of the thread -----the "are we a couple" at later life dating is implied. However, it is good that the clarity and title are making you happy.

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I did ask because we had never had the talk before and I wanted to know if we were on the same page. I don't see how that makes me look insecure. I feel like if we did have the talk and I asked again then that would make me look insecure. Once we had the talk I had no reason to doubt anything which was a huge relief


Great news! I'm glad that it turned out you were worrying over nothing. Imagine if you hadn't asked, you could still be fretting about this for weeks!

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