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Suggestions on where to meet men


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Hi all, as per the title, just looking for ideas of where to meet men. Sharing of personal experiences are more than welcome!


So far I've relied mainly on online dating (Ok Cupid, RSVP, POF - any other ones worth trying?), tried speed dating years ago and thought it's not for me, been to a social dancing event a couple of times which is good fun and I'll keep going, but from experience there is generally no eligible dating potentials there lol..


Considering link removed but not sure if it'd be any good? Anyone know anything about it, good or bad?


Not sure what else is there, I don't mind taking up new hobbies and joining activities, but feel like it'll be very much like the dance thing, any suggestions of activities/groups I could potentially take is also welcome.


Thanks guys

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I thought meet up would be good, but I am doubtful now.


I have met several quality men on line.


Like you, I'm interested in other ideas. The best i can come up with is doing what i like to do, and keeping myself open to random conversation.

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Because it feels like an inefficient use of my time, to meet women and men in whom I may have little interest. If I were interested in making lots of acquaintances, maybe I'd feel better about it.


Also, the man I had a crush on a year+ ago uses meet up as his shopping site, creating a vaguely false profile with which to create a false impression.


It reminded that the game is the same regardless of the venue.

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Because it feels like an inefficient use of my time, to meet women and men in whom I may have little interest. If I were interested in making lots of acquaintances, maybe I'd feel better about it.


I agree with this, that's also why I haven't put it on my priority list. I've joined groups and you can see the people signed up to go to events, I saw none that I was interested in lol


What's your take on speed dating? I've only tried it once years ago, and didn't like the format. Perhaps if any of the dating websites hold mix & mingle kind of events it might be worth going to. Which online dating websites do you use?

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I know of seven couples in my social circle who met through meetups. For me that's more than half of the couples I socialize with.


Two couples recently broke up. One couple just moved in together. Another has recently got very serious/are talking about marriage. Two of the couples are engaged (my fiance and I are one of those two engaged couples I mentioned.) And one couple recently got married.


Where I am, for folks between 25 and 45 meetups are great ways to meet folks and develop acquaintances that flow into relationships.


Our group mainly connected via trivia games, movie nights, potlucks, game nights, cultural events, dinners, house parties, dance lessons, and sports meetups.

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The meetups that I joined is NOT a dating site! In fact a lot of people are married couples. I joined a hiking/adventure group, and a kayaking meetup group. Where i met my guy friend of one year...but now he's joined Match and moving on! lol But i met a couple of great ladies and going kayaking with them.


A few guys are joining and thinking of it as a dating site. These few guys are real LOSERS, and we try to ignore them best we can. The girls are great! lol


Way more women then guys doing this stuff. I also joined a foody meetup. It was new. Out of 60 members...only 18 were men......so there ya go.


No men my age AT ALL! (unless you want psychos and weirdos)


I just looked at Match again today. NOPE. I'm giving up also!

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My feelings are, that link removed is NOT a dating site. It is a group of like minded people getting together to do things that you like to do...that you wouldn't want to do alone. We go to movies, out to eat, hike, go to the fair...basically, in our adventure group....it's whatever you want to do, you can make a 'meet' out of it!


A girl from our group, then split off and made a 50's plus womens group. They could be single or married. I think that is the main thing....the groups i joined were things i was interested in. There WAS a "singles" 25-35 group...but since I'm not in that age bracket...lol....


We always comment how many of the women are intelligent, good paying jobs, got their act together...and the few guys...lol...not so much!


So I'm open to learning/finding ways to meet OLDER men...but not so old they can't keep up with me!!


(And PLEASE...NOT the beer tent at the fair!! LOL)

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My feelings are, that link removed is NOT a dating site. It is a group of like minded people getting together to do things that you like to do...that you wouldn't want to do alone. We go to movies, out to eat, hike, go to the fair...basically, in our adventure group....it's whatever you want to do, you can make a 'meet' out of it!


This is very true. Work is also not a dating site.


But these are two places where people get the chance to meet, get to know each other, and mutual attraction can naturally flow into relationships.

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This is very true. Work is also not a dating site.


But these are two places where people get the chance to meet, get to know each other, and mutual attraction can naturally flow into relationships.


The man I recently posted about - still digging each other but only one date so far due to travel - I met at a business meeting. I later realized another man at a different meeting expressed interest in me by suggesting a cocktail. Went right over my head, twice. When I am working, I network as a primary business activity. I forget that some of us may be interested socially. Lol. If he were compelling maybe I would have noticed.

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Interesting opposite experiences from Ms Darcy and Realitynut, does it perhaps depend on the group you join and the activities etc?



MeetUp is definitely a mixed bag. It is not exclusively a dating site, but sometimes groups are created for singles to meet each other. I have joined singles MeetUp groups and platonic ones and have found that neither lead me to dating prospects. I agree with Realitynut that often the men that show up are often not like the intelligent got it together women that are in the group. I have made some interesting social acquaintances though.


Hmmm other places to meet men? I'm not sure. I posted a thread like this awhile back to get some new ideas and so far none of them are panning out. Perhaps we all need to accept the fact that men don't want to be met lol.

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I have met some men and had some dates via meetup. I met one dude that I was was dating and quite hopefull about until it came out that he lied about his marital situation. But regardless, I have met men and had a few dates on there in the past few months.


I have joined just activity groups and a 30-something social group that does have singles meetup events. Coincidently, I met another guy at the singles event, but he wasn't part of the group, haha, he just happened to be at the bar and I met him as I was getting ready to leave. He also turned out to be a douche and inspired my recent "what makes you a catch" thread.


So meetup can work, but I agree that it's a mixed bag. I think its good if you want to meet people in general, and maybe some single men too--but if you are not into hardcore dating...like I am only dating part-time, it's not my first priority so I am ok with not meeting a high volume of men right now.


Also, I mentioned on another thread a while ago--I always noticed tons of really fit dudes at the rock climbing gym. Also, if you have a dog (or have a friend who will let you borrow their dog) check out the local dog parks.


I think it might be a good idea to join a sports team, or some sort of sport thing too


Also, join some courses at your local college. I have been taking some courses and have met a few male acquaintences that way, nothing has come of it date wise, but I'm still meeting new people.


I have been hoping to meet some guys at my yoga studio, I love the yoga dudes But yoga dudes are rare, and the ones I have seen are usually with their GF's

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I always noticed tons of really fit dudes at the rock climbing gym. Also, if you have a dog (or have a friend who will let you borrow their dog) check out the local dog parks.


Lol @ borrowing a dog, hahaha...


Rock climbing sounds like a good idea!

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