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(Almost) Naked Selfies


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If someone posts pics of themself regularly on facebook with hardly any clothes on, do you think deep down this is a sign of insecurity?


I (sort of) know someone who does this. She posts tons of pics of her face, and changes her profile pic several times a week. But, she also posts a lot of pics of herself in her underwear. Sometimes she's in her bra and panties. Sometimes just panties, with one hand over her boobs and the other hand holding her phone. Her face is never shown in these pics. And she always adds captions like, "I love being me, I'm so awesome looking." or "If all women learned to love their bodies the world would be a better place." And she also says stuff like, "This is so brave of me to post this." And then a ton of people comment, saying things like, "Yes, you're so brave, you're so beautiful" etc.


She talks a lot about loving her body... but she has (what society has decided anyway) is a perfect body. She's petite, toned and has big boobs. So it's easy for someone who looks like that to love their body. If a 400 lb women did this everyone would think it was gross and think she was crazy for loving her body.


But, as I see these pics, the part of me who is really into psychology starts to wonder if deep down she is, in fact, really insecure. Does she really love her body or is she just seeking validation from others? What do you all think, discuss!


Disclaimer: I posted this in Off Topic for a reason. I AM NOT looking for advice. I don't need to read 5 pages of replies from people telling me "If it bothers you so much, just unfriend her." It doesn't even bother me really. It just makes me wonder about her motives, and since social networking has such a presence in our lives, I thought this would be an interesting topic for some of the people on this forum.

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If someone posts pics of themself regularly on facebook with hardly any clothes on, do you think deep down this is a sign of insecurity?

Probably as well as a person that has addiction to the attention of the opposite sex. Its rather pathetic in my estimation in any event.


Posting pics in one's underwear? Really?


How does she conduct herself in real life though? I guess that is what's actually important.

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I see no problem with it. But then again, i'm a overly horny guy that loves seeing hot women in next to nothing.


Lol... I'm a bisexual female, so I think the pics are hot too. But (as lame as it sounds) her "look at me, look at me" attitude kind of ruins it. Beautiful people who don't know they are beautiful are more of a turn on.

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I think overly sexual pictures of yourself scream insecurity and that you're looking for validation.


It would be different if you were a model or something, but if these are pictures you take yourself it's just weird.


She has done some "modeling." But all that consists of is posing for free for armature photographers. As far as I know she's never been paid to model. But she talks like she has.

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Probably as well as a person that has addiction to the attention of the opposite sex. Its rather pathetic in my estimation in any event.


Posting pics in one's underwear? Really?


How does she conduct herself in real life though? I guess that is what's actually important.


I've never actually met her. She is a friend of my boyfriend and some of my other friends. But from what I've heard people say about her, she acts really bipolar and can be all happy one minute and going off and throwing a fit the next.

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I know this girl. She's gorgeous. She's Hispanic and white and has beautiful traits from both races. She has a perfect hourglass figure with a teeny waist, big hips, large boobs and a large behind. And she flaunts it. Everyday. She's even posted pictures of literally just her breasts. Posted pictures in her bra, posted pictures in barely there booty shorts. Like you said, if I was a guy, that would personally ruin it for me. The whole fake "cockyness" that we really know it's probably just insecurity.

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The whole fake "cockyness" that we really know it's probably just insecurity.
Yep. If she was truly happy with herself and her life, she wouldn't feel the need for *everyone* else to agree with her that she's perfect and brave and pretty and ________. I think that any time someone says something like what this woman is posting ("I'm so brave!"), what they really mean is that they feel the opposite.


And exactly how brave is it to post flattering photos of yourself when you're young and buff? If she can still post half nekkid selfies when she's 65 and had three children by caesarian, then I'll say she's brave... but only so long as she hasn't tried to put those words in my mouth first with her own captions.

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I agree with Lorem. A woman I know who posted photos like that ended up divorced (not because of the photos but because her exhibitionistic behavior led to cheating I guess). I unfriended her because I was afraid my child would see the photos on my Facebook. I don't think what your friend is doing has anything to do with social networking. Some women choose to flaunt their bodies and Facebook is one of many ways they can do that. It probably is about insecurity and needing to brag. Sad.

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OR she just likes taking pictures.


Who the hell knows. I think analyzing someones behavior without actually knowing anything about their intellect or their person is a bit much. I have friends that change their profiles ALL the time, and then I have those that haven't changed their profile pic in what seems like forever! Some people post a ton of pictures and some hardly any. I don't really judge people based on their picture or how many their post.

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Self confidence in body is great and all, but considering the platform... It seems to go along the validating route. I mean, I must confess, I have no problem with being nude and going to nudists' places, but I hardly reveal that tidbit about me to the world or on Facebook because it's not a sexual thing to me and I don't want to be viewed as such.


I don't know the person well enough, yes, but.... I do wonder what's the point of posting it on Facebook?

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I don't think assuming someone is probably insecure or looking for validation because they post overly sexual nearly nude pictures on a daily basis on a shallow social network that is mostly just used for likes and popularity is being over analytical.

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I was agreeing thAt it's shallow and for attention typically thatwasthen!


... just re-read what you said, My bad, Bah.


Good question though: Those that don't think people post pics of themselves in their underwear are doing it because they are insecure and need the validation... What DO you think they do it for? Why do those that do that (that are reading this thread) do it?


Some people post a ton of pictures and some hardly any. I don't really judge people based on their picture or how many their post.
It's the dynamic of the picture I'm debating and not so much how often they change the picture or how many they post. So: Why do you think they post pics of themselves in the nude then, petite?
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I think it's really tacky to post pictures of yourself in your underwear. Some things should be private. (I also do not like it when couples post pictures of themselves making out.)


Even fully dressed selfies, all the time ... Why? I love seeing pictures people post of funny, interesting things, of them out doing something, of their family - lots of things, really! But just a selfie, I'm not really interested.

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... just re-read what you said, My bad, Bah.


Good question though: Those that don't think people post pics of themselves in their underwear are doing it because they are insecure and need the validation... What DO you think they do it for? Why do those that do that (that are reading this thread) do it?


It's the dynamic of the picture I'm debating and not so much how often they change the picture or how many they post. So: Why do you think they post pics of themselves in the nude then, petite?


I have never seen any of my friends post pictures of themselves naked, or even in underwear. In bikini yes, underwear - no. People travel and post pictures in the pool, by the pool at the beach in a bikini. I don't see a problem with that and frankly don't spend too much time looking at peoples photos to analyze why they might be posting a bikini shot on facebook. for all I know they might be really enjoying their holiday.


It's also possible to turn the table around and say hmmm those people that hide their bodes behind big loose sweaters are insecure and are trying to hide things they might not like about their bodies. why do people flaunt pictures of their homes on facebook, new cars, hundreds of vacation pictures. Could it be that they want others to be jealous of their travels, homes, cas, possessions? Every situation can be twisted and turned.

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Lol... I'm a bisexual female, so I think the pics are hot too. But (as lame as it sounds) her "look at me, look at me" attitude kind of ruins it. Beautiful people who don't know they are beautiful are more of a turn on.


Most beautiful people know that they are beautiful.


As they say, "If you got it, flaunt it". And if you don't, wear a shirt to the beach.

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It can be a sign of insecurity... or it could be that she's just really proud of who she is/what she looks like and really likes the positive attention.


Would have to know the girl to say for sure, but I wouldn't say it's automatically a sign of insecurity.

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I know this girl. She's gorgeous. She's Hispanic and white and has beautiful traits from both races. She has a perfect hourglass figure with a teeny waist, big hips, large boobs and a large behind. And she flaunts it. Everyday. She's even posted pictures of literally just her breasts. Posted pictures in her bra, posted pictures in barely there booty shorts. Like you said, if I was a guy, that would personally ruin it for me. The whole fake "cockyness" that we really know it's probably just insecurity.


If you were a guy. But your not. Your a woman.


I personally would like the meet this latin lady you know. Preferably from a distance, so that I don't get pepper sprayed or anything.

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I think it's really tacky to post pictures of yourself in your underwear. Some things should be private. (I also do not like it when couples post pictures of themselves making out.)


Even fully dressed selfies, all the time ... Why? I love seeing pictures people post of funny, interesting things, of them out doing something, of their family - lots of things, really! But just a selfie, I'm not really interested.


I once had my FB profile picture set to... me, but converted to anime look. It seriously looked eerily close, lol.

Idk, I'd think when one goes out, taking a picture is hard for some people. Like me, I guess. I never think about the camera and hardly use it.

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It can be a sign of insecurity... or it could be that she's just really proud of who she is/what she looks like and really likes the positive attention.


Would have to know the girl to say for sure, but I wouldn't say it's automatically a sign of insecurity.


yeah, I wouldn't want to jump to conclusions either, but I'll have my reservations.

The way I see it though... If this girl in question is in a tight-fitting fitness outfit to flaunt it, then okay. It makes sense. In underwear and bra? Gives off a sexual connotation.

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why do people flaunt pictures of their homes on facebook, new cars, hundreds of vacation pictures. Could it be that they want others to be jealous of their travels, homes, cas, possessions?
In some cases, yes. I think there's a difference, though, between "we just bought this house, we're so excited!" and "we just bought this house, isn't it awesome!" -- a difference between sharing news and seeking validation for what's going on with you. Not to mention scope and frequency. You post a mostly naked selfie with a quote like the ones originally demonstrated and you're not sharing or encouraging others, you're asking for others to give you pats on the back. Once, twice maybe even a few times, you're probably OK because everyone wants to be liked/hear nice things about themselves. If it's something you're doing all. the. time. you're passing the "normal" person's wish for some validation and turning into something you *need* to survive.
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